Changeset: fe79407a9d06 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Feb2013
Log Message:

monetdbd: drop ancient upgrade code

Mar2011 and Aug2011 are very long ago, people should have upgraded by

diffs (201 lines):

diff --git a/tools/merovingian/ChangeLog.Feb2013 
--- a/tools/merovingian/ChangeLog.Feb2013
+++ b/tools/merovingian/ChangeLog.Feb2013
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # ChangeLog file for sql/src/backends/monet5/merovingian
 # This file is updated with mchangelog
+* Sat Dec  1 2012 Fabian Groffen <>
+- Upgrade support for dbfarms from Mar2011 and Aug2011 was dropped
 * Fri Nov 30 2012 Fabian Groffen <>
 - monetdb status now uses a more condensed output, to cater for the uris
   being shown, and prints how long a database is stopped, or how long
diff --git a/tools/merovingian/daemon/merovingian.c 
--- a/tools/merovingian/daemon/merovingian.c
+++ b/tools/merovingian/daemon/merovingian.c
@@ -384,159 +384,6 @@ newErr(const char *fmt, ...)
- * Explicitly pulled out functionality that is just implemented to
- * obtain an automatic upgrade path.
- *
- * Starting from the Apr2011 release, the .merovingian_pass file is no
- * longer used.  Instead, the phrase is inside the
- * .merovingian_properties file that is used since that release also.
- * If the file exists, read its contents, and set it as value for the
- * key "passphrase" in the given confkeyval.  Afterwards, delete the old
- * .merovingian_pass file.
- *
- * Returns 0 if a .merovingian_pass file existed, contained a valid key,
- * was set in ckv, and the .merovingian_pass file was removed.
- */
-static char
-autoUpgradePassphraseMar2011Apr2011(confkeyval *ckv)
-       struct stat statbuf;
-       FILE *secretf;
-       size_t len;
-       char buf[128];
-       if (stat(".merovingian_pass", &statbuf) == -1)
-               return(1);
-       if ((secretf = fopen(".merovingian_pass", "r")) == NULL)
-               return(1);
-       len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf) - 1, secretf);
-       fclose(secretf);
-       buf[len] = '\0';
-       len = strlen(buf); /* secret can contain null-bytes */
-       /* strip trailing newlines */
-       for (; len > 0 && buf[len - 1] == '\n'; len--)
-               buf[len - 1] = '\0';
-       if (len == 0)
-               return(1);
-       ckv = findConfKey(ckv, "passphrase");
-       setConfVal(ckv, buf);
-       if (!unlink(".merovingian_pass"))
-               return(1);
-       return(0);
- * Explicitly pulled out functionality that is just implemented to
- * obtain an automatic upgrade path.
- *
- * Starting from the Dec2011 release, the discoveryport setting has
- * disappeared.  Instead, a boolean discovery is available to enable or
- * disable the service.  It always uses the same port as the connections
- * are on.
- *
- * This function sets discovery to true if discoveryport is set to a
- * non-zero positive value in port range, false otherwise.
- *
- * Returns 0 if discoveryport is not set (and upgrade probably already
- * took place).
- */
-static char
-autoUpgradeDiscoveryPortAug2011Dec2011(confkeyval *mckv)
-       confkeyval *kv;
-       confkeyval ckv[] = {
-               {"discoveryport", NULL, 0,     INT},
-               { NULL,           NULL, 0, INVALID}
-       };
-       readProps(ckv, ".");
-       kv = findConfKey(ckv, "discoveryport");
-       if (kv->val == NULL) {
-               freeConfFile(ckv);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (kv->ival <= 0 || kv->ival > 65535) {
-               kv = findConfKey(mckv, "discovery");
-               setConfVal(kv, "false");
-       }
-       freeConfFile(ckv);
-       return 1;
- * Explicitly pulled out functionality that is just implemented to
- * obtain an automatic upgrade path.
- *
- * Starting from the Dec2011 release, the controlport setting has
- * disappeared.  Instead, a boolean control is available to enable or
- * disable the (remote) service.  It always uses the same port as the
- * connections are on, since starting from this release the same handler
- * is used.
- *
- * This function sets control to true if controlport is set to a
- * non-zero positive value in port range and passphrase is also
- * non-empty, false otherwise.  A migration of the passphrase is made to
- * the default password backend hash.
- *
- * Returns 0 if controlport is not set (and upgrade probably already
- * took place).
- */
-static char
-autoUpgradeControlPortAug2011Dec2011(confkeyval *mckv)
-       char *pwhash;
-       char hstr[256];
-       confkeyval *kv;
-       confkeyval ckv[] = {
-               {"controlport",   NULL, 0,     INT},
-               {"passphrase",    NULL, 0,     STR},
-               { NULL,           NULL, 0, INVALID}
-       };
-       readProps(ckv, ".");
-       kv = findConfKey(ckv, "controlport");
-       if (kv->val == NULL) {
-               freeConfFile(ckv);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (kv->ival <= 0 || kv->ival > 65535) {
-               kv = findConfKey(mckv, "passphrase");
-               setConfVal(kv, NULL);
-               freeConfFile(ckv);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       kv = findConfKey(ckv, "passphrase");
-       if (kv->val == NULL || kv->val[0] == '\0') {
-               freeConfFile(ckv);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /* migrate the passphrase to the configured backend hash */
-       pwhash = mcrypt_BackendSum(kv->val, strlen(kv->val));
-       assert(pwhash != NULL); /* only messed with configs hit this */
-       snprintf(hstr, sizeof(hstr), "{%s}%s", MONETDB5_PASSWDHASH, pwhash);
-       free(pwhash);
-       kv = findConfKey(mckv, "passphrase");
-       setConfVal(kv, hstr);
-       kv = findConfKey(mckv, "control");
-       setConfVal(kv, "true");
-       freeConfFile(ckv);
-       return 1;
 main(int argc, char *argv[])
@@ -816,24 +663,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        readProps(ckv, ".");
        _mero_props = ckv;
-       /* upgrades to conf-file in place */
-       kv = findConfKey(_mero_props, "passphrase");
-       if (kv->val == NULL || strlen(kv->val) == 0) {
-               if (!autoUpgradePassphraseMar2011Apr2011(_mero_props)) {
-                       char phrase[128];
-                       Mfprintf(stderr, "control passphrase unset or has 
zero-length, "
-                                       "generating one\n");
-                       generateSalt(phrase, sizeof(phrase));
-                       setConfVal(kv, phrase);
-               }
-               writeProps(_mero_props, ".");
-       }
-       if (autoUpgradeDiscoveryPortAug2011Dec2011(_mero_props) != 0 ||
-                       autoUpgradeControlPortAug2011Dec2011(_mero_props) != 0)
-               writeProps(_mero_props, ".");
-       /* end upgrades to conf-file in place */
        pidfilename = getConfVal(_mero_props, "pidfile");
        p = getConfVal(_mero_props, "forward");
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