Changeset: 3e499fd4a6ad for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: xid
Log Message:

Merge with default branch.

diffs (200 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/modulechk.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/modulechk.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/modulechk.mal
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 function test();
-c := mdb.modules();
-mods := algebra.kunique(c);
+m1 := mdb.modules();
+m2 := algebra.kunique(m1);
+m3 := algebra.markH(m2,nil:oid);
+m4 := algebra.sortTail(m3);
 end test;
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/modulechk.stable.out 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/modulechk.stable.out
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/Tests/modulechk.stable.out
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ stdout of test 'modulechk` in directory 
 # MonetDB/SQL module loaded
 # MonetDB/DataCell loaded
 function user.test():void;
-    c := mdb.modules();
-    mods := algebra.kunique(c);
-    io.print(mods);
+    m1 := mdb.modules();
+    m2 := algebra.kunique(m1);
+    m3 := algebra.markH(m2,nil:oid);
+    m4 := algebra.sortTail(m3);
+    io.print(m4);
 end test;
 function user.main():void;
@@ -30,86 +32,86 @@ end main;
 # h    t                         # name
 # void str                       # type
-[ 0@0,   "bbp"                   ]
-[ 1@0,   "blob"                  ]
-[ 2@0,   "urlbox"                ]
-[ 3@0,   "sema"                  ]
-[ 4@0,   "recycle"               ]
-[ 5@0,   "language"              ]
-[ 6@0,   "aggr"                  ]
-[ 7@0,   "mmath"                 ]
-[ 8@0,   "url"                   ]
-[ 9@0,   "mkey"                  ]
-[ 10@0,          "mal_init"              ]
-[ 11@0,          "counters"              ]
-[ 12@0,          "manual"                ]
-[ 13@0,          "mdb"                   ]
-[ 14@0,          "mat"                   ]
-[ 15@0,          "bat5"                  ]
-[ 16@0,          "zorder"                ]
-[ 17@0,          "opt_sql_append"        ]
-[ 18@0,          "vault"                 ]
-[ 19@0,          "inet"                  ]
-[ 20@0,          "sabaoth"               ]
-[ 21@0,          "profiler"              ]
-[ 22@0,          "mal_io"                ]
-[ 23@0,          "iterator"              ]
-[ 24@0,          "sql"                   ]
-[ 25@0,          "run_isolate"           ]
-[ 26@0,          "microbenchmark"        ]
-[ 27@0,          "groupby"               ]
-[ 28@0,          "tokenizer"             ]
-[ 29@0,          "pqueue"                ]
-[ 30@0,          "remote"                ]
-[ 31@0,          "algebra"               ]
-[ 32@0,          "batExtensions"         ]
-[ 33@0,          "xml"                   ]
-[ 34@0,          "jaqlfunc"              ]
-[ 35@0,          "run_adder"             ]
-[ 36@0,          "lsst"                  ]
-[ 37@0,          "jaql"                  ]
-[ 38@0,          "batmtime"              ]
-[ 39@0,          "group"                 ]
-[ 40@0,          "batmmath"              ]
-[ 41@0,          "json"                  ]
-[ 42@0,          "udf"                   ]
-[ 43@0,          "pcre"                  ]
-[ 44@0,          "fits"                  ]
-[ 45@0,          "streams"               ]
-[ 46@0,          "mtime"                 ]
-[ 47@0,          "geom"                  ]
-[ 48@0,          "mal_mapi"              ]
-[ 49@0,          "batstr"                ]
-[ 50@0,          "array"                 ]
-[ 51@0,          "attach"                ]
-[ 52@0,          "identifier"            ]
-[ 53@0,          "const"                 ]
-[ 54@0,          "clients"               ]
-[ 55@0,          "run_octopus"           ]
-[ 56@0,          "factories"             ]
-[ 57@0,          "box"                   ]
-[ 58@0,          "txtsim"                ]
-[ 59@0,          "batxml"                ]
-[ 60@0,          "sample"                ]
-[ 61@0,          "srvpool"               ]
-[ 62@0,          "cluster"               ]
-[ 63@0,          "transaction"           ]
-[ 64@0,          "status"                ]
-[ 65@0,          "mal_compiler"          ]
-[ 66@0,          "run_memo"              ]
-[ 67@0,          "color"                 ]
-[ 68@0,          "unix"                  ]
-[ 69@0,          "calc"                  ]
-[ 70@0,          "alarm"                 ]
-[ 71@0,          "logger"                ]
-[ 72@0,          "inspect"               ]
-[ 73@0,          "batcalc"               ]
-[ 74@0,          "optimizer"             ]
-[ 75@0,          "lock"                  ]
-[ 76@0,          "constraints"           ]
-[ 77@0,          "str"                   ]
-[ 78@0,          "batcolor"              ]
-[ 79@0,          "trader"                ]
+[ nil,   "aggr"                  ]
+[ nil,   "alarm"                 ]
+[ nil,   "algebra"               ]
+[ nil,   "array"                 ]
+[ nil,   "attach"                ]
+[ nil,   "bat5"                  ]
+[ nil,   "batExtensions"         ]
+[ nil,   "batcalc"               ]
+[ nil,   "batcolor"              ]
+[ nil,   "batmmath"              ]
+[ nil,   "batmtime"              ]
+[ nil,   "batstr"                ]
+[ nil,   "batxml"                ]
+[ nil,   "bbp"                   ]
+[ nil,   "blob"                  ]
+[ nil,   "box"                   ]
+[ nil,   "calc"                  ]
+[ nil,   "clients"               ]
+[ nil,   "cluster"               ]
+[ nil,   "color"                 ]
+[ nil,   "const"                 ]
+[ nil,   "constraints"           ]
+[ nil,   "counters"              ]
+[ nil,   "factories"             ]
+[ nil,   "fits"                  ]
+[ nil,   "geom"                  ]
+[ nil,   "group"                 ]
+[ nil,   "groupby"               ]
+[ nil,   "identifier"            ]
+[ nil,   "inet"                  ]
+[ nil,   "inspect"               ]
+[ nil,   "iterator"              ]
+[ nil,   "jaql"                  ]
+[ nil,   "jaqlfunc"              ]
+[ nil,   "json"                  ]
+[ nil,   "language"              ]
+[ nil,   "lock"                  ]
+[ nil,   "logger"                ]
+[ nil,   "lsst"                  ]
+[ nil,   "mal_compiler"          ]
+[ nil,   "mal_init"              ]
+[ nil,   "mal_io"                ]
+[ nil,   "mal_mapi"              ]
+[ nil,   "manual"                ]
+[ nil,   "mat"                   ]
+[ nil,   "mdb"                   ]
+[ nil,   "microbenchmark"        ]
+[ nil,   "mkey"                  ]
+[ nil,   "mmath"                 ]
+[ nil,   "mtime"                 ]
+[ nil,   "opt_sql_append"        ]
+[ nil,   "optimizer"             ]
+[ nil,   "pcre"                  ]
+[ nil,   "pqueue"                ]
+[ nil,   "profiler"              ]
+[ nil,   "recycle"               ]
+[ nil,   "remote"                ]
+[ nil,   "run_adder"             ]
+[ nil,   "run_isolate"           ]
+[ nil,   "run_memo"              ]
+[ nil,   "run_octopus"           ]
+[ nil,   "sabaoth"               ]
+[ nil,   "sample"                ]
+[ nil,   "sema"                  ]
+[ nil,   "sql"                   ]
+[ nil,   "srvpool"               ]
+[ nil,   "status"                ]
+[ nil,   "str"                   ]
+[ nil,   "streams"               ]
+[ nil,   "tokenizer"             ]
+[ nil,   "trader"                ]
+[ nil,   "transaction"           ]
+[ nil,   "txtsim"                ]
+[ nil,   "udf"                   ]
+[ nil,   "unix"                  ]
+[ nil,   "url"                   ]
+[ nil,   "urlbox"                ]
+[ nil,   "vault"                 ]
+[ nil,   "xml"                   ]
+[ nil,   "zorder"                ]
 # 15:52:44 >  
 # 15:52:44 >  "Done."
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