Changeset: 0828b8aefe2e for MonetDB
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Remove crackUnorderedZero from and

diffs (140 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/crackers/ 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/crackers/
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/crackers/
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ typedef struct {
  * @- Exported signatures
 @= MultiCoreUnorderedFunctions_decl
-crackers_export str CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel_@1 (int *res, int *bid, @1 
 crackers_export str CRKcrackUnorderedThreeParallel_@1 (int *res, int *bid, @1 
*low, @1 *hgh);
  * @- Signatures shared within the crackers module/library
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ crackers_export str CRKcrackUnorderedThr
 @= crackInTwoUnorderedPieces_decl
-str CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel_@2_@1( BAT *b, @1 mval, oid first, oid last, 
oid *pos);
 str CRKscanUnorderedZeroParallel_@2_@1( BAT *b, @1 *temp_array, oid 
*temp_array_oid, @1 mval, oid first, oid last, int nthreads, int *data_less, 
int *data_greater);
 str CRKreorganizeUnorderedZeroParallel_@2_@1( BAT *b, @1 *temp_array, oid 
*temp_array_oid, @1 mval, oid first, oid last, int nthreads, int *data_less, 
int *data_greater);
 str CRKrestoreUnorderedZeroParallel_@2_@1( BAT *b, @1 *temp_array, oid 
*temp_array_oid, @1 mval, oid first, oid last, int nthreads, int *data_less, 
int *data_greater, oid *pos);
@@ -139,26 +137,6 @@ str CRKcrackUnorderedThreeCopyParallel_@
 @= MultiCoreUnorderedFunctions_impl
-CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel_@1 (int *res, int *bid, @1 *mid){
-        BAT *b;
-        str msg;
-       oid pos;
-        if ((b = BATdescriptor(*bid)) == NULL)
-                throw(MAL, "crackers.crack_zeroUnordered", "Cannot access 
-        /* set bounds for the iterator */
-       /* if( sizeof(struct SCRATCH{ oid hdummy; @1 tdummy; } ) != BUNsize(b) )
-                throw(MAL, "crackers.crack_zeroUnordered", "Need more clever 
mapping ");
-       */
-        msg = CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel_LE_@1( b, *mid,(BUN) 0, 
BATcount(b)-1, &pos);
-        BBPkeepref(b->batCacheid);
-        *res = *bid;
-        return msg;
 CRKcrackUnorderedThreeParallel_@1 (int *res, int *bid, @1 *low, @1 *hgh){
         BAT *b;
         str msg;
@@ -183,58 +161,6 @@ CRKcrackUnorderedThreeParallel_@1 (int *
  * @- Functions shared within the crackers module/library
 @= crackInTwoUnorderedPieces_impl
-CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel_@2_@1( BAT *b, @1 mval, BUN first, BUN last, oid 
-        @1  *ft, *lt, *t0;
-       oid *fh, *lh;
-        oid hdummy;
-        @1 tdummy;
-        /* set bounds for the iterator */
-        t0 = (@1 *)Tloc(b, BUNfirst(b));
-        ft = (@1 *)Tloc(b, BUNfirst(b) + first);
-        lt = (@1 *)Tloc(b, BUNfirst(b) + last);
-        fh = (oid*)Hloc(b, BUNfirst(b) + first);
-        lh = (oid*)Hloc(b, BUNfirst(b) + last);
-        while(ft<lt) {
-                if (@5_@3(ft, &mval,@6@1)){
-                        ft++; fh++;
-               }
-                else {
-                        while( @5_@4(lt, &mval,@6@1) && lt>ft){
-                                lt--; lh--;
-                       }
-                        @:shuffle(@1,ft,lt,fh,lh)@
-                        lt--;lh--;
-                        ft++;fh++;
-                }
-        }
-       if (lt == ft) {
-               if (@5_@4(lt, &mval,@6@1)){
-                       if (lt==t0) 
-                               *pos = (oid) BUNfirst(b);
-                       else    
-                               *pos = (oid) (lt - t0) - 1; /*works for empty 
left piece also*/
-               }
-               else{
-                       *pos = (oid) (lt - t0); 
-                       if (*pos==last) /*empty right piece*/
-                               *pos = *pos + 1;
-               }
-       }
-       else{
-               if (lt > t0)
-                       *pos = (oid) (lt - t0);
-               else
-                       *pos = (oid) BUNfirst(b);
-       }               
-        return MAL_SUCCEED;
 CRKscanUnorderedZeroParallel_@2_@1(BAT *b, @1 *temp_array, oid 
*temp_array_oid, @1 mval, oid first, oid last, int nthreads, int *data_less, 
int *data_greater)
        int i;
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/crackers/ 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/crackers/
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/crackers/
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ CRKparalleluselectBounds_@1(int *vid, in
        /*CRACK in two pieces cl1-ch1 using >incLow bound*/
        if (*inclusiveLow == TRUE)
-               //CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel@2_RE_@1(b,*low, cl1, ch1,&vl);
                CRKscanUnorderedZeroParallel@2_RE_@1(b, pl_new, pl_new_oid, 
*low, cl1, ch1, nthreads, p_data_less, p_data_greater);
                pl_new=(int *)malloc((ch1-cl1) * sizeof(int));
                pl_new_oid=(oid *)malloc((ch1-cl1) * sizeof(oid));
@@ -142,7 +141,6 @@ CRKparalleluselectBounds_@1(int *vid, in
-               //CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel@2_LE_@1(b,*low, cl1, ch1,&vl);
                CRKscanUnorderedZeroParallel@2_LE_@1(b, pl_new, pl_new_oid, 
*low, cl1, ch1, nthreads, p_data_less, p_data_greater);
                pl_new=(int *)malloc((ch1-cl1) * sizeof(int));
                pl_new_oid=(oid *)malloc((ch1-cl1) * sizeof(oid));
@@ -167,7 +165,6 @@ CRKparalleluselectBounds_@1(int *vid, in
        /*CRACK in two pieces cl2-ch2 using <incHgh bound*/
        if (*inclusiveHgh == TRUE)
-               //CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel@2_LE_@1(b,*hgh, cl2, ch2,&vh);
                CRKscanUnorderedZeroParallel@2_LE_@1(b, pr_new, pr_new_oid, 
*hgh, cl2, ch2, nthreads, p_data_less, p_data_greater);
                pr_new=(int *)malloc((ch2-cl2) * sizeof(int));
                pr_new_oid=(oid *)malloc((ch2-cl2) * sizeof(oid));
@@ -176,7 +173,6 @@ CRKparalleluselectBounds_@1(int *vid, in
-               //CRKcrackUnorderedZeroParallel@2_RE_@1(b,*hgh, cl2, ch2,&vh);
                CRKscanUnorderedZeroParallel@2_RE_@1(b, pr_new, pr_new_oid, 
*hgh, cl2, ch2, nthreads, p_data_less, p_data_greater);
                pr_new=(int *)malloc((ch2-cl2) * sizeof(int));
                pr_new_oid=(oid *)malloc((ch2-cl2) * sizeof(oid));
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