Changeset: a00013596900 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Branch: holindex
Log Message:

Add necessary files for holistic on top of sideways cracking.

diffs (truncated from 3192 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/crackers/crackers_holisticsideways.c 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/crackers/crackers_holisticsideways.c
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
+ * Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
+ * Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#include "monetdb_config.h"
+#include "crackers_holisticsideways.h"
+#include "crackers.h"
+#include "gdk.h"
+#include "mal_exception.h"
+#include "opt_pipes.h"
+#include "mutils.h"
+static FrequencyNodeSideways *_InternalFrequencyStructSidewaysA = NULL;
+static FrequencyNodeSideways *_InternalFrequencyStructSidewaysB = NULL;
+static MT_Lock frequencylocksideways;
+//static int isIdleQuery = 0;
+CRKinitHolisticSideways(int *ret)
+       MT_lock_init(&frequencylocksideways, "FrequencyStructSideways");
+       *ret = 0;
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
+/*singleton pattern*/
+FrequencyNodeSideways *
+getFrequencyStructSideways(char which)
+       FrequencyNodeSideways **theNode = NULL;
+       MT_lock_set(&frequencylocksideways, "getFrequencyStructSideways");
+       switch (which) {
+                case 'A':
+                        theNode = &_InternalFrequencyStructSidewaysA;
+                        break;
+                case 'B':
+                        theNode = &_InternalFrequencyStructSidewaysB;
+                        break;
+                default:
+                        assert(0);
+         }
+        /* GDKzalloc = calloc = malloc + memset(0) */
+        if (*theNode == NULL)
+                *theNode = GDKzalloc(sizeof(FrequencyNodeSideways));
+       MT_lock_unset(&frequencylocksideways, "getFrequencyStructSideways");
+       return *theNode;
+/*this function pushes nodes in the list and is used in cost models: 
+pushSideways(int bat_id1, int bat_id2, FrequencyNodeSideways* head)
+       FrequencyNodeSideways* new_node;
+       new_node=(FrequencyNodeSideways *) 
+       new_node->bid_1=bat_id1;
+       new_node->bid_2=bat_id2;
+       new_node->c=1;
+       new_node->f1=0;
+       new_node->f2=0;
+       new_node->weight=0.0; /*weight=f1*((N/c)-L1)*/
+       new_node->next=head->next;
+       head->next=new_node;
+findMaxSideways(FrequencyNodeSideways* head)
+       FrequencyNodeSideways* temp;
+       FrequencyNodeSideways* ret_node=NULL;
+       double tmpW;
+       //int bat;
+       temp=head->next;
+       tmpW=temp->weight;
+       //bat=temp->bid;
+       while(temp!=NULL)
+       {
+               if(temp->weight >= tmpW)
+               {
+                       tmpW=temp->weight;
+                       //bat=temp->bid;
+                       ret_node=temp;
+               }
+               temp=temp->next;
+       }
+       return ret_node;
+/*The following function updates the weights in the list*/
+/*This cost model takes into consideration both the frequency of the queries 
that use the index and the distance from the optimal index.*/
+/*The initial weights are initialized to 0 (ZERO)*/
+changeWeightSideways(FrequencyNodeSideways* node,int N,int L1)
+       int p; /*number of pieces in the index*/
+       double Sp; /*average size of each piece*/
+       double d; /*distance from optimal piece(L1)*/
+       p = node->c;
+       Sp =((double)N)/p;      
+       d = Sp - L1;
+       if (node->f1==0)
+       {
+               node->weight = 0;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               node->weight =  d;
+       }
+       fprintf(stderr,"bid1=%d bid2=%d f1=%d f2=%d p=%d Sp=%lf d=%lf 
+       return node->weight;
+CRKinitFrequencyStructSideways(int *vid,int *bid1, int *bid2)
+       FrequencyNodeSideways *fs = getFrequencyStructSideways('A');
+       /*fprintf(stderr,"BAT_ID=%d\n",*bid);*/
+       pushSideways(*bid1,*bid2,fs);
+       *vid = 0;
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
+searchBATSideways(FrequencyNodeSideways* head,int bat_id1,int bat_id2)
+       FrequencyNodeSideways* temp;
+       temp=head;
+       while(temp!=NULL)
+       {
+               if((temp->bid_1 == bat_id1) && (temp->bid_2 == bat_id2))
+                       break;
+               temp=temp->next;
+       }
+       return temp;
+printFrequencyStructSideways(FrequencyNodeSideways* head)
+       FrequencyNodeSideways* temp;
+       temp=head;
+       while(temp != NULL)
+       {
+               fprintf(stderr,"Bid1=%d Bid2=%d c=%d f1=%d f2=%d W=%lf  
+               temp=temp->next;
+       }
+AlignInformation(FrequencyNodeSideways* head,FrequencyNodeSideways* node)
+       FrequencyNodeSideways* temp;
+       double Weight;
+       int maxPieces;
+       temp=head;
+       maxPieces=temp->c;
+       while(temp!=NULL)
+       {
+               if(temp->bid_1 == node->bid_1)
+               {
+                       if(temp->c >= maxPieces)
+                       {
+                               maxPieces=temp->c; 
+                               Weight=temp->weight;
+                       }
+               }
+               temp=temp->next;
+       }
+       temp=head;
+       while(temp!=NULL)
+       {
+               if(temp->bid_1 == node->bid_1)
+               {
+                       temp->f1=node->f1;
+                       temp->c=maxPieces;
+                       temp->weight=Weight;
+               }
+               temp=temp->next;
+       }
+/*This function is used during idle time for all the cost models*/
+CRKrandomCrackSideways(int *ret)
+       int bid=0,pbid=0;
+       FrequencyNodeSideways* max_node;
+       BAT *b1,*b2;
+       int *t;
+       oid posl,posh,p;
+       bit inclusive=TRUE;
+       FrequencyNodeSideways *fs = getFrequencyStructSideways('A');    
+       isIdleQuerySideways=1;
+       max_node=findMaxSideways(fs);
+       bid=max_node->bid_1;
+       pbid=max_node->bid_2;
+       b1=BATdescriptor(bid);
+       b2=BATdescriptor(pbid);
+       if(max_node!=NULL)
+       {
+       switch ( ATOMtype(b1->ttype)) {
+       case TYPE_int:
+               {
+                       int low,hgh,temp;
+                       t=(int*)Tloc(b1,BUNfirst(b1));
+                       posl=BUNfirst(b1);
+                       posh=BUNlast(b1) - 1;
+                       p=(rand()%(posh-posl+1))+posl;
+                       low=t[p];
+                       p=(rand()%(posh-posl+1))+posl;
+                       hgh=t[p];
+                       if(hgh < low)
+                       {
+                               temp=low;
+                               low=hgh;
+                               hgh=temp;
+                       }
+                       switch (ATOMtype(b2->ttype)) {
+                               case 
TYPE_lng:{CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_int_lng(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, 
&inclusive, &inclusive);}break;
+                               case 
TYPE_int:{CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_int_int(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, 
&inclusive, &inclusive);}break;
+                               case 
TYPE_str:{CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_int_str(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, 
&inclusive, &inclusive);}break;
+                               case 
TYPE_oid:{CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_int_oid(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, 
&inclusive, &inclusive);}break;
+                               default: 
+                                       {
+                                       if(ATOMtype(b2->ttype)==TYPE_date)
CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_int_date(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, &inclusive, 
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr,"Not supported 
type for b2\n");
+                                       }
+                       }
+               }break;
+       case TYPE_lng:
+               {
+                       lng low,hgh,temp;
+                       t=(int*)Tloc(b1,BUNfirst(b1));
+                       posl=BUNfirst(b1);
+                       posh=BUNlast(b1) - 1;
+                       p=(rand()%(posh-posl+1))+posl;
+                       low=t[p];
+                       p=(rand()%(posh-posl+1))+posl;
+                       hgh=t[p];
+                       if(hgh < low)
+                       {
+                               temp=low;
+                               low=hgh;
+                               hgh=temp;
+                       }
+                       switch (ATOMtype(b2->ttype)) {
+                               case 
TYPE_lng:{CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_lng_lng(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, 
&inclusive, &inclusive);}break;
+                               default: 
+                                       {
+                                       if(ATOMtype(b2->ttype)==TYPE_date)
CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_lng_date(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, &inclusive, 
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr,"Not supported 
type for b2\n");
+                                       }
+                       }
+               }break;
+       case TYPE_dbl:
+               {
+                       dbl low,hgh,temp;
+                       t=(int*)Tloc(b1,BUNfirst(b1));
+                       posl=BUNfirst(b1);
+                       posh=BUNlast(b1) - 1;
+                       p=(rand()%(posh-posl+1))+posl;
+                       low=t[p];
+                       p=(rand()%(posh-posl+1))+posl;
+                       hgh=t[p];
+                       if(hgh < low)
+                       {
+                               temp=low;
+                               low=hgh;
+                               hgh=temp;
+                       }
+                       switch ( ATOMtype(b2->ttype)) {
+                               case 
TYPE_dbl:{CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_dbl_dbl(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, 
&inclusive, &inclusive);}break;
+                               case 
TYPE_int:{CRKtselectBoundsSidewayshol_dbl_int(ret, &bid, &pbid, &low, &hgh, 
&inclusive, &inclusive);}break;
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