Changeset: ba73b2c5ad5e for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Feb2013 branch.

diffs (124 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_wrapper.c b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_wrapper.c
--- a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_wrapper.c
+++ b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_wrapper.c
@@ -155,9 +155,7 @@ str OPTwrapper (Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr 
                s= findSymbol(cntxt->nspace, 
                if( s == NULL) {
-                       char buf[1024];
-                       snprintf(buf,1024, "%s.%s",modnme,fcnnme);
-                       throw(MAL, optimizer, RUNTIME_OBJECT_UNDEFINED ":%s", 
+                       throw(MAL, optimizer, RUNTIME_OBJECT_UNDEFINED 
":%s.%s", modnme, fcnnme);
                mb = s->def;
                stk= 0;
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090_nogeom.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090_nogeom.stable.out
@@ -47,20 +47,18 @@ Ready.
 [ 2130,        "idxs", 2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  0       
 [ 2135,        "triggers",     2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 2146,        "objects",      2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5062,        "tables",       2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where tables.type < 2;", 
1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
+[ 5062,        "tables",       2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where tables.type <> 
2;",        1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ 5072,        "columns",      2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.* FROM 
\"sys\".\"_columns\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.* FROM \"tmp\".\"_columns\" AS t) 
AS columns;",    1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ 5092,        "db_user_info", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 5100,        "users",        2000,   "SELECT u.\"name\" AS \"name\", 
ui.\"fullname\", ui.\"default_schema\" FROM db_users() AS u LEFT JOIN 
\"sys\".\"db_user_info\" AS ui ON u.\"name\" = ui.\"name\" ;",    1,      true, 
  0,      false,  0       ]
 [ 5104,        "user_role",    2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 5107,        "auths",        2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 5111,        "privileges",   2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5264,        "queryhistory", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5278,        "callhistory",  2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5295,        "querylog",     2000,   "create view querylog as\nselect qd.*, 
ql.ctime, ql.arguments, ql.exec, ql.result, ql.foot, ql.memory, ql.tuples, 
ql.inblock, ql.oublock from queryhistory qd, callhistory ql\nwhere =;",   1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ 5836,        "storagemodelinput",    2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      
false,  0       ]
-[ 5877,        "tablestoragemodel",    2000,   "-- A summary of the table 
storage requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxillary column 
denotes the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with 
a hash (rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(indices) as 
indices,\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 8 * count else 0 end) as 
auxillary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by \"schema\",\"table\";",      1,     
 true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ 5899,        "systemfunctions",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      
false,  0       ]
-[ 6008,        "r",    2000,   NULL,   0,      false,  0,      false,  0       
+[ 5298,        "history",      5255,   "create view querylog.history 
as\nselect qd.*, ql.\"start\",ql.\"stop\", ql.arguments, ql.tuples,, 
ql.ship, ql.cpu,, \nfrom querylog.catalog() qd, querylog.calls() 
ql\nwhere = and qd.owner = user;",        1,      false,  0,      
false,  0       ]
+[ 5828,        "storagemodelinput",    2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      
false,  0       ]
+[ 5869,        "tablestoragemodel",    2000,   "-- A summary of the table 
storage requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxillary column 
denotes the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with 
a hash (rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(indices) as 
indices,\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 8 * count else 0 end) as 
auxillary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by \"schema\",\"table\";",      1,     
 true,   0,      false,  0       ]
+[ 5891,        "systemfunctions",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      
false,  0       ]
+[ 6000,        "r",    2000,   NULL,   0,      false,  0,      false,  0       
 # 18:53:13 >  
 # 18:53:13 >  "Done."
diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_nogeom.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_nogeom.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_nogeom.stable.out
@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ Ready.
 % sys.s,       sys.f,  sys.a,  sys.a,  sys. # table_name
 % schema,      function,       argno,  argtype,        definition # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        int,    varchar,        varchar # type
-% 3,   35,     1,      9,      1582 # length
+% 8,   35,     1,      9,      1582 # length
+[ "querylog",  "calls",        0,      "table",        "-- Each query call is 
stored in the table calls\n-- At regular intervals the query history table 
should be cleaned.\n-- This can be done manually on the SQL console, or be 
integrated\n-- in the keepQuery and keepCall upon need.\n-- The parameters are 
geared at understanding the resource claims\n-- They reflect the effect of the 
total workload mix during execution.\n-- The 'cpu' gives the average cpu load 
percentage over all cores on the \n-- server during execution phase. \n-- 
increasing cpu load indicates better use of multi-cores.\n-- The 'io' indicate 
IOs during complete query run.\n-- The 'space' is the total amount of 
intermediates created in MB.\n-- Reducing the space component improves 
performance/\n-- All timing in usec and all storage in bytes.\n\ncreate 
function querylog.calls()\nreturns table(\n\tid oid,\t\t\t\t -- references 
query plan\n\t\"start\" timestamp,\t-- time the statement was 
started\n\t\"stop\" timestamp,\t-- time th
 e statement was completely finished\n\targuments string,\t-- actual call 
structure\n\ttuples wrd,\t\t\t-- number of tuples in the result set\n\trun 
bigint,\t\t-- time spent (in usec)  until the result export\n\tship 
bigint,\t\t-- time spent (in usec)  to ship the result set\n\tcpu int,  \t\t-- 
average cpu load percentage during execution\n\tio int,\t\t\t-- percentage time 
waiting for IO to finish \n\tspace bigint\t\t-- total storage size of 
intermediates created (in MB)\n)\nexternal name sql.querylog_calls;"      ]
+[ "querylog",  "catalog",      0,      "table",        "create function 
querylog.catalog()\nreturns table(\n\tid oid,\n\towner string,\n\tdefined 
timestamp,\n\tquery string,\n\tpipe string,\n\tmal int,\t\t\t-- size of MAL 
plan\n\toptimize bigint \t-- time in usec\n)\nexternal name 
sql.querylog_catalog;"       ]
+[ "querylog",  "init", 0,      "smallint",     "create procedure 
querylog.init(threshold smallint)\nexternal name sql.querylog_init_threshold;"  
 [ "sys",       "abbrev",       0,      "clob", "create function \"abbrev\" (p 
inet) returns clob\n\texternal name inet.\"abbrev\";"    ]
 [ "sys",       "abbrev",       1,      "inet", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "alpha",        0,      "double",       "create function 
alpha(pdec double, pradius double)\nreturns double external name sql.alpha;"   ]
@@ -172,20 +175,6 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "indexsize",    2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       0,      "boolean",      "create function 
isaurl(theurl url) returns bool\n\texternal name url.\"isaURL\";"      ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       1,      "url",  ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     0,      "wrd",  "-- the signature is used in 
the kernel, don't change it\ncreate procedure keepcall(\n\tid wrd, \t\t\t-- 
references query plan\n\tctime timestamp,\t-- time the first statement was 
executed\n\targuments string,\n\txtime bigint,\t\t-- time from the first 
statement until result export\n\trtime bigint,\t\t-- time to ship the result to 
the client\n\tfoot bigint, \t\t-- footprint for all bats in the plan\n\tmemory 
bigint,\t\t-- storage size of intermediates created\n\ttuples wrd,\t\t\t-- 
number of tuples in the result set\n\tinblock bigint,\t\t-- number of physical 
blocks read\n\toublock bigint\t\t-- number of physical blocks 
written\n)\nbegin\n\tinsert into callhistory\n\tvalues( id, ctime, arguments, 
xtime, rtime, \n\t\tfoot, memory, tuples, inblock, oublock );\nend;"  ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     1,      "timestamp",    ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     2,      "clob", ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     3,      "bigint",       ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     4,      "bigint",       ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     5,      "bigint",       ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     6,      "bigint",       ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     7,      "wrd",  ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     8,      "bigint",       ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepcall",     9,      "bigint",       ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepquery",    0,      "wrd",  "-- the signature is used in 
the kernel, don't change it\ncreate procedure keepquery(\n\ti wrd,\n\tquery 
string,\n\tparse bigint,\n\toptimize bigint) \nbegin\n\tinsert into 
queryhistory\n\tvalues(i, now(), user, query, parse, optimize);\nend;"     ]
-[ "sys",       "keepquery",    1,      "clob", ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepquery",    2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "keepquery",    3,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "like", 0,      "clob", "create filter function \"like\"(val 
string, pat string, esc string) external name algebra.likesubselect;"      ]
 [ "sys",       "like", 1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "like", 2,      "clob", ""      ]
diff --git a/sql/test/mapi/Tests/php_monetdb_nogeom.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/mapi/Tests/php_monetdb_nogeom.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/mapi/Tests/php_monetdb_nogeom.stable.out
@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ users
@@ -81,21 +79,19 @@ 2123        keys    2102            0       true    2       
false   0
 2130   idxs    2102            0       true    2       false   0       
 2135   triggers        2102            0       true    2       false   0       
 2146   objects 2102            0       true    2       false   0       
-5062   tables  2000    SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS "temporary" FROM 
"sys"."_tables" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS "temporary" FROM 
"tmp"."_tables" AS t) AS tables where tables.type < 2;        1       true    0 
      false   0       
+5062   tables  2000    SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS "temporary" FROM 
"sys"."_tables" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS "temporary" FROM 
"tmp"."_tables" AS t) AS tables where tables.type <> 2;       1       true    0 
      false   0       
 5072   columns 2000    SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.* FROM "sys"."_columns" AS p 
UNION ALL SELECT t.* FROM "tmp"."_columns" AS t) AS columns;       1       true 
   0       false   0       
 5092   db_user_info    2000            0       true    0       false   0       
 5100   users   2000    SELECT u."name" AS "name", ui."fullname", 
ui."default_schema" FROM db_users() AS u LEFT JOIN "sys"."db_user_info" AS ui 
ON u."name" = ui."name" ;       1       true    0       false   0       
 5104   user_role       2000            0       true    0       false   0       
 5107   auths   2000            0       true    0       false   0       
 5111   privileges      2000            0       true    0       false   0       
-5264   queryhistory    2000            0       true    0       false   0       
-5278   callhistory     2000            0       true    0       false   0       
-5295   querylog        2000    create view querylog asnselect qd.*, ql.ctime, 
ql.arguments, ql.exec, ql.result, ql.foot, ql.memory, ql.tuples, ql.inblock, 
ql.oublock from queryhistory qd, callhistory qlnwhere =;        1   
    true    0       false   0       
-5836   storagemodelinput       2000            0       true    0       false   
-5877   tablestoragemodel       2000    -- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.n-- The auxillary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columnsn-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodelnas select 
"schema","table",max(count) as "count",ntsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,ntsum(heapsize) as heapsize,ntsum(indices) as indices,ntsum(case 
when sorted = false then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxillarynfrom 
sys.storagemodel() group by "schema","table";        1       true    0       
false   0       
-5899   systemfunctions 2000            0       true    0       false   0       
+5298   history 5255    create view querylog.history asnselect qd.*, 
ql."start",ql."stop", ql.arguments, ql.tuples,, ql.ship, ql.cpu,, nfrom querylog.catalog() qd, querylog.calls() qlnwhere = and qd.owner = user;  1       false   0       false   0       
+5828   storagemodelinput       2000            0       true    0       false   
+5869   tablestoragemodel       2000    -- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.n-- The auxillary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columnsn-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodelnas select 
"schema","table",max(count) as "count",ntsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,ntsum(heapsize) as heapsize,ntsum(indices) as indices,ntsum(case 
when sorted = false then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxillarynfrom 
sys.storagemodel() group by "schema","table";        1       true    0       
false   0       
+5891   systemfunctions 2000            0       true    0       false   0       
-# 11:52:05 >  
-# 11:52:05 >  "Done."
-# 11:52:05 >  
+# 13:19:55 >  
+# 13:19:55 >  "Done."
+# 13:19:55 >  
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