Changeset: 64f9b8fb3b1e for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Feb2013
Log Message:

also list other table types in select * from tables.

diffs (203 lines):

diff --git a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_Dobjects.stable.out 
--- a/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_Dobjects.stable.out
+++ b/sql/jdbc/tests/Tests/Test_Dobjects.stable.out
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ mTests_sql_jdbc_tests sys     columns SYSTEM
 mTests_sql_jdbc_tests  sys     querylog        SYSTEM VIEW     create view 
querylog as
 select qd.*, ql.ctime, ql.arguments, ql.exec, ql.result, ql.foot, ql.memory, 
ql.tuples, ql.inblock, ql.oublock from queryhistory qd, callhistory ql
 where =;   null    null    null    rowid   SYSTEM  
-mTests_sql_jdbc_tests  sys     tables  SYSTEM VIEW     SELECT * FROM (SELECT 
p.*, 0 AS "temporary" FROM "sys"."_tables" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS 
"temporary" FROM "tmp"."_tables" AS t) AS tables where tables.type < 2;        
null    null    null    rowid   SYSTEM  
+mTests_sql_jdbc_tests  sys     tables  SYSTEM VIEW     SELECT * FROM (SELECT 
p.*, 0 AS "temporary" FROM "sys"."_tables" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS 
"temporary" FROM "tmp"."_tables" AS t) AS tables where tables.type <> 2;       
null    null    null    rowid   SYSTEM  
 mTests_sql_jdbc_tests  sys     tablestoragemodel       SYSTEM VIEW     -- A 
summary of the table storage requirement is is available as a table view.
 -- The auxillary column denotes the maximum space if all non-sorted columns
 -- would be augmented with a hash (rare situation)
diff --git a/sql/server/sql_mvc.c b/sql/server/sql_mvc.c
--- a/sql/server/sql_mvc.c
+++ b/sql/server/sql_mvc.c
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ mvc_init(int debug, store_type store, ba
                        mvc_drop_table(m, s, t, 0);
-               t = mvc_create_view(m, s, "tables", SQL_PERSIST, "SELECT * FROM 
(SELECT p.*, 0 AS \"temporary\" FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT 
t.*, 1 AS \"temporary\" FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where 
tables.type < 2;", 1);
+               t = mvc_create_view(m, s, "tables", SQL_PERSIST, "SELECT * FROM 
(SELECT p.*, 0 AS \"temporary\" FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT 
t.*, 1 AS \"temporary\" FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where 
tables.type <> 2;", 1);
                mvc_create_column_(m, t, "id", "int", 32);
                mvc_create_column_(m, t, "name", "varchar", 1024);
                mvc_create_column_(m, t, "schema_id", "int", 32);
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Ready.
 [ 2130,        "idxs", 2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  0       
 [ 2135,        "triggers",     2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 2146,        "objects",      2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5060,        "tables",       2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where tables.type < 2;", 
1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
+[ 5060,        "tables",       2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where tables.type <> 
2;",        1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ 5070,        "columns",      2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.* FROM 
\"sys\".\"_columns\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.* FROM \"tmp\".\"_columns\" AS t) 
AS columns;",    1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ 5090,        "db_user_info", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 5098,        "users",        2000,   "SELECT u.\"name\" AS \"name\", 
ui.\"fullname\", ui.\"default_schema\" FROM db_users() AS u LEFT JOIN 
\"sys\".\"db_user_info\" AS ui ON u.\"name\" = ui.\"name\" ;",    1,      true, 
  0,      false,  0       ]
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/explain.SF-1739353.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/explain.SF-1739353.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/explain.SF-1739353.stable.out
@@ -23,39 +23,39 @@ Ready.
 Operation successful
 | mal    |
 | function user.s0_1{autoCommit=true}():void;                         |
 |     X_3:bat[:oid,:str]  :=,nil:str);                |
 |     X_2 := sql.mvc(); |
 |     X_9 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","type",0);             |
 |     X_6:bat[:oid,:oid]  := sql.tid(X_2,"sys","_tables");       |
-|     X_58 := algebra.thetasubselect(X_9,X_6,2:sht,"<");         |
+|     X_57 := algebra.subselect(X_9,X_6,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);   |
 |     (X_12,r1_12) := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","type",2);    |
-|     X_59 := algebra.thetasubselect(r1_12,2:sht,"<");           |
+|     X_58 := algebra.subselect(r1_12,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);     |
 |     X_15 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","type",1);            |
-|     X_60 := algebra.thetasubselect(X_15,X_6,2:sht,"<");        |
-|     X_17 := sql.subdelta(X_58,X_12,X_59,X_60);                 |
-|     X_19 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","name",0);            |
-|     (X_21,r1_29) := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","name",2);    |
-|     X_23 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","name",1);            |
-|     X_24 := sql.projectdelta(X_17,X_19,X_21,r1_29,X_23);       |
-|     X_25 := bat.append(X_3,X_24,true);                         |
-|     X_30 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","type",0);            |
-|     X_33 := X_30;                                              |
-|     X_27:bat[:oid,:oid]  := sql.tid(X_2,"tmp","_tables");      |
-|     X_34 := algebra.thetasubselect(X_33,X_27,2:sht,"<");       |
-|     X_35 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","name",0);            |
-|     X_36 := X_35;                                              |
-|     X_37 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_34,X_36);                  |
-|     X_39 := bat.append(X_25,X_37,true);                        |
-|     X_40 := sql.resultSet(1,1,X_39);                           |
-|     sql.rsColumn(X_40,".tables","name","varchar",1024,0,X_39); |
-|     X_46 := io.stdout();                                       |
-|     sql.exportResult(X_46,X_40);                               |
+|     X_59 := algebra.subselect(X_15,X_6,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);  |
+|     X_17 := sql.subdelta(X_57,X_12,X_58,X_59);                       |
+|     X_18 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","name",0);                  |
+|     (X_20,r1_28) := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","name",2);          |
+|     X_22 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","name",1);                  |
+|     X_23 := sql.projectdelta(X_17,X_18,X_20,r1_28,X_22);             |
+|     X_24 := bat.append(X_3,X_23,true);                               |
+|     X_29 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","type",0);                  |
+|     X_32 := X_29;                                                    |
+|     X_26:bat[:oid,:oid]  := sql.tid(X_2,"tmp","_tables");            |
+|     X_33 := algebra.subselect(X_32,X_26,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true); |
+|     X_34 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","name",0);                  |
+|     X_35 := X_34;                                                    |
+|     X_36 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_33,X_35);                        |
+|     X_38 := bat.append(X_24,X_36,true);                              |
+|     X_39 := sql.resultSet(1,1,X_38);                                 |
+|     sql.rsColumn(X_39,".tables","name","varchar",1024,0,X_38);       |
+|     X_45 := io.stdout();                                             |
+|     sql.exportResult(X_45,X_39);                                     |
 | end s0_1;                                                           |
 29 rows
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/jdbc_no_debug.SF-1739356.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/jdbc_no_debug.SF-1739356.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/jdbc_no_debug.SF-1739356.stable.out
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ Ready.
 | | | | | project (                                                            
 | | | | | | select (                                                           
 | | | | | | | table(sys._tables) [ as, as, 
_tables.schema_id as p.schema_id, _tables.query as p.query, _tables.type as 
p.type, _tables.system as p.system, _tables.commit_action as p.commit_action, 
_tables.readonly as p.readonly, _tables.%TID% NOT NULL as p.%TID% ] COUNT  |
-| | | | | | ) [ p.type < smallint[tinyint "2"] ]                               
+| | | | | | ) [ p.type != smallint[tinyint "2"] ]                              
 | | | | | ) [ as ]                                              
 | | | | ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as L1 ],                                 
 | | | | group by (                                                             
 | | | | | project (                                                            
 | | | | | | select (                                                           
 | | | | | | | table(tmp._tables) [ as, as, 
_tables.schema_id as t.schema_id, _tables.query as t.query, _tables.type as 
t.type, _tables.system as t.system, _tables.commit_action as t.commit_action, 
_tables.readonly as t.readonly, _tables.%TID% NOT NULL as t.%TID% ] COUNT  |
-| | | | | | ) [ t.type < smallint[tinyint "2"] ]                               
+| | | | | | ) [ t.type != smallint[tinyint "2"] ]                              
 | | | | | ) [ as ]                                              
 | | | | ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as L1 ]                                  
 | | | ) [ L1 ]                                                                 
@@ -47,41 +47,41 @@ 20 rows
 Operation successful
 | mal                                                                 |
 | function user.s1_1{autoCommit=true}():void;                         |
 |     X_3:bat[:oid,:wrd]  :=,nil:wrd);                |
 |     X_2 := sql.mvc();                                               |
 |     X_9 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","type",0);          |
 |     X_6:bat[:oid,:oid]  := sql.tid(X_2,"sys","_tables");    |
-|     X_65 := algebra.thetasubselect(X_9,X_6,2:sht,"<");      |
+|     X_63 := algebra.subselect(X_9,X_6,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);   |
 |     (X_12,r1_12) := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","type",2); |
-|     X_66 := algebra.thetasubselect(r1_12,2:sht,"<");        |
+|     X_64 := algebra.subselect(r1_12,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);     |
 |     X_15 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","type",1);         |
-|     X_67 := algebra.thetasubselect(X_15,X_6,2:sht,"<");     |
-|     X_17 := sql.subdelta(X_65,X_12,X_66,X_67);              |
-|     X_19 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","id",0);           |
-|     (X_21,r1_29) := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","id",2);   |
-|     X_23 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","id",1);           |
-|     X_24 := sql.projectdelta(X_17,X_19,X_21,r1_29,X_23);    |
-|     X_25 := aggr.count(X_24);                               |
-|     X_26 := sql.single(X_25);                               |
-|     X_27 := bat.append(X_3,X_26,true);                      |
-|     X_32 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","type",0);         |
-|     X_35 := X_32;                                           |
-|     X_29:bat[:oid,:oid]  := sql.tid(X_2,"tmp","_tables");   |
-|     X_36 := algebra.thetasubselect(X_35,X_29,2:sht,"<");    |
-|     X_38 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","id",0);           |
-|     X_40 := X_38;                                           |
-|     X_41 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_36,X_40);               |
-|     X_42 := aggr.count(X_41);                               |
-|     X_43 := bat.append(X_27,X_42,true);                     |
-|     X_45 := algebra.selectNotNil(X_43);                     |
-|     X_46:wrd  := aggr.sum(X_45);                            |
-|     sql.exportValue(1,".tables","L1","wrd",64,0,6,X_46,""); |
+|     X_65 := algebra.subselect(X_15,X_6,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);  |
+|     X_17 := sql.subdelta(X_63,X_12,X_64,X_65);                       |
+|     X_18 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","id",0);                    |
+|     (X_20,r1_28) := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","id",2);            |
+|     X_22 := sql.bind(X_2,"sys","_tables","id",1);                    |
+|     X_23 := sql.projectdelta(X_17,X_18,X_20,r1_28,X_22);             |
+|     X_24 := aggr.count(X_23);                                        |
+|     X_25 := sql.single(X_24);                                        |
+|     X_26 := bat.append(X_3,X_25,true);                               |
+|     X_31 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","type",0);                  |
+|     X_34 := X_31;                                                    |
+|     X_28:bat[:oid,:oid]  := sql.tid(X_2,"tmp","_tables");            |
+|     X_35 := algebra.subselect(X_34,X_28,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true); |
+|     X_36 := sql.bind(X_2,"tmp","_tables","id",0);                    |
+|     X_38 := X_36;                                                    |
+|     X_39 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_35,X_38);                        |
+|     X_40 := aggr.count(X_39);                                        |
+|     X_41 := bat.append(X_26,X_40,true);                              |
+|     X_43 := algebra.selectNotNil(X_41);                              |
+|     X_44:wrd  := aggr.sum(X_43);                                     |
+|     sql.exportValue(1,".tables","L1","wrd",64,0,6,X_44,"");          |
 | end s1_1;                                                           |
 31 rows
diff --git a/sql/test/mapi/Tests/php_monetdb.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/mapi/Tests/php_monetdb.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/mapi/Tests/php_monetdb.stable.out
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ 2123  keys    2102            0       true    2       false   0
 2130   idxs    2102            0       true    2       false   0       
 2135   triggers        2102            0       true    2       false   0       
 2146   objects 2102            0       true    2       false   0       
-5060   tables  2000    SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS "temporary" FROM 
"sys"."_tables" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS "temporary" FROM 
"tmp"."_tables" AS t) AS tables where tables.type < 2;        1       true    0 
      false   0       
+5060   tables  2000    SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS "temporary" FROM 
"sys"."_tables" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS "temporary" FROM 
"tmp"."_tables" AS t) AS tables where tables.type <> 2;       1       true    0 
      false   0       
 5070   columns 2000    SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.* FROM "sys"."_columns" AS p 
UNION ALL SELECT t.* FROM "tmp"."_columns" AS t) AS columns;       1       true 
   0       false   0       
 5090   db_user_info    2000            0       true    0       false   0       
 5098   users   2000    SELECT u."name" AS "name", ui."fullname", 
ui."default_schema" FROM db_users() AS u LEFT JOIN "sys"."db_user_info" AS ui 
ON u."name" = ui."name" ;       1       true    0       false   0       
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