Changeset: a1afb5cdfd97 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Implemented upgrade from Feb2013 branch to current branch.

diffs (truncated from 715 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_scenario.c
@@ -642,6 +642,91 @@ sql_update_feb2013_sp3(Client c)
        return err;             /* usually MAL_SUCCEED */
+static str
+sql_update_oct2013(Client c)
+       char *buf = GDKmalloc(10240), *err = NULL;
+       size_t bufsize = 10240, pos = 0;
+       char *fullname;
+       FILE *fp1 = NULL, *fp2 = NULL, *fp3 = NULL;
+       ValRecord *schvar = stack_get_var(((backend *) c->sqlcontext)->mvc, 
+       char *schema = NULL;
+       if (schvar)
+               schema = strdup(schvar->val.sval);
+       snprintf(buf, bufsize, "createdb%c15_querylog", DIR_SEP);
+       if ((fullname = MSP_locate_sqlscript(buf, 1)) != NULL) {
+               fp1 = fopen(fullname, "r");
+               GDKfree(fullname);
+       }
+       snprintf(buf, bufsize, "createdb%c26_sysmon", DIR_SEP);
+       if ((fullname = MSP_locate_sqlscript(buf, 1)) != NULL) {
+               fp2 = fopen(fullname, "r");
+               GDKfree(fullname);
+       }
+       snprintf(buf, bufsize, "createdb%c40_json", DIR_SEP);
+       if ((fullname = MSP_locate_sqlscript(buf, 1)) != NULL) {
+               fp3 = fopen(fullname, "r");
+               GDKfree(fullname);
+       }
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "set schema \"sys\";\n");
+       /* new entry in 16_tracelog.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "create view sys.tracelog as 
select * from sys.tracelog();\n");
+       /* deleted entry from 22_clients.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "drop function sys.clients;\n");
+       /* added entry in 25_debug.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "create view sys.optimizers as 
select * from sys.optimizers();\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "create view sys.environment as 
select * from sys.environment();\n");
+       /* added entry in 75_storagemodel.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "create view as 
select * from;\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "create view sys.storagemodel as 
select * from sys.storagemodel();\n");
+       /* replaced 15_history.sql by 15_querylog.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "drop procedure 
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "drop procedure sys.keepCall;\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "drop procedure 
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "drop view sys.queryLog;\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "drop table sys.callHistory;\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "drop table sys.queryHistory;\n");
+       if (fp1) {
+               pos += fread(buf+pos, 1, bufsize-pos, fp1);
+               fclose(fp1);
+       }
+       /* new file 26_sysmon.sql */
+       if (fp2) {
+               pos += fread(buf+pos, 1, bufsize-pos, fp2);
+               fclose(fp2);
+       }
+       /* new file 40_json.sql */
+       if (fp3) {
+               pos += fread(buf+pos, 1, bufsize-pos, fp3);
+               fclose(fp3);
+       }
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "insert into sys.systemfunctions 
(select from sys.functions f, sys.schemas s where in 
('querylog_catalog', 'querylog_calls', 'queue', 'json_filter', 
'json_filter_all', 'json_path', 'json_isvalid', 'json_isvalidobject', 
'json_isvalidarray', 'json_length') and f.type = %d and f.schema_id = and = 'sys');\n", F_FUNC);
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "insert into sys.systemfunctions 
(select from sys.functions f, sys.schemas s where in 
('querylog_empty', 'querylog_enable', 'querylog_disable', 'pause', 'resume', 
'sysmon_resume', 'stop') and f.type = %d and f.schema_id = and = 
'sys');\n", F_PROC);
+       pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "update sys._tables set system = 
true where name in ('tracelog', 'optimizers', 'environment', 'storage', 
'storagemodel') and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
+       if (schema) {
+               pos += snprintf(buf+pos, bufsize-pos, "set schema \"%s\";\n", 
+               free(schema);
+       }
+       assert(pos < 10240);
+       printf("Running database upgrade commands:\n%s\n", buf);
+       err = SQLstatementIntern(c, &buf, "update", 1, 0);
+       GDKfree(buf);
+       return err;             /* usually MAL_SUCCEED */
 SQLinitClient(Client c)
@@ -848,6 +933,14 @@ SQLinitClient(Client c)
+               /* if function sys.querylog_catalog() does not exist, we
+                * need to update */
+               if (!sql_bind_func(m->sa, mvc_bind_schema(m,"sys"), 
"querylog_catalog", NULL, NULL, F_FUNC )) {
+                       if ((err = sql_update_oct2013(c)) != NULL) {
+                               fprintf(stderr, "!%s\n", err);
+                               GDKfree(err);
+                       }
+               }
diff --git a/sql/scripts/40_json.sql b/sql/scripts/40_json.sql
--- a/sql/scripts/40_json.sql
+++ b/sql/scripts/40_json.sql
@@ -21,28 +21,28 @@
 create type json external name json;
 -- access the top level key by name, return its value
-create function json_filter(js json, name string)
+create function sys.json_filter(js json, name string)
 returns json external name json.filter;
-create function json_filter_all(js json, name string)
+create function sys.json_filter_all(js json, name string)
 returns json external name json.filterall;
 -- a simple path extractor
-create function json_path(js json, e string)
+create function sys.json_path(js json, e string)
 returns json external name json.path;
 -- test string for JSON compliancy
-create function json_isvalid(js string)
+create function sys.json_isvalid(js string)
 returns bool external name json.isvalid;
-create function json_isvalidobject(js string)
+create function sys.json_isvalidobject(js string)
 returns bool external name json.isvalidobject;
-create function json_isvalidarray(js string)
+create function sys.json_isvalidarray(js string)
 returns bool external name json.isvalidarray;
 -- return the number of primary components
-create function json_length(js json)
+create function sys.json_length(js json)
 returns integer external name json.length;
 -- The remainder awaits the implementation of
@@ -50,26 +50,26 @@ returns integer external name json.lengt
 -- unnesting the JSON structure
--- create function json_unnest(js json)
+-- create function sys.json_unnest(js json)
 -- returns table( id integer, k string, v string) external name json.unnest;
--- create function json_unnest(js json)
+-- create function sys.json_unnest(js json)
 -- returns table( k string, v string) external name json.unnest;
--- create function json_unnest(js json)
+-- create function sys.json_unnest(js json)
 -- returns table( v string) external name json.unnest;
--- create function json_nest table( id integer, k string, v string) 
+-- create function sys.json_nest table( id integer, k string, v string)
 -- returns json external name json.nest;
--- create function json_names(js json)
+-- create function sys.json_names(js json)
 -- returns table ( nme string) external name json.names;
--- create function json_values(js json)
+-- create function sys.json_values(js json)
 -- returns table ( val string) external name json."values";
 -- rendering functions
--- create function json_object(*)
+-- create function sys.json_object(*)
 -- returns json external name json.objectrender;
--- create function json_array(*)
+-- create function sys.json_array(*)
 -- returns json external name json.arrayrender;
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
@@ -28,9 +28,247 @@ create aggregate sys.median(val WRD) ret
 create aggregate sys.corr(e1 WRD, e2 WRD) returns WRD external name 
 insert into sys.systemfunctions (select from sys.functions f, sys.schemas 
s where in ('stddev_samp', 'stddev_pop', 'var_samp', 'var_pop', 
'median', 'corr') and f.type = 3 and f.schema_id = and = 'sys');
-# 15:38:36 >  
-# 15:38:36 >  "/usr/bin/python2" "" "upgrade"
-# 15:38:36 >  
+Running database upgrade commands:
+set schema "sys";
+create view sys.tracelog as select * from sys.tracelog();
+drop function sys.clients;
+create view sys.optimizers as select * from sys.optimizers();
+create view sys.environment as select * from sys.environment();
+create view as select * from;
+create view sys.storagemodel as select * from sys.storagemodel();
+drop procedure sys.resetHistory;
+drop procedure sys.keepCall;
+drop procedure sys.keepQuery;
+drop view sys.queryLog;
+drop table sys.callHistory;
+drop table sys.queryHistory;
+-- The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
+-- Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+-- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+-- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+-- License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+-- under the License.
+-- The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
+-- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
+-- Copyright August 2008-2013 MonetDB B.V.
+-- All Rights Reserved.
+-- The query history mechanism of MonetDB/SQL relies on a few hooks.
+-- The most important one is a global system variable which controls
+--  monitoring of all sessions. 
+create function sys.querylog_catalog()
+returns table(
+       id oid,
+       owner string,
+       defined timestamp,
+       query string,
+       pipe string,
+       mal int,                        -- size of MAL plan
+       optimize bigint         -- time in usec
+external name sql.querylog_catalog;
+-- Each query call is stored in the table calls
+-- At regular intervals the query history table should be cleaned.
+-- This can be done manually on the SQL console, or be integrated
+-- in the keepQuery and keepCall upon need.
+-- The parameters are geared at understanding the resource claims
+-- They reflect the effect of the total workload mix during execution.
+-- The 'cpu' gives the average cpu load percentage over all cores on the 
+-- server during execution phase. 
+-- increasing cpu load indicates better use of multi-cores.
+-- The 'io' indicate IOs during complete query run.
+-- The 'space' is the total amount of intermediates created in MB.
+-- Reducing the space component improves performance/
+-- All timing in usec and all storage in bytes.
+create function sys.querylog_calls()
+returns table(
+       id oid,                          -- references query plan
+       "start" timestamp,      -- time the statement was started
+       "stop" timestamp,       -- time the statement was completely finished
+       arguments string,       -- actual call structure
+       tuples wrd,                     -- number of tuples in the result set
+       run bigint,             -- time spent (in usec)  until the result export
+       ship bigint,            -- time spent (in usec)  to ship the result set
+       cpu int,                -- average cpu load percentage during execution
+       io int,                 -- percentage time waiting for IO to finish 
+       space bigint            -- total storage size of intermediates created 
(in MB)
+external name sql.querylog_calls;
+-- create table views for convenience
+create view sys.querylog_catalog as select * from sys.querylog_catalog();
+create view sys.querylog_calls as select * from sys.querylog_calls();
+create view sys.querylog_history as
+select qd.*, ql."start",ql."stop", ql.arguments, ql.tuples,, ql.ship, 
+from sys.querylog_catalog() qd, sys.querylog_calls() ql
+where = and qd.owner = user;
+update sys._tables
+    set system = true
+    where name in ('querylog_history', 'querylog_calls', 'querylog_catalog')
+        and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys');
+-- reset history for a particular user
+create procedure sys.querylog_empty()
+external name sql.querylog_empty;
+-- manipulate the query logger
+create procedure sys.querylog_enable()
+external name sql.querylog_enable;
+create procedure sys.querylog_enable(threshold smallint)
+external name sql.querylog_enable_threshold;
+create procedure sys.querylog_disable()
+external name sql.querylog_disable;
+-- The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
+-- Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+-- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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