Changeset: dee4d23f51ab for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Feb2013
Log Message:

Fix for one of the problems in bug 3323.
Once the heap cache was full, it was never used anymore.  When we want
to find a cache file for use, it only matters whether there are any in
the cache, not whether the cache is full.

diffs (120 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_heap.c b/gdk/gdk_heap.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_heap.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_heap.c
@@ -149,66 +149,63 @@ HEAPcacheFind(size_t *maxsz, char *fn, s
        *maxsz = (1 + (*maxsz >> 16)) << 16;    /* round up to 64K */
        MT_lock_set(&HEAPcacheLock, "HEAPcache_init");
-       if (hc && mode == STORE_MMAP && hc->used < hc->sz) {
+       if (hc && mode == STORE_MMAP && hc->used > 0) {
+               int i;
+               heap_cache_e *e = NULL;
+               size_t cursz = 0;
                HEAPDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#HEAPcacheFind (%s)" SZFMT " %d 
%d\n", fn, *maxsz, (int) mode, hc->used);
-               if (hc->used) {
-                       int i;
-                       heap_cache_e *e = NULL;
-                       size_t cursz = 0;
+               /* find best match: prefer smallest larger than or
+                * equal to requested, otherwise largest smaller than
+                * requested */
+               for (i = 0; i < hc->used; i++) {
+                       if ((hc->hc[i].maxsz >= *maxsz &&
+                            (e == NULL || hc->hc[i].maxsz < cursz || cursz < 
*maxsz)) ||
+                           (hc->hc[i].maxsz < *maxsz &&
+                            cursz < *maxsz &&
+                            hc->hc[i].maxsz > cursz)) {
+                               e = hc->hc + i;
+                               cursz = e->maxsz;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (e != NULL && e->maxsz < *maxsz) {
+                       /* resize file ? */
+                       long_str fn;
-                       /* find best match: prefer smallest larger
-                        * than or equal to requested, otherwise
-                        * largest smaller than requested */
-                       for (i = 0; i < hc->used; i++) {
-                               if ((hc->hc[i].maxsz >= *maxsz &&
-                                    (e == NULL || hc->hc[i].maxsz < cursz || 
cursz < *maxsz)) ||
-                                   (hc->hc[i].maxsz < *maxsz &&
-                                    cursz < *maxsz &&
-                                    hc->hc[i].maxsz > cursz)) {
-                                       e = hc->hc + i;
-                                       cursz = e->maxsz;
-                               }
+                       GDKfilepath(fn, HCDIR, e->fn, NULL);
+                       if (GDKextend(fn, *maxsz) == 0) {
+                               void *base = GDKload(fn, NULL, *maxsz, *maxsz, 
+                               GDKmunmap(e->base, e->maxsz);
+                               e->base = base;
+                               e->maxsz = *maxsz;
+                       } else {
+                               /* extending may have failed */
+                               e = NULL;
-                       if (e != NULL && e->maxsz < *maxsz) {
-                               /* resize file ? */
-                               long_str fn;
+               }
+               if (e != NULL) {
+                       /* move cached heap to its new location */
+                       base = e->base;
+                       *maxsz = e->maxsz;
+                       if (GDKmove(HCDIR, e->fn, NULL, BATDIR, fn, NULL) < 0) {
+                               /* try to create the directory, if
+                                * that was the problem */
+                               char path[PATHLENGTH];
-                               GDKfilepath(fn, HCDIR, e->fn, NULL);
-                               if (GDKextend(fn, *maxsz) == 0) {
-                                       void *base = GDKload(fn, NULL, *maxsz, 
*maxsz, STORE_MMAP);
-                                       GDKmunmap(e->base, e->maxsz);
-                                       e->base = base;
-                                       e->maxsz = *maxsz;
-                               } else {
-                                       /* extending may have
-                                        * failed */
+                               GDKfilepath(path, BATDIR, fn, NULL);
+                               GDKcreatedir(path);
+                               if (GDKmove(HCDIR, e->fn, NULL, BATDIR, fn, 
NULL) < 0)
                                        e = NULL;
-                               }
-                       if (e != NULL) {
-                               /* move cached heap to its new location */
-                               base = e->base;
-                               *maxsz = e->maxsz;
-                               if (GDKmove(HCDIR, e->fn, NULL, BATDIR, fn, 
NULL) < 0) {
-                                       /* try to create the directory, if
-                                        * that was the problem */
-                                       char path[PATHLENGTH];
-                                       GDKfilepath(path, BATDIR, fn, NULL);
-                                       GDKcreatedir(path);
-                                       if (GDKmove(HCDIR, e->fn, NULL, BATDIR, 
fn, NULL) < 0)
-                                               e = NULL;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (e != NULL) {
-                               hc->used--;
-                               i = (int) (e - hc->hc);
-                               if (i < hc->used) {
-                                       e->base = hc->hc[hc->used].base;
-                                       e->maxsz = hc->hc[hc->used].maxsz;
-                                       GDKmove(HCDIR, hc->hc[hc->used].fn, 
NULL, HCDIR, e->fn, NULL);
-                               }
+               }
+               if (e != NULL) {
+                       hc->used--;
+                       i = (int) (e - hc->hc);
+                       if (i < hc->used) {
+                               e->base = hc->hc[hc->used].base;
+                               e->maxsz = hc->hc[hc->used].maxsz;
+                               GDKmove(HCDIR, hc->hc[hc->used].fn, NULL, 
HCDIR, e->fn, NULL);
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