Changeset: 866a5f34db91 for MonetDB
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Branch: ssdb
Log Message:

skeleton of the compute_polygon function

diffs (147 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/ssdb.c b/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/ssdb.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/ssdb.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/ssdb.c
@@ -88,10 +88,91 @@ _obs_pix_expand(obs_pixels *op_ptr)
 static str
-compute_polygon(obs_pixels *obs_pix)
+compute_polygon(mvc *sql, BUN nr_pixs, BUN nr_obs, obs_pixels *obs_pix, 
sql_table *tout_plg)
+       str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
+       /* tout_plg (obsid INT, ord INT, x INT, y INT) */
+       BAT *tout_plg_obsid = NULL, *tout_plg_ord = NULL,
+               *tout_plg_x = NULL, *tout_plg_y = NULL;
+       int *tout_plg_obsid_t = NULL, *tout_plg_ord_t = NULL,
+               *tout_plg_x_t = NULL, *tout_plg_y_t = NULL;
+       /* keep the total #points in the toug_plg_* BATs */
+       BUN i, nr_points = 0;
        (void) obs_pix;
-       return NULL;
+       /* Create BATs for all columns of the output table 'tout_plg',
+        * nr_pixs is a size estimation. */
+       tout_plg_obsid = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_int, nr_pixs);
+       tout_plg_ord = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_int, nr_pixs);
+       tout_plg_x = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_int, nr_pixs);
+       tout_plg_y = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_int, nr_pixs);
+       /* pointers directly to the BATs' tails */
+       tout_plg_obsid_t = (int*)Tloc(tout_plg_obsid, BUNfirst(tout_plg_obsid));
+       tout_plg_ord_t = (int*)Tloc(tout_plg_ord, BUNfirst(tout_plg_ord));
+       tout_plg_x_t = (int*)Tloc(tout_plg_x, BUNfirst(tout_plg_x));
+       tout_plg_y_t = (int*)Tloc(tout_plg_y, BUNfirst(tout_plg_y));
+       for (i = 0; i < nr_obs; i++) {
+               /* 
+                * TODO: compute polygon for each obs...
+                */
+       }
+       /* Set proper properties for all BATs */
+       BATsetcount(tout_plg_obsid, nr_points);
+       BATsetcount(tout_plg_ord, nr_points);
+       BATsetcount(tout_plg_x, nr_points);
+       BATsetcount(tout_plg_y, nr_points);
+       BATseqbase(tout_plg_obsid, 0);
+       BATseqbase(tout_plg_ord, 0);
+       BATseqbase(tout_plg_x, 0);
+       BATseqbase(tout_plg_y, 0);
+       tout_plg_obsid->tsorted = 1;
+       tout_plg_ord->tsorted = 0;
+       tout_plg_x->tsorted = 0;
+       tout_plg_y->tsorted = 0;
+       tout_plg_obsid->trevsorted = 0;
+       tout_plg_ord->trevsorted = 0;
+       tout_plg_x->trevsorted = 0;
+       tout_plg_y->trevsorted = 0;
+       tout_plg_obsid->T->nil = 0;
+       tout_plg_ord->T->nil = 0;
+       tout_plg_x->T->nil = 0;
+       tout_plg_y->T->nil = 0;
+       tout_plg_obsid->T->nonil = 1;
+       tout_plg_ord->T->nonil = 1;
+       tout_plg_x->T->nonil = 1;
+       tout_plg_y->T->nonil = 1;
+       BATkey(BATmirror(tout_plg_obsid), 0);
+       BATkey(BATmirror(tout_plg_ord), 0);
+       BATkey(BATmirror(tout_plg_x), 0);
+       BATkey(BATmirror(tout_plg_y), 0);
+       /* Finally, append the result BATs to the result table
+        * Ignore errors, since we are finishing */
+       msg = _append_bat(sql, tout_plg, "obsid", tout_plg_obsid);
+       msg = _append_bat(sql, tout_plg, "ord", tout_plg_ord);
+       msg = _append_bat(sql, tout_plg, "x", tout_plg_x);
+       msg = _append_bat(sql, tout_plg, "y", tout_plg_y);
+       goto CLEANUP_RETURN;
+       if (tout_plg_obsid) BBPunfix(tout_plg_obsid->batCacheid);
+       if (tout_plg_ord) BBPunfix(tout_plg_ord->batCacheid);
+       if (tout_plg_x) BBPunfix(tout_plg_x->batCacheid);
+       if (tout_plg_y) BBPunfix(tout_plg_y->batCacheid);
+       return msg;
@@ -107,7 +188,7 @@ SSDBintersects(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr m
 SSDBcooking(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
-{ /* cooking(tin:str, tout_obs:str, tout_plg:str):void */
+{ /* cooking(tin:str, tout_obs:str, tout_plg:str, width:int, height:int):void 
        mvc *sql = NULL;
        sql_table *tin = NULL, *tout_obs = NULL, *tout_plg = NULL;
        /* tin (imageid int, x int, y int, val int) */
@@ -122,9 +203,6 @@ SSDBcooking(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, 
                *tout_obs_centerx = NULL, *tout_obs_centery = NULL,
                *tout_obs_boxxstart = NULL, *tout_obs_boxystart = NULL,
                *tout_obs_boxxend = NULL, *tout_obs_boxyend = NULL;
-       /* tout_plg (obsid INT, ord INT, x INT, y INT) */
-       BAT *tout_plg_obsid = NULL, *tout_plg_ord = NULL,
-               *tout_plg_x = NULL, *tout_plg_y = NULL;
        BUN i = 0, idx = 0, nr_pixs = 0, nr_obs = 0;
        unsigned int *pix_grpid = NULL, *obsid = NULL, cur_obsid = 0, 
last_obsid = 0;
@@ -372,7 +450,7 @@ SSDBcooking(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, 
                tout_obs_avgdist_t[cur_obsid] = wtdDistSum[cur_obsid] / 
-       if ((msg = compute_polygon(obs_pix)))
+       if ((msg = compute_polygon(sql, nr_pixs, nr_obs, obs_pix, tout_plg)))
                goto CLEANUP_RETURN;
        /* Set proper properties for all BATs */
@@ -467,7 +545,8 @@ SSDBcooking(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, 
        BATkey(BATmirror(tout_obs_boxxend), 0);
        BATkey(BATmirror(tout_obs_boxyend), 0);
-       /* Finally, append the result BATs to the result table */
+       /* Finally, append the result BATs to the result table
+        * Ignore erros, since we are finishing */
        msg = _append_bat(sql, tout_obs, "obsid", tout_obs_obsid);
        msg = _append_bat(sql, tout_obs, "imageid", tout_obs_imgid);
        msg = _append_bat(sql, tout_obs, "time", tout_obs_time);
@@ -500,11 +579,6 @@ CLEANUP_RETURN:
        if (tout_obs_boxxend) BBPunfix(tout_obs_boxxend->batCacheid);
        if (tout_obs_boxyend) BBPunfix(tout_obs_boxyend->batCacheid);
-       if (tout_plg_obsid) BBPunfix(tout_plg_obsid->batCacheid);
-       if (tout_plg_ord) BBPunfix(tout_plg_ord->batCacheid);
-       if (tout_plg_x) BBPunfix(tout_plg_x->batCacheid);
-       if (tout_plg_y) BBPunfix(tout_plg_y->batCacheid);
        if (pix_grpid) GDKfree(pix_grpid);
        if (obsid) GDKfree(obsid);
        if (wtdSumX) GDKfree(wtdSumX);
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