Changeset: 5b15bcdcdfe3 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: sciql
Log Message:

approved expected stable.out

diffs (33 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/bugs/Tests/select_orderby_alias-bug-sf-1024615.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/bugs/Tests/select_orderby_alias-bug-sf-1024615.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/bugs/Tests/select_orderby_alias-bug-sf-1024615.stable.out
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ Ready.
 #AND "tables"."schema_id" = "schemas"."id" AND
 #"keys"."type" = 0 AND "schemas"."name" LIKE 'sys' AND
 #"tables"."name" LIKE 'x';
-% .keys,       .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .objects,       
.objects,       .objects,       .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .schemas,       .schemas,       
.schemas,       .schemas # table_name
-% id,  table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   action, id,     name,   nr,     
id,     name,   schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  
readonly,       fixed_array,    nr_dimensions,  temporary,      id,     name,   
authorization,  owner # name
-% int, int,    int,    varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        
int,    int,    varchar,        int,    varchar,        smallint,       
boolean,        smallint,       boolean,        boolean,        int,    
tinyint,        int,    varchar,        int,    int # type
-% 1,   1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      
0,      1,      0,      1,      5,      1,      5,      5,      1,      1,      
1,      0,      1,      1 # length
+% .keys,       .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .objects,       
.objects,       .objects,       .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .schemas,       .schemas,       .schemas,       .schemas # 
+% id,  table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   action, id,     name,   nr,     
id,     name,   schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  
readonly,       temporary,      id,     name,   authorization,  owner # name
+% int, int,    int,    varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        
int,    int,    varchar,        int,    varchar,        smallint,       
boolean,        smallint,       boolean,        tinyint,        int,    
varchar,        int,    int # type
+% 1,   1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      
0,      1,      0,      1,      5,      1,      5,      1,      1,      0,      
1,      1 # length
 #SELECT * FROM "sys"."keys" AS "keys", "sys"."objects" AS
 #"objects", "sys"."tables" AS "tables",
 #"sys"."schemas" AS "schemas" WHERE "keys"."id" =
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ Ready.
 #AND "tables"."schema_id" = "schemas"."id" AND
 #"keys"."type" = 0 AND "schemas"."name" LIKE 'sys' AND
 #"tables"."name" LIKE 'x' ORDER BY "objects"."name";
-% .keys,       .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .objects,       
.objects,       .objects,       .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .schemas,       .schemas,       
.schemas,       .schemas # table_name
-% id,  table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   action, id,     name,   nr,     
id,     name,   schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  
readonly,       fixed_array,    nr_dimensions,  temporary,      id,     name,   
authorization,  owner # name
-% int, int,    int,    varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        
int,    int,    varchar,        int,    varchar,        smallint,       
boolean,        smallint,       boolean,        boolean,        int,    
tinyint,        int,    varchar,        int,    int # type
-% 1,   1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      
0,      1,      0,      1,      5,      1,      5,      5,      1,      1,      
1,      0,      1,      1 # length
+% .keys,       .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .keys,  .objects,       
.objects,       .objects,       .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .schemas,       .schemas,       .schemas,       .schemas # 
+% id,  table_id,       type,   name,   rkey,   action, id,     name,   nr,     
id,     name,   schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  
readonly,       temporary,      id,     name,   authorization,  owner # name
+% int, int,    int,    varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        
int,    int,    varchar,        int,    varchar,        smallint,       
boolean,        smallint,       boolean,        tinyint,        int,    
varchar,        int,    int # type
+% 1,   1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1,      1,      
0,      1,      0,      1,      5,      1,      5,      1,      1,      0,      
1,      1 # length
 #SELECT cast(null AS varchar(1)) AS "TABLE_CAT",
 #"schemas"."name" AS "TABLE_SCHEM", "tables"."name" AS
 #"TABLE_NAME", "objects"."name" AS "COLUMN_NAME",
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