Changeset: 0f594c750389 for MonetDB
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Branch: rdf
Log Message:

Collect the statistics on frequencies of CSs.

diffs (209 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
--- a/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/rdf/rdfschema.c
@@ -84,6 +84,15 @@ static void initArray(oid* inputArr, int
+static void generateFreqCSMap(CSset *freqCSset, char *csFreqMap){
+       int i; 
+       for (i = 0; i < freqCSset->numCSadded; i++){
+               csFreqMap[freqCSset->items[i].csId] = 1;
+       }
 void addCStoSet(CSset *csSet, CS item)
@@ -128,16 +137,34 @@ CSrel* initCSrelset(oid numCSrel){
-void printCSrelSet(CSrel *csrelSet, int num){
+void printCSrelSet(CSrel *csrelSet, char *csFreqMap, BAT* freqBat, int num){
+       int i; 
+       int j; 
+       int *freq; 
+       for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
+               if (csrelSet[i].numRef != 0){   //Only print CS with FK
+                       printf("Relationship %d: ", i);
+                       freq  = (int *) Tloc(freqBat, i);
+                       printf("CS " BUNFMT " (Freq: %d, isFreq: %d) --> ", 
csrelSet[i].origCSoid, *freq, csFreqMap[i]);
+                       for (j = 0; j < csrelSet[i].numRef; j++){
+                               printf(BUNFMT " (%d) ", 
+                       }       
+                       printf("\n");
+               }
+       }
+void printSubCSInformation(SubCSSet *subcsset, int num){
        int i; 
        int j; 
        for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
-               if (csrelSet[i].numRef != 0){   //Only print CS with FK
-                       printf("Relationship %d: ", i);
-                       printf("CS " BUNFMT " --> ", csrelSet[i].origCSoid);
-                       for (j = 0; j < csrelSet[i].numRef; j++){
-                               printf(BUNFMT " (%d) ", 
+               if (subcsset[i].numSubCS != 0){ //Only print CS with FK
+                       printf("CS " BUNFMT ": ", subcsset[i].csId);
+                       for (j = 0; j < subcsset[i].numSubCS; j++){
+                               printf(BUNFMT " (%d) ", 
subcsset[i].subCSs[j].subCSId, subcsset[i].freq[j]);    
@@ -532,8 +559,8 @@ oid putaCStoHash(CSBats *csBats, oid* ke
        csKey = RDF_hash_oidlist(key, num);
        bun = BUNfnd(BATmirror(csBats->hsKeyBat),(ptr) &csKey);
        if (bun == BUN_NONE) {
+               csId = *csoid; 
                addNewCS(csBats, &csKey, key, csoid, num);
-               csId = *csoid; 
                //assert(csId != BUN_NONE);
@@ -544,8 +571,8 @@ oid putaCStoHash(CSBats *csBats, oid* ke
                if (isDuplicate == 0) {
                        printf(" No duplication (new CS) \n");  
                        // New CS
+                       csId = *csoid;
                        addNewCS(csBats, &csKey, key, csoid, num);
-                       csId = *csoid;
@@ -887,7 +914,8 @@ str RDFassignCSId(int *ret, BAT *sbat, B
                        if (p != 0){    /* Not the first S */
                                returnCSid = putaCStoHash(csBats, buff, numP, 
&CSoid, 1, *freqThreshold, freqCSset); 
-                               subjCSMap[curS] = returnCSid;                   
+                               subjCSMap[curS] = returnCSid;                   
+                               //printf("subjCSMap[" BUNFMT "]=" BUNFMT " 
(CSoid = " BUNFMT ") \n", curS, returnCSid, CSoid);
                                if (numP > *maxNumProp) 
                                        *maxNumProp = numP; 
@@ -923,7 +951,8 @@ str RDFassignCSId(int *ret, BAT *sbat, B
        /*put the last CS */
        returnCSid = putaCStoHash(csBats, buff, numP, &CSoid, 1, 
*freqThreshold, freqCSset ); 
-       subjCSMap[curS] = returnCSid;                           
+       subjCSMap[curS] = returnCSid;                   
+       //printf("subjCSMap[" BUNFMT "]=" BUNFMT " (CSoid = " BUNFMT ") \n", 
curS, returnCSid, CSoid);
        if (numP > *maxNumProp) 
                *maxNumProp = numP; 
@@ -943,23 +972,17 @@ str RDFassignCSId(int *ret, BAT *sbat, B
 str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat, BATiter si, BATiter oi,  
-               oid *subjCSMap, oid *subjSubCSMap, BUN maxSoid, BUN maxCSoid, 
int maxNumPwithDup){
+               oid *subjCSMap, oid *subjSubCSMap, SubCSSet *csSubCSMap, CSrel 
*csrelSet, BUN maxSoid, int maxNumPwithDup){
-       BUN     p, q; 
-       oid     *sbt, *obt; 
-       oid     curS;           /* current Subject oid */
-       //oid   CSoid = 0;      /* Characteristic set oid */
-       int     numPwithDup;    /* Number of properties for current S */
-       char    objType;
-       oid     returnSubCSid; 
-       CSrel   *csrelSet;
-       SubCSSet *csSubCSMap; 
-       char*   buffTypes; 
+       BUN             p, q; 
+       oid             *sbt, *obt; 
+       oid             curS;           /* current Subject oid */
+       //oid           CSoid = 0;      /* Characteristic set oid */
+       int             numPwithDup;    /* Number of properties for current S */
+       char            objType;
+       oid             returnSubCSid; 
+       char*           buffTypes; 
-       csrelSet = initCSrelset(maxCSoid + 1);
-       csSubCSMap = initCS_SubCSMap(maxCSoid +1); 
        buffTypes = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (maxNumPwithDup + 1)); 
        numPwithDup = 0;
@@ -1000,7 +1023,7 @@ str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat
        free (buffTypes); 
-       printCSrelSet(csrelSet,maxCSoid + 1);  
        *ret = 1; 
@@ -1011,17 +1034,20 @@ str RDFrelationships(int *ret, BAT *sbat
 RDFextractCSwithTypes(int *ret, bat *sbatid, bat *pbatid, bat *obatid, int 
-       BAT     *sbat = NULL, *pbat = NULL, *obat = NULL; 
-       BATiter si, pi, oi;     /*iterator for BAT of s,p,o columns in spo 
table */
-       CSset   *freqCSset;     /* Set of frequent CSs */
+       BAT             *sbat = NULL, *pbat = NULL, *obat = NULL; 
+       BATiter         si, pi, oi;     /*iterator for BAT of s,p,o columns in 
spo table */
+       CSset           *freqCSset;     /* Set of frequent CSs */
-       CSBats  *csBats; 
-       oid     *subjCSMap;     /* Store the corresponding CS Id for each 
subject */
-       oid     *subjSubCSMap;  /* Store the corresponding CS sub Id for each 
subject */
-       BUN     *maxSoid;       
-       oid     maxCSoid = 0; 
-       int     maxNumProp = 0;
-       int     maxNumPwithDup = 0; 
+       CSBats          *csBats; 
+       oid             *subjCSMap;     /* Store the corresponding CS Id for 
each subject */
+       oid             *subjSubCSMap;  /* Store the corresponding CS sub Id 
for each subject */
+       BUN             *maxSoid;       
+       oid             maxCSoid = 0; 
+       int             maxNumProp = 0;
+       int             maxNumPwithDup = 0; 
+       char            *csFreqMap; 
+       CSrel           *csrelSet;
+       SubCSSet        *csSubCSMap; 
        if ((sbat = BATdescriptor(*sbatid)) == NULL) {
                throw(MAL, "rdf.RDFextractCSwithTypes", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
@@ -1052,15 +1078,33 @@ RDFextractCSwithTypes(int *ret, bat *sba
        initArray(subjCSMap, (*maxSoid) + 1, BUN_NONE);
        //Phase 1: Assign an ID for each CS
        RDFassignCSId(ret, sbat, si, pi, freqCSset, freqThreshold, csBats, 
subjCSMap, &maxCSoid, &maxNumProp, &maxNumPwithDup);
+       //Phase 2: Check the relationship       
        printf("Max CS oid: " BUNFMT "\n", maxCSoid);
-       //Phase 2: Check the relationship       
-       RDFrelationships(ret, sbat, si, oi, subjCSMap, subjSubCSMap, *maxSoid, 
maxCSoid, maxNumPwithDup);
+       csFreqMap = malloc(sizeof(char) * (maxCSoid +1)); 
+       generateFreqCSMap(freqCSset,csFreqMap); 
+       csrelSet = initCSrelset(maxCSoid + 1);
+       csSubCSMap = initCS_SubCSMap(maxCSoid +1); 
+       RDFrelationships(ret, sbat, si, oi, subjCSMap, subjSubCSMap, 
csSubCSMap, csrelSet, *maxSoid, maxNumPwithDup);
+       printCSrelSet(csrelSet,csFreqMap, csBats->freqBat, maxCSoid + 1);  
+       printSubCSInformation(csSubCSMap, maxCSoid + 1); 
        printf("Number of frequent CSs is: %d \n", freqCSset->numCSadded);
        /*get the statistic */
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