Changeset: 01fa85c8489e for MonetDB
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EMILI use-case definition
This example is meant to demonstrate a fire detection setup
in a metro station, as handled in the EMILI project.

diffs (105 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/datacell/Tests/emili.sql 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/datacell/Tests/emili.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+-- the raw input stream received at receptor
+CREATE TABLE datacell.istream(
+       ip        INET,
+       location  VARCHAR(20),
+       kind      VARCHAR(50),
+       value     DOUBLE
+CALL datacell.receptor('datacell.istream', 'localhost', 50500);
+-- collect the sensors in certain areas
+CREATE TABLE datacell.area(
+       ip INET,
+       location varchar(20)
+-- tag the events with their arrival time
+CREATE TABLE datacell.sensors(
+       like datacell.istream,
+       time timestamp default now()
+CALL datacell.basket('datacell.sensors');
+-- administer the fire state in locations
+CREATE TABLE datacell.states(
+       location varchar(20),
+       time timestamp,
+       status varchar(20) default 'normal'
+-- warden mailbox
+CREATE TABLE datacell.warden(
+       location varchar(20),
+       message  varchar(20)
+CALL datacell.emitter('datacell.warden','localhost',50600);
+-- enrich at the arrival time of each stream event
+CREATE PROCEDURE datacell.enrich()
+       INSERT INTO datacell.sensors(ip, location,kind,value) SELECT * FROM 
+       INSERT INTO datacell.area SELECT ip, location FROM datacell.istream;
+CALL datacell.query('datacell.enrich');
+-- collect messages from hot sensors
+CREATE TABLE datacell.hotsensors(
+       ip INET,
+       time timestamp,
+       value double
+CALL datacell.basket('datacell.hotsensors');
+-- collect the hot sensor messages from stream
+       INSERT INTO datacell.hotsensors
+       SELECT ip, time, value
+       FROM datacell.sensors
+       WHERE kind LIKE 'temperature' AND value > 27;
+CALL datacell.query('');
+-- split the hot sensor events for different decisions
+CREATE TABLE datacell.hotsensors1( LIKE hotsensors);
+CALL datacell.basket('datacell.hotsensors1');
+CREATE TABLE datacell.hotsensors2( LIKE hotsensors);
+CALL datacell.basket('datacell.hotsensors2');
+CREATE PROCEDURE datacell.splitter()
+       INSERT INTO datacell.hotsensors1 SELECT * from datacell.hotsensors;
+       INSERT INTO datacell.hotsensors2 SELECT * from datacell.hotsensors;
+       INSERT INTO datacell.warden SELECT A.location, 'check it' from 
datacell.area A, datacell.hotsensors H
+       WHERE H.ip = A.ip;
+call datacell.query('datacell.splitter');
+-- unconfirmed fire detection based 
+CREATE PROCEDURE datacell.firewarning()
+       INSERT into datacell.states
+       SELECT A.location, H.time, 'unconfirmed' 
+       FROM datacell.states S, datacell.area A, datacell.hotsensors1 H
+       WHERE S.status ='normal' AND A.ip = H.ip and S.location = A.location;
+CALL datacell.query('datacell.firewarning');
+-- autoconfirm the fire warning 
+CREATE PROCEDURE datacell.firespotted()
+       INSERT into datacell.states
+       SELECT S.location, H.time, 'confirmed' 
+       FROM datacell.area A, datacell.states S,  datacell.area B, 
datacell.hotsensors2 H
+       WHERE S.status ='unconfirmed' AND A.ip <> H.ip AND B.ip = H.ip AND A.ip 
<> B.ip AND S.location = A.location;
+CALL datacell.query('datacell.firespotted');
+CALL datacell.resume();
+SELECT * FROM datacell.receptors(); SELECT * FROM datacell.emitters(); SELECT 
* FROM datacell.queries(); SELECT * FROM datacell.baskets();
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