Changeset: 1c4a7f430471 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2012
Log Message:

dumpvariabletransformation: fix using a possibly unrelated var

The function calling code used the (last) variable used for calling the
function as translation between returned ids from the function and ids
for the elements from the input array.  This would break when the
function had more variable arguments, or when there would be no variable
argument at all.  In the latter case a crash would be the result.

diffs (144 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/jaqlgencode.c 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/jaqlgencode.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/jaql/jaqlgencode.c
@@ -3971,8 +3971,8 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
                                return a;
-                       b = -1;
                        for (i = 0, w = t->tval1; w != NULL; w = w->next, i++) {
+                               b = -1;
                                assert(w->type == j_func_arg);
                                assert(w->tval1 != NULL);
@@ -4157,7 +4157,7 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
                                                                        q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, putName("json", 4));
setFunctionId(q, putName("unwrap", 6));
-                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, c);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j1);
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j2);
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j3);
@@ -4171,8 +4171,25 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
q = pushArgument(mb, q, j->startoid);
                                                                        q = 
pushStr(mb, q, "");
+                                                                       c = 
getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                                                                       q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, batRef);
setFunctionId(q, reverseRef);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, b);
dynaarg[i][1] = getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                                                                       q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, d);
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, dynaarg[i][1]);
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, c);
dynaarg[i][1] = getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
                                                                        q = 
getArg(q, 0) = e;
= q->retc = 1;
@@ -4202,7 +4219,7 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
                                                                        q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, putName("json", 4));
setFunctionId(q, putName("unwrap", 6));
-                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, d);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb,    TYPE_any));
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j1);
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j2);
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j3);
@@ -4216,8 +4233,25 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
q = pushArgument(mb, q, j->startoid);
                                                                        q = 
pushDbl(mb, q, 0.0);
+                                                                       c = 
getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                                                                       q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, batRef);
setFunctionId(q, reverseRef);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, b);
dynaarg[i][2] = getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                                                                       q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, d);
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, dynaarg[i][2]);
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, c);
dynaarg[i][2] = getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
                                                                        q = 
getArg(q, 0) = f;
= q->retc = 1;
@@ -4247,7 +4281,7 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
                                                                        q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, putName("json", 4));
setFunctionId(q, putName("unwrap", 6));
-                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, d);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb,    TYPE_any));
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j1);
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j2);
                                                                        q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, j->j3);
@@ -4261,8 +4295,25 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
q = pushArgument(mb, q, j->startoid);
                                                                        q = 
pushLng(mb, q, 0);
+                                                                       c = 
getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                                                                       q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, batRef);
setFunctionId(q, reverseRef);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, b);
dynaarg[i][3] = getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                                                                       q = 
newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
+                                                                       q = 
pushReturn(mb, q, d);
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, dynaarg[i][3]);
+                                                                       q = 
pushArgument(mb, q, c);
dynaarg[i][3] = getArg(q, 0);
pushInstruction(mb, q);
                                                                        q = 
getArg(q, 0) = g;
= q->retc = 1;
@@ -4571,8 +4622,8 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
                                q = pushArgument(mb, q, a7);
                                j->j7 = getArg(q, 0);
-                               /* return bat has b in head, 0 in tail (this is 
-                                * aggregate (can it be anything else?) */
+                               /* prepare return bat, with single element */
+                               /* TODO: do we always return an aggregate here? 
                                q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
                                setModuleId(q, batRef);
                                setFunctionId(q, newRef);
@@ -4762,14 +4813,6 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(jc *j, Client
                                q = pushArgument(mb, q, h);
                                a = getArg(q, 0);
                                pushInstruction(mb, q);
-                               q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
-                               setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
-                               setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
-                               q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, 
-                               q = pushArgument(mb, q, a);
-                               q = pushArgument(mb, q, b);
-                               a = getArg(q, 0);
-                               pushInstruction(mb, q);
                                MALCOMMENT(mb, "} 
dumpvariabletransformation(X_%d)", elems);
                                return a;
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