Changeset: 75f95c9b0944 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Feb2013
Log Message:

Layout mostly

diffs (202 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/mal/mal_profiler.c b/monetdb5/mal/mal_profiler.c
--- a/monetdb5/mal/mal_profiler.c
+++ b/monetdb5/mal/mal_profiler.c
@@ -1331,112 +1331,105 @@ void profilerHeartbeatEvent(str msg)
        //prevclock = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;
-       while (1){
-               /* wait until you need this info */
-               while( hbdelay ==0 || eventstream  == NULL ) 
-                       MT_sleep_ms(1000);
-               MT_sleep_ms(hbdelay);
+       /* without this cast, compilation on Windows fails with
+        * argument of type "long *" is incompatible with parameter of type 
"const time_t={__time64_t={__int64}} *"
+        */
-               /* without this cast, compilation on Windows fails with
-                * argument of type "long *" is incompatible with parameter of 
type "const time_t={__time64_t={__int64}} *"
-                */
+       gettimeofday(&tv,NULL);
+       clock = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;
-               gettimeofday(&tv,NULL);
-               clock = (time_t) tv.tv_sec;
-               /* get CPU load on second boundaries only */
-               //if ( clock - prevclock >= 0 ) {
-                       if ( gatherCPULoad() )
-                               continue;
-                       //prevclock = clock;
-               //}
-               MT_lock_set(&mal_profileLock, "profileLock");
+       /* get CPU load on second boundaries only */
+       //if ( clock - prevclock >= 0 ) {
+               if ( gatherCPULoad() )
+                       return;
+               //prevclock = clock;
+       //}
+       MT_lock_set(&mal_profileLock, "profileLock");
 #ifdef HAVE_TIMES
-               times(&newTms);
+       times(&newTms);
-               getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &infoUsage);
+       getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &infoUsage);
-               /* make ping profile event tuple  */
-               log("[ ");
-               if (profileCounter[PROFevent].status) {
-                       log("%d,\t", eventcounter);
-               }
-               if (profileCounter[PROFstart].status) 
-                       log("\"%s\",\t",msg);
-               if (profileCounter[PROFtime].status) {
-                       char *tbuf, *c;
-                       tbuf = ctime(&clock);
-                       if (tbuf) {
-                               c = strchr(tbuf, '\n');
-                               if (c) {
-                                       c[-5] = 0;
-                               }
-                               tbuf[10] = '"';
-                               log("%s", tbuf + 10);
-                               log(".%06d\",\t", (int)tv.tv_usec);
-                       } else
-                               log("%s,\t", "nil");
-               }
-               if (profileCounter[PROFthread].status)
-                       log(" %d,\t", THRgettid());
-               if (profileCounter[PROFflow].status) {
-                       log("%d,\t", memoryclaims);
-                       log(LLFMT",\t", memoryclaims?((lng)(MEMORY_THRESHOLD * 
-               }
-               if (profileCounter[PROFfunc].status) 
-                               log("\"ping\",\t");
-               if (profileCounter[PROFpc].status) 
-                       log("0,\t");
-               if (profileCounter[PROFticks].status) 
-                       log("0,\t");
+       /* make ping profile event tuple  */
+       log("[ ");
+       if (profileCounter[PROFevent].status) {
+               log("%d,\t", eventcounter);
+       }
+       if (profileCounter[PROFstart].status) 
+               log("\"%s\",\t",msg);
+       if (profileCounter[PROFtime].status) {
+               char *tbuf, *c;
+               tbuf = ctime(&clock);
+               if (tbuf) {
+                       c = strchr(tbuf, '\n');
+                       if (c) {
+                               c[-5] = 0;
+                       }
+                       tbuf[10] = '"';
+                       log("%s", tbuf + 10);
+                       log(".%06d\",\t", (int)tv.tv_usec);
+               } else
+                       log("%s,\t", "nil");
+       }
+       if (profileCounter[PROFthread].status)
+               log(" %d,\t", THRgettid());
+       if (profileCounter[PROFflow].status) {
+               log("%d,\t", memoryclaims);
+               log(LLFMT",\t", memoryclaims?((lng)(MEMORY_THRESHOLD * 
+       }
+       if (profileCounter[PROFfunc].status) 
+                       log("\"ping\",\t");
+       if (profileCounter[PROFpc].status) 
+               log("0,\t");
+       if (profileCounter[PROFticks].status) 
+               log("0,\t");
 #ifdef HAVE_TIMES
-               if (profileCounter[PROFcpu].status && delayswitch < 0) {
-                       log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_utime - 
-                       log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_cutime 
-                       log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_stime - 
-                       log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_cstime 
-                       prevtimer = newTms;
-               }
+       if (profileCounter[PROFcpu].status && delayswitch < 0) {
+               log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_utime - prevtimer.tms_utime));
+               log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_cutime -prevtimer.tms_cutime));
+               log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_stime - prevtimer.tms_stime));
+               log("%ld,\t", (long) (newTms.tms_cstime -prevtimer.tms_cstime));
+               prevtimer = newTms;
+       }
-               if (profileCounter[PROFmemory].status && delayswitch < 0)
-                       log(SZFMT ",\t", MT_getrss()/1024/1024);
+       if (profileCounter[PROFmemory].status && delayswitch < 0)
+               log(SZFMT ",\t", MT_getrss()/1024/1024);
-               if ((profileCounter[PROFreads].status ||
-                        profileCounter[PROFwrites].status) && delayswitch < 0) 
-                       log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_inblock - 
-                       log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_oublock - 
-                       prevUsage = infoUsage;
-               }
-               if (profileCounter[PROFprocess].status && delayswitch < 0) {
-                       log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_minflt - 
-                       log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_majflt - 
-                       log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_nswap - prevUsage.ru_nswap);
-                       log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_nvcsw - prevUsage.ru_nvcsw);
-                       log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_nivcsw - 
-                       prevUsage = infoUsage;
-               }
+       if ((profileCounter[PROFreads].status ||
+                profileCounter[PROFwrites].status) && delayswitch < 0) {
+               log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_inblock - prevUsage.ru_inblock);
+               log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_oublock - prevUsage.ru_oublock);
+               prevUsage = infoUsage;
+       }
+       if (profileCounter[PROFprocess].status && delayswitch < 0) {
+               log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_minflt - prevUsage.ru_minflt);
+               log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_majflt - prevUsage.ru_majflt);
+               log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_nswap - prevUsage.ru_nswap);
+               log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_nvcsw - prevUsage.ru_nvcsw);
+               log("%ld,\t", infoUsage.ru_nivcsw - prevUsage.ru_nivcsw);
+               prevUsage = infoUsage;
+       }
-               if (profileCounter[PROFrbytes].status)
-                       log("0,\t");
-               if (profileCounter[PROFwbytes].status)
-                       log("0,\t");
+       if (profileCounter[PROFrbytes].status)
+               log("0,\t");
+       if (profileCounter[PROFwbytes].status)
+               log("0,\t");
-               if (profileCounter[PROFaggr].status)
-                       log("0,\t0,\t");
+       if (profileCounter[PROFaggr].status)
+               log("0,\t0,\t");
-               if (profileCounter[PROFstmt].status)
-                               log(" %s", cpuload);
-               //if (profileCounter[PROFtype].status)
-                       //log("\"\",\t");
-               //if (profileCounter[PROFuser].status)
-                       //log(" 0");
-               log(" ]\n");
-               eventcounter++;
-               flushLog();
-               MT_lock_unset(&mal_profileLock, "profileLock");
-       }
+       if (profileCounter[PROFstmt].status)
+                       log(" %s", cpuload);
+       //if (profileCounter[PROFtype].status)
+               //log("\"\",\t");
+       //if (profileCounter[PROFuser].status)
+               //log(" 0");
+       log(" ]\n");
+       eventcounter++;
+       flushLog();
+       MT_lock_unset(&mal_profileLock, "profileLock");
 static void profilerHeartbeat(void *dummy)
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