Changeset: 3288ed349f26 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

added doc, added defaults and neighbours methods & tests

diffs (147 lines):

diff --git a/clients/python/monetdb/ 
--- a/clients/python/monetdb/
+++ b/clients/python/monetdb/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def parse_statusline(line):
     info = {}
     info['path'] = split[0]
     info['name'] = info['path'].split("/")[-1]
-    info['locked'] = True if split[1] == ("1") else False
+    info['locked'] = split[1] == ("1")
     info['state'] = int(split[2])
     info['scenarios'] = split[3].split("'")
     info['connections'] = split[4].split("'")
@@ -18,12 +18,16 @@ def parse_statusline(line):
     info['min_uptime'] = int(split[10])
     info['last_crash'] = int(split[11])
     info['lastStart'] = int(split[12])
-    info['crash_avg1'] = True if split[1] == ("1") else False
+    info['crash_avg1'] = split[1] == ("1")
     info['crash_avg10'] = float(split[14])
     info['crash_avg30'] = float(split[15])
     return info
 class Control:
+    """
+    Use this module to manage your MonetDB databases. You can create, start, 
+    lock, unlock, destroy your databases and request status information.
+    """
     def __init__(self, hostname, port, passphrase):
         self.server = mapi.Server()
         self.server.connect(hostname, port, 'monetdb', passphrase, 
'merovingian', 'control')
@@ -32,38 +36,87 @@ class Control:
         return self.server.cmd("%s %s\n" % (database_name, command))
     def create(self, database_name):
+        """
+        Initialises a new database or multiplexfunnel in the MonetDB Server.
+        A database created with this command makes it available  for use,
+        however in maintenance mode (see monetdb lock).
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "create")
     def destroy(self, database_name):
+        """
+        Removes the given database, including all its data and
+        logfiles.  Once destroy has completed, all data is lost.
+        Be careful when using this command.
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "destroy")
     def lock(self, database_name):
+        """
+        Puts the given database in maintenance mode.  A database
+        under maintenance can only be connected to by the DBA.
+        A database which is under maintenance is not started
+        automatically.  Use the "release" command to bring
+        the database back for normal usage.
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "lock")
     def release(self, database_name):
+        """
+        Brings back a database from maintenance mode.  A released
+        database is available again for normal use.  Use the
+        "lock" command to take a database under maintenance.
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "release")
-    def status(self, database_name):
-        raw = self._send_command(database_name, "status")
-        return parse_statusline(raw)
-    def statuses(self):
-        raw = self._send_command("#all", "status")
-        return [parse_statusline(line) for line in raw.split("\n")]
+    def status(self, database_name=False):
+        """
+        Shows the state of a given glob-style database match, or
+        all known if none given.  Instead of the normal mode, a
+        long and crash mode control what information is displayed.
+        """
+        if database_name:
+            raw = self._send_command(database_name, "status")
+            return parse_statusline(raw)
+        else:
+            raw = self._send_command("#all", "status")
+            return [parse_statusline(line) for line in raw.split("\n")]
     def start(self, database_name):
+        """
+        Starts the given database, if the MonetDB Database Server
+        is running.
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "start")
     def stop(self, database_name):
+        """
+        Stops the given database, if the MonetDB Database Server
+        is running.
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "stop")
     def kill(self, database_name):
+        """
+        Kills the given database, if the MonetDB Database Server
+        is running.  Note: killing a database should only be done
+        as last resort to stop a database.  A database being
+        killed may end up with data loss.
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "kill")
     def set(self, database_name, property_, value):
+        """
+        sets property to value for the given database
+        for a list of properties, use `monetdb get all`
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, "%s=%s" % (property_, value))
     def get(self, database_name):
+        """
+        gets value for property for the given database, or
+        retrieves all properties for the given database
+        """
         properties = self._send_command(database_name, "get")
         values = {}
         for dirty_line in properties.split("\n"):
@@ -75,7 +128,17 @@ class Control:
         return values
     def inherit(self, database_name, property_):
+        """
+        unsets property, reverting to its inherited value from
+        the default configuration for the given database
+        """
         return self._send_command(database_name, property_ + "=")
-    def version(self, database_name):
-        self._send_command(database_name, "version")
\ No newline at end of file
+    def rename(self, old, new):
+        return self.set(old, "name", new)
+    def defaults(self):
+        return self.get("#defaults")
+    def neighbours(self):
+        return self._send_command("anelosimus", "eximius")
\ No newline at end of file
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