Changeset: d6e1922722b6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Simplify code and deal with speed
When there are many events arriving within a cycle,
we triggered primary key violations.
The current code is a simplified version

diffs (88 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/datacell/Tests/emili.sql 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/datacell/Tests/emili.sql
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/datacell/Tests/emili.sql
@@ -46,18 +46,19 @@ CALL datacell.receptor('datacell.observa
 CREATE PROCEDURE datacell.enrich()
        DECLARE cnt INTEGER;
-       SET cnt = (SELECT count(distinct I.ip) FROM datacell.area A, 
datacell.istream I WHERE A.location = substring(I.location,0,3) ) ;
        INSERT INTO datacell.sensors(ip, location, kind,value) 
                SELECT ip, substring(location,0,3), kind, value FROM 
-       IF cnt = 0
-       THEN
-               INSERT INTO datacell.area SELECT ip, substring(location,0,3) 
FROM datacell.istream;
-       END IF;
-       SET cnt = (SELECT count(distinct I.ip) FROM datacell.states A, 
datacell.istream I WHERE A.location = substring(I.location,0,3) ) ;
-       IF cnt = 0
-       THEN
-               INSERT INTO datacell.states SELECT substring(location,0,3), 
now(), 'normal' FROM datacell.istream;
-       END IF;
+       INSERT INTO datacell.area 
+               SELECT DISTINCT I.ip, substring(I.location,0,3) 
+               FROM datacell.istream I 
+               WHERE I.ip NOT IN (SELECT ip FROM datacell.area);
+       INSERT INTO datacell.states 
+               SELECT DISTINCT substring(location,0,3), now(), 'normal' 
+               FROM datacell.istream
+               WHERE substring(location,0,3) NOT IN (SELECT location FROM 
 CALL datacell.query('datacell.enrich');
@@ -97,40 +98,26 @@ call datacell.query('datacell.splitter')
 -- unconfirmed fire detection based 
 CREATE PROCEDURE datacell.firewarning()
-       DECLARE cnt INTEGER;
-       SET cnt = ( SELECT count(*)
-               FROM datacell.states S, datacell.area A, datacell.hotsensors1 H
-               WHERE S.status ='normal' AND A.ip = H.ip and S.location = 
-       IF cnt =1 
-       THEN
-               UPDATE datacell.states
-               SET status = 'unconfirmed', time = now()
-               WHERE location IN (SELECT A.location
-                               FROM datacell.states S, datacell.area A, 
datacell.hotsensors1 H
-                               WHERE S.status ='normal' AND A.ip = H.ip and 
S.location = A.location));
-       END IF;
+       UPDATE datacell.states
+       SET status = 'unconfirmed', time = now()
+       WHERE location IN (SELECT A.location
+                       FROM datacell.states S, datacell.area A, 
datacell.hotsensors1 H
+                       WHERE S.status ='normal' AND A.ip = H.ip and S.location 
= A.location));
 CALL datacell.query('datacell.firewarning');
 -- autoconfirm the fire warning 
 CREATE PROCEDURE datacell.firespotted()
-       DECLARE cnt INTEGER;
-       SET cnt = ( SELECT count(*)
-               FROM datacell.area A, datacell.states S,  datacell.area B, 
datacell.hotsensors2 H
-               WHERE S.status ='unconfirmed' AND A.ip <> H.ip AND B.ip = H.ip 
AND A.ip <> B.ip AND S.location = A.location);
-       IF cnt =1 
-       THEN
-               UPDATE datacell.states
-               SET status = 'confirmed', time = now()
-               WHERE location IN (SELECT A.location
-                               FROM datacell.states S, datacell.area A, 
datacell.hotsensors1 H
-                               WHERE S.status ='unconfirmed' AND A.ip = H.ip 
and S.location = A.location));
-       END IF;
+       UPDATE datacell.states
+       SET status = 'confirmed', time = now()
+       WHERE location IN (SELECT A.location
+                       FROM datacell.states S, datacell.area A, datacell.area 
B, datacell.hotsensors1 H
+                       WHERE S.status ='unconfirmed' 
+                       AND A.ip = H.ip 
+                       AND A.ip <> B.ip 
+                       AND S.location = A.location
+                       AND S.location = B.location));
 CALL datacell.query('datacell.firespotted');
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