Changeset: fb06eb104dda for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Feb2013
Log Message:

Merge with Oct2012 branch.

diffs (149 lines):

diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ developer.
 %if %{?centos:0}%{!?centos:1}
 %package geom-MonetDB5
diff --git a/debian/monetdb-client-testing.install 
--- a/debian/monetdb-client-testing.install
+++ b/debian/monetdb-client-testing.install
@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ debian/tmp/usr/bin/testgetinfo usr/bin
 debian/tmp/usr/bin/ usr/bin
 debian/tmp/usr/bin/sqlsample.php usr/bin
 debian/tmp/usr/bin/ usr/bin
-debian/tmp/usr/bin/ usr/bin
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_select.c b/gdk/gdk_select.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_select.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_select.c
@@ -537,6 +537,44 @@ BAT_scanselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, BAT *bn, 
  * - if tl==nil and th!=NULL, no lower bound;
  * - if th==NULL or tl==th, point (equi) select;
  * - if th==nil, no upper bound
+ *
+ * A complete breakdown of the various arguments follows.  Here, v, v1
+ * and v2 are values from the appropriate domain, and
+ * v != nil, v1 != nil, v2 != nil, v1 < v2.
+ *     tl      th      li      hi      anti    result list of OIDs for values
+ *     -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *     nil     NULL    ignored ignored false   x = nil (only way to get nil)
+ *     nil     NULL    ignored ignored true    x != nil
+ *     nil     nil     ignored ignored false   x != nil
+ *     nil     v       ignored false   false   x < v
+ *     nil     v       ignored true    false   x <= v
+ *     nil     v       ignored false   true    x >= v
+ *     nil     v       ignored true    true    x > v
+ *     v       nil     false   ignored false   x > v
+ *     v       nil     true    ignored false   x >= v
+ *     v       nil     false   ignored true    x <= v
+ *     v       nil     true    ignored true    x < v
+ *     v       NULL    false   ignored false   NOTHING
+ *     v       NULL    true    ignored false   x == v
+ *     v       NULL    false   ignored true    x != nil
+ *     v       NULL    true    ignored true    x != v
+ *     v       v       false   false   false   NOTHING
+ *     v       v       true    false   false   NOTHING
+ *     v       v       false   true    false   NOTHING
+ *     v       v       true    true    false   x == v
+ *     v       v       false   false   true    x != nil
+ *     v       v       true    false   true    x != nil
+ *     v       v       false   true    true    x != nil
+ *     v       v       true    true    true    x != v
+ *     v1      v2      false   false   false   v1 < x < v2
+ *     v1      v2      true    false   false   v1 <= x < v2
+ *     v1      v2      false   1       false   v1 < x <= v2
+ *     v1      v2      true    true    false   v1 <= x <= v2
+ *     v1      v2      false   false   true    x <= v1 or x >= v2
+ *     v1      v2      true    false   true    x < v1 or x >= v2
+ *     v1      v2      false   true    true    x <= v1 or x > v2
+ *     v1      v2      true    true    true    x < v1 or x > v2
+ *     v2      v1      ignored ignored ignored NOTHING
 BAT *
 BATsubselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void *tl, const void *th,
@@ -640,11 +678,24 @@ BATsubselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void 
                        lval = 0;
                        hval = 0;
                        ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BATsubselect(b=%s#" BUNFMT
-                                         ",s=%s,anti=%d): anti-nil\n",
+                                         ",s=%s,anti=0): anti-nil\n",
                                          BATgetId(b), BATcount(b),
-                                         s ? BATgetId(s) : "NULL", anti);
-               } else {
+                                         s ? BATgetId(s) : "NULL");
+               } else if (equi) {
                        equi = 0;
+                       if (!(li && hi)) {
+                               /* antiselect for nothing: turn into
+                                * range select for nil-nil range
+                                * (i.e. everything but nil) */
+                               anti = 0;
+                               lval = 0;
+                               hval = 0;
+                               ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BATsubselect(b=%s#"
+                                                 BUNFMT ",s=%s,anti=0): "
+                                                 "anti-nothing\n",
+                                                 BATgetId(b), BATcount(b),
+                                                 s ? BATgetId(s) : "NULL");
+                       }
@@ -812,36 +863,36 @@ BATsubselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void 
                if (BATtdense(s)) {
-                       maximum = MIN( maximum , 
-                                      MIN( oh , s->tseqbase + BATcount(s)) 
-                                      - MAX( ol , s->tseqbase ) );
+                       maximum = MIN(maximum , 
+                                     MIN(oh, s->tseqbase + BATcount(s)) 
+                                     - MAX(ol, s->tseqbase));
                } else {
-                       maximum = MIN( maximum ,
-                                      SORTfndfirst(s, &oh) 
-                                      - SORTfndfirst(s, &ol) ) ;
+                       maximum = MIN(maximum,
+                                     SORTfndfirst(s, &oh)
+                                     - SORTfndfirst(s, &ol));
        if (b->tkey) {
                /* exact result size in special cases */
                if (equi) {
                        estimate = 1;
-               } else
-               if (!anti && lval && hval) {
-                       if (ATOMstorage(b->ttype) == TYPE_bte) {
+               } else if (!anti && lval && hval) {
+                       switch (ATOMstorage(b->ttype)) {
+                       case TYPE_bte:
                                estimate = (BUN) (*(bte*) th - *(bte*) tl);
-                       } else
-                       if (ATOMstorage(b->ttype) == TYPE_sht) {
+                               break;
+                       case TYPE_sht:
                                estimate = (BUN) (*(sht*) th - *(sht*) tl);
-                       } else
-                       if (ATOMstorage(b->ttype) == TYPE_int) {
+                               break;
+                       case TYPE_int:
                                estimate = (BUN) (*(int*) th - *(int*) tl);
-                       } else
-                       if (ATOMstorage(b->ttype) == TYPE_lng) {
+                               break;
+                       case TYPE_lng:
                                estimate = (BUN) (*(lng*) th - *(lng*) tl);
+                               break;
-                       if (estimate != BUN_NONE) {
+                       if (estimate != BUN_NONE)
                                estimate += li + hi - 1;
-                       }
        /* refine upper limit by exact size (if known) */
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