Changeset: cbde82c8ce68 for MonetDB
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Branch: rdf
Log Message:

SQL procedure to create a subschema

diffs (truncated from 727 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfretrieval.c 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfretrieval.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfretrieval.c
@@ -24,65 +24,25 @@
 #include "rdflabels.h"
-char** initAdjacencyMatrix(int csCount) {
-       char    **matrix = NULL; // matrix[from][to]
-       int     i, j;
-       matrix = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * csCount);
-       if (!matrix) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < csCount; ++i) {
-               matrix[i] = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char *) * csCount);
-               if (!matrix) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't realloc 
-               for (j = 0; j < csCount; ++j) {
-                       matrix[i][j] = 0;
-               }
+int edgeExists(long int from, long int to, long int* adjacency_from, long int* 
adjacency_to, int adjacencyCount) {
+       int     i;
+       for (i = 0; i < adjacencyCount; ++i) {
+               if (adjacency_from[i] == from && adjacency_to[i] == to) return 
-       return matrix;
+       return 0;
-void createAdjacencyMatrix(char** matrix, CSset* freqCSset, CSmergeRel* 
csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet) {
-       int     i, j, k;
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               if (freqCSset->items[i].parentFreqIdx != -1) continue; // ignore
-               for (j = 0; j < freqCSset->items[i].numProp; ++j) { // propNo 
in CS order
-                       // check foreign key frequency
-                       int sum = 0;
-                       for (k = 0; k < csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet[i].numRef; 
++k) {
-                               if (csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet[i].lstPropId[k] == 
freqCSset->items[i].lstProp[j]) {
-                                       sum += 
-                               }
-                       }
-                       for (k = 0; k < csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet[i].numRef; 
++k) { // propNo in CSrel
-                               if (csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet[i].lstPropId[k] == 
freqCSset->items[i].lstProp[j]) {
-                                       int to = 
-                                       if (i == to) continue; // ignore self 
-                                       if ((int) (100.0 * 
csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet[i].lstCnt[k] / sum + 0.5) < FK_FREQ_THRESHOLD) 
continue; // foreign key is not frequent enough
-                                       matrix[i][to] = 1;
-                               }
-                       }       
-               }
-       }
-NodeStat* initNodeStats(CSset* freqCSset) {
+NodeStat* initNodeStats1(long int* table_freq, int tableCount) {
        NodeStat*       nodeStats = NULL;
        int             i;
-       nodeStats = (NodeStat *) malloc(sizeof(NodeStat) * 
+       nodeStats = (NodeStat *) malloc(sizeof(NodeStat) * tableCount);
        if (!nodeStats) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               if (freqCSset->items[i].parentFreqIdx != -1) continue; // ignore
-               nodeStats[i].origWeight = freqCSset->items[i].support;
-               nodeStats[i].weight = freqCSset->items[i].support; // weight = 
+       for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
+               nodeStats[i].origWeight = table_freq[i];
+               nodeStats[i].weight = table_freq[i]; // weight = origWeight
                nodeStats[i].steps = -1;
                nodeStats[i].predecessor = -1;
@@ -91,30 +51,11 @@ NodeStat* initNodeStats(CSset* freqCSset
-NodeStat* initNodeStats23(CSset* freqCSset) {
-       NodeStat*       nodeStats = NULL;
-       int             i;
-       nodeStats = (NodeStat *) malloc(sizeof(NodeStat) * 
-       if (!nodeStats) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               if (freqCSset->items[i].parentFreqIdx != -1) continue; // ignore
-               nodeStats[i].origWeight = freqCSset->items[i].support;
-               nodeStats[i].weight = 0;
-               nodeStats[i].steps = -1; // not used
-               nodeStats[i].predecessor = 0; // not used
-       }
-       return nodeStats;
-void bfs1(int root, CSset* freqCSset, char** adjacencyMatrix, int* queue, int* 
visited, int* isInQueue, int* queuePosition, int* queueLength, NodeStat* 
nodeStats) {
+void bfs1(int root, long int* table_id, int tableCount, long int* 
adjacency_from, long int* adjacency_to, int adjacencyCount, int* queue, int* 
visited, int* isInQueue, int* queuePosition, int* queueLength, NodeStat* 
nodeStats) {
        int     i;
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               if (adjacencyMatrix[root][i]) {
+       for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
+               if (edgeExists(table_id[root], table_id[i], adjacency_from, 
adjacency_to, adjacencyCount)) {
                        if (nodeStats[i].steps == -1) {
                                // no previous path to this node
                                nodeStats[i].weight = nodeStats[root].weight + 
@@ -160,7 +101,7 @@ void bfs1(int root, CSset* freqCSset, ch
                        if (!visited[i] && !isInQueue[i]) {
                                // add to queue
-                               queue[((*queueLength + *queuePosition) % 
freqCSset->numCSadded)] = i;
+                               queue[((*queueLength + *queuePosition) % 
tableCount)] = i;
                                *queueLength += 1;
                                isInQueue[i] = 1;
@@ -169,26 +110,26 @@ void bfs1(int root, CSset* freqCSset, ch
        if (*queueLength > 0) {
-               visited[queue[(*queuePosition % freqCSset->numCSadded)]] = 1;
-               isInQueue[queue[(*queuePosition % freqCSset->numCSadded)]] = 0;
+               visited[queue[(*queuePosition % tableCount)]] = 1;
+               isInQueue[queue[(*queuePosition % tableCount)]] = 0;
                *queuePosition += 1;
                *queueLength -= 1;
-               bfs1(queue[((*queuePosition + freqCSset->numCSadded - 1) % 
freqCSset->numCSadded)], freqCSset, adjacencyMatrix, queue, visited, isInQueue, 
queuePosition, queueLength, nodeStats);
+               bfs1(queue[((*queuePosition + tableCount - 1) % tableCount)], 
table_id, tableCount, adjacency_from, adjacency_to, adjacencyCount, queue, 
visited, isInQueue, queuePosition, queueLength, nodeStats);
-void addNode1(char** adjacencyMatrix, NodeStat* nodeStats, CSset* freqCSset, 
int root, char initial) {
-       int     queue[freqCSset->numCSadded]; // cyclic array
-       int     visited[freqCSset->numCSadded];
-       int     isInQueue[freqCSset->numCSadded];
+void addNode1(long int* adjacency_from, long int* adjacency_to, int 
adjacencyCount, NodeStat* nodeStats, long int* table_id, int tableCount, int 
root, char initial) {
+       int     queue[tableCount]; // cyclic array
+       int     visited[tableCount];
+       int     isInQueue[tableCount];
        int     queuePosition; // next element in queue to view at
        int     queueLength;
        int     pathId, pathIdTmp;
        int     i;
        // init
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
+       for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
                queue[i] = -1;
                visited[i] = 0;
                isInQueue[i] = 0;
@@ -227,11 +168,11 @@ void addNode1(char** adjacencyMatrix, No
                assert(steps == i);
-       bfs1(root, freqCSset, adjacencyMatrix, queue, visited, isInQueue, 
&queuePosition, &queueLength, nodeStats);
+       bfs1(root, table_id, tableCount, adjacency_from, adjacency_to, 
adjacencyCount, queue, visited, isInQueue, &queuePosition, &queueLength, 
-int* retrieval1(int root, int numNodesMax, int* numNodesActual, CSset* 
freqCSset, CSmergeRel* csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet) {
-       char            **adjacencyMatrix = NULL;
+int* retrieval1(int root, int numNodesMax, int* numNodesActual, long int* 
table_id, str* table_name, long int* table_freq, int tableCount, long int* 
adjacency_from, long int* adjacency_to, int adjacencyCount) {
        NodeStat        *nodeStats = NULL;
        int             numNodes;
        int             *chosenNodes = NULL;
@@ -245,21 +186,18 @@ int* retrieval1(int root, int numNodesMa
        chosenNodes = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * numNodesMax);
        if (!chosenNodes) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
-       adjacencyMatrix = initAdjacencyMatrix(freqCSset->numCSadded);
-       createAdjacencyMatrix(adjacencyMatrix, freqCSset, 
-       nodeStats = initNodeStats(freqCSset);
+       nodeStats = initNodeStats1(table_freq, tableCount);
        numNodes = 1;
        // add root node
-       addNode1(adjacencyMatrix, nodeStats, freqCSset, root, 1);
+       addNode1(adjacency_from, adjacency_to, adjacencyCount, nodeStats, 
table_id, tableCount, root, 1);
        // add nodes
        while (numNodes < numNodesMax) {
                // get top node (highest fraction (weight/steps))
                int top = -1;
-               for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
+               for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
                        int topWeight, testWeight;
-                       if (freqCSset->items[i].parentFreqIdx != -1) continue; 
// ignore
                        if (nodeStats[i].steps == -1) continue; // non-reachable
                        if (nodeStats[i].steps == 0) continue; // already chosen
                        if (numNodes + nodeStats[i].steps > numNodesMax) 
continue; // path too long
@@ -275,36 +213,30 @@ int* retrieval1(int root, int numNodesMa
                if (top == -1) break; // not enough nodes found
                numNodes += nodeStats[top].steps;
-               addNode1(adjacencyMatrix, nodeStats, freqCSset, top, 0); // add 
+               addNode1(adjacency_from, adjacency_to, adjacencyCount, 
nodeStats, table_id, tableCount, top, 0); // add node(s)
        // store list of chosen nodes
        j = 0; // counter for chosenNodes[]
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               if (freqCSset->items[i].parentFreqIdx != -1) continue; // ignore
+       for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
                if (nodeStats[i].steps != 0) continue; // non-chosen
                chosenNodes[j++] = i;
-               printf("CS "BUNFMT"\n", freqCSset->items[i].csId);
+               printf("CS %s\n", table_name[i]);
        // statistics
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               if (freqCSset->items[i].parentFreqIdx != -1) continue; // ignore
+       for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
                csCount += 1;
-               sumSubjects += freqCSset->items[i].support;
+               sumSubjects += table_freq[i];
                if (nodeStats[i].steps == 0) {
-                       sumChosenSubjects += freqCSset->items[i].support;
+                       sumChosenSubjects += table_freq[i];
        printf("%d out of %d (%f %%) using %d out of %d tables (%f %%)\n", 
sumChosenSubjects, sumSubjects, (100.00 * sumChosenSubjects) / sumSubjects, 
numNodes, csCount, (100.00 * numNodes) / csCount);
        // free
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               free(adjacencyMatrix[i]);
-       }
-       free(adjacencyMatrix);
        *numNodesActual = numNodes;
@@ -312,7 +244,25 @@ int* retrieval1(int root, int numNodesMa
-void assignWeightToChildren2(char** adjacencyMatrix, NodeStat* nodeStats, 
CSset* freqCSset, int root) {
+NodeStat* initNodeStats23(long int* table_freq, int tableCount) {
+       NodeStat*       nodeStats = NULL;
+       int             i;
+       nodeStats = (NodeStat *) malloc(sizeof(NodeStat) * tableCount);
+       if (!nodeStats) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
+       for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
+               nodeStats[i].origWeight = table_freq[i];
+               nodeStats[i].weight = 0;
+               nodeStats[i].steps = -1; // not used
+               nodeStats[i].predecessor = 0; // not used
+       }
+       return nodeStats;
+void assignWeightToChildren2(long int* adjacency_from, long int* adjacency_to, 
int adjacencyCount, NodeStat* nodeStats, long int* table_id, int tableCount, 
int root) {
        int             i, j;
        // mark root as a "chosen node"
@@ -320,12 +270,12 @@ void assignWeightToChildren2(char** adja
        nodeStats[root].weight = 0;
        // set summed weight for children
-       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++i) {
-               if (adjacencyMatrix[root][i]) {
+       for (i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i) {
+               if (edgeExists(table_id[root], table_id[i], adjacency_from, 
adjacency_to, adjacencyCount)) {
                        if (nodeStats[i].steps == 0) continue; // already in 
                        nodeStats[i].weight = 0;
-                       for (j = 0; j < freqCSset->numCSadded; ++j) {
-                               if (adjacencyMatrix[i][j]) {
+                       for (j = 0; j < tableCount; ++j) {
+                               if (edgeExists(table_id[i], table_id[j], 
adjacency_from, adjacency_to, adjacencyCount)) {
                                        if (nodeStats[j].steps == 0) continue; 
// already in list
                                        nodeStats[i].weight += 
@@ -335,8 +285,8 @@ void assignWeightToChildren2(char** adja
-int* retrieval2(int root, int numNodesMax, int* numNodesActual, CSset* 
freqCSset, CSmergeRel* csRelBetweenMergeFreqSet) {
-       char            **adjacencyMatrix = NULL;
+int* retrieval2(int root, int numNodesMax, int* numNodesActual, long int* 
table_id, str* table_name, long int* table_freq, int tableCount, long int* 
adjacency_from, long int* adjacency_to, int adjacencyCount) {
        NodeStat        *nodeStats = NULL;
        int             numNodes;
        int             *chosenNodes = NULL;
@@ -350,20 +300,18 @@ int* retrieval2(int root, int numNodesMa
        chosenNodes = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * numNodesMax);
        if (!chosenNodes) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't malloc memory!\n");
-       adjacencyMatrix = initAdjacencyMatrix(freqCSset->numCSadded);
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