Changeset: a06312f0eed8 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Make current query visible in callHistory
As soon as a query is started it is entered in the callHistory.
It has the performance attributes set to null.
The record is updated at the end of the call.

diffs (67 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_history.c b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_history.c
--- a/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_history.c
+++ b/monetdb5/optimizer/opt_history.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ OPThistoryImplementation(Client cntxt, M
        /* run the keepQuery operation once only */
        pushInstruction(mb, q = copyInstruction(keepQuery));
        q->token = ASSIGNsymbol;
-       (void) newStmt1(mb, sqlRef, "forgetPrevious");
+       // (void) newStmt1(mb, sqlRef, "forgetPrevious");
        /* collect the statistics */
        q = newStmt(mb, "mtime", "current_timestamp");
diff --git a/sql/scripts/15_history.sql b/sql/scripts/15_history.sql
--- a/sql/scripts/15_history.sql
+++ b/sql/scripts/15_history.sql
@@ -75,21 +75,28 @@ update _tables
                and schema_id = (select id from schemas where name = 'sys');
 -- the signature is used in the kernel, don't change it
+-- make the call visible in the query log as soon as it is started
 create procedure keepQuery(
        i wrd,
-       query string,
+       q string,
        parse bigint,
        optimize bigint) 
-       insert into queryHistory
-       values(i, now(), user, query, parse, optimize);
+       declare b boolean;
+       set b = (select count(*) = 0 from queryHistory qh where qh.query = q);
+       if (b)
+       then
+               insert into queryHistory values(i, now(), user, q, parse, 
+       end if;
+       insert into callHistory
+       values( i, now(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null );
 -- the signature is used in the kernel, don't change it
 create procedure keepCall(
-       id wrd,                         -- references query plan
-       ctime timestamp,        -- time the first statement was executed
-       arguments string,
+       idx wrd,                        -- references query plan
+       ctx timestamp,          -- time the first statement was executed
+       arg string,
        xtime bigint,           -- time from the first statement until result 
        rtime bigint,           -- time to ship the result to the client
        foot bigint,            -- footprint for all bats in the plan
@@ -99,9 +106,14 @@ create procedure keepCall(
        oublock bigint          -- number of physical blocks written
+       declare b boolean;
+       set b = (select count(*) > 0 from callHistory where id = idx and 
arguments is null);
+       if (b)
+       then
+               delete from callHistory where id = idx and arguments is null;
+       end if;
        insert into callHistory
-       values( id, ctime, arguments, xtime, rtime, 
-               foot, memory, tuples, inblock, oublock );
+       values( idx, ctx, arg, xtime, rtime, foot, memory, tuples, inblock, 
oublock );
 create procedure resetHistory()
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