Changeset: 3e6bd2e01660 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Removed accumulator version of batmtime operators.
They are not used.

diffs (255 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -1774,60 +1774,6 @@ void MSresetInstructions(MalBlkPtr mb, i
 void MSresetVariables(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr glb, int start);
 void MSscheduleClient(str command, str challenge, bstream *fin, stream *fout);
 void MSserveClient(void *dummy);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_EQ(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_EQ_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, date *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_GE(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_GE_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, date *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_GT(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_GT_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, date *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_LE(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_LE_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, date *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_LT(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_LT_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, date *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_NEQ(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_NEQ_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, date *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_cst_EQ(int *ret, int *r, date *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_cst_GE(int *ret, int *r, date *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_cst_GT(int *ret, int *r, date *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_cst_LE(int *ret, int *r, date *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_cst_LT(int *ret, int *r, date *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_date_cst_NEQ(int *ret, int *r, date *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_EQ(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_EQ_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, daytime *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_GE(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_GE_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, daytime *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_GT(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_GT_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, daytime *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_LE(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_LE_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, daytime *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_LT(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_LT_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, daytime *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_NEQ(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_NEQ_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, daytime *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_cst_EQ(int *ret, int *r, daytime *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_cst_GE(int *ret, int *r, daytime *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_cst_GT(int *ret, int *r, daytime *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_cst_LE(int *ret, int *r, daytime *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_cst_LT(int *ret, int *r, daytime *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_daytime_cst_NEQ(int *ret, int *r, daytime *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_EQ(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_EQ_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, timestamp *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_GE(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_GE_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, timestamp *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_GT(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_GT_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, timestamp *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_LE(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_LE_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, timestamp *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_LT(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_LT_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, timestamp *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_NEQ(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_NEQ_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, timestamp *cst);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_cst_EQ(int *ret, int *r, timestamp *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_cst_GE(int *ret, int *r, timestamp *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_cst_GT(int *ret, int *r, timestamp *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_cst_LE(int *ret, int *r, timestamp *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_cst_LT(int *ret, int *r, timestamp *cst, int *l);
-str MTIMEaccum_timestamp_cst_NEQ(int *ret, int *r, timestamp *cst, int *l);
 str MTIMEbat_date_EQ(int *ret, int *l, int *r);
 str MTIMEbat_date_EQ_cst(int *ret, int *l, date *cst);
 str MTIMEbat_date_GE(int *ret, int *l, int *r);
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/ 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/
@@ -43,16 +43,6 @@ command batcalc.@2(r:@1, l:bat[:oid,:@1]
 address MTIMEbat_@1_cst_@3
 comment "Compare a bat of @1 against a singleton";
-command batcalc.@2(a:bat[:oid,:bit], l:bat[:oid,:@1], r:bat[:oid,:@1]) 
-address MTIMEaccum_@1_@3
-comment "Compare a bat of @1 against each other";
-command batcalc.@2(a:bat[:oid,:bit], l:bat[:oid,:@1], r:@1) :bat[:oid,:bit]
-address MTIMEaccum_@1_@3_cst;
-command batcalc.@2(a:bat[:oid,:bit], r:@1, l:bat[:oid,:@1]) :bat[:oid,:bit]
-address MTIMEaccum_@1_cst_@3
-comment "Compare a bat of @1 against a singleton";
 @= compareGrp
@@ -113,9 +103,6 @@ comment "Unary check for nil over the ta
 batmtime_export str MTIMEbat_@1_@2(int *ret, int *l, int *r);
 batmtime_export str MTIMEbat_@1_@2_cst(int *ret, int *l, @1 *cst);
 batmtime_export str MTIMEbat_@1_cst_@2(int *ret, @1 *cst, int *l);
-batmtime_export str MTIMEaccum_@1_@2(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r);
-batmtime_export str MTIMEaccum_@1_@2_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, @1 *cst);
-batmtime_export str MTIMEaccum_@1_cst_@2(int *ret, int *r, @1 *cst, int *l);
 #define resultBAT(Type,Error)\
@@ -198,68 +185,6 @@ str MTIMEbat_@1_@2(int *ret, int *l, int
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str MTIMEaccum_@1_@2(int *ret, int *d, int *l, int *r)
-       BAT *bn, *b, *right;
-       @1 *p, *q, *t;
-       bit *o;
-       if ((b = BATdescriptor(*l)) == NULL)
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       if ((right = BATdescriptor(*r)) == NULL) {
-               BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       }
-       if ((bn = BATdescriptor(*d)) == NULL) {
-               BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);BBPreleaseref(right->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       }
-       if( BATcount(bn) != BATcount(b) )
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT " Requires bats of 
identical size");
-       if( BATcount(bn) != BATcount(right) )
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT " Requires bats of 
identical size");
-       o = (bit*)Tloc(bn,BUNfirst(bn));
-       p = (@1*)Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));
-       q = (@1*)Tloc(b,BUNlast(b));
-       t = (@1*)Tloc(right,BUNfirst(right));
-       BATaccessBegin(b, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessBegin(right, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       if (b->T->nonil && right->T->nonil) {
-               for (;p<q; p++, t++, o++)
-                       @1@2(o,p,t);
-       } else
-       if (b->T->nonil)
-               for (;p<q; p++, t++, o++) 
-                       if ( @1_isnil(*t))
-                               *o = bit_nil;
-                       else @1@2(o,p,t);
-       else
-       if (right->T->nonil)
-               for (;p<q; p++, t++, o++)
-                       if ( @1_isnil(*p) )
-                               *o = bit_nil;
-                       else @1@2(o,p,t);
-       else
-               for (;p<q; p++, t++, o++) 
-                       if ( @1_isnil(*p) || @1_isnil(*t))
-                               *o = bit_nil;
-                       else @1@2(o,p,t);
-       BATaccessEnd(right, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessEnd(b, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATsetcount(bn, BATcount(b));
-       bn->tsorted = 0;
-       bn->trevsorted = 0;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(bn),FALSE);
-       BBPkeepref(*ret= bn->batCacheid);
-       BBPreleaseref(right->batCacheid);
-       BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
 str MTIMEbat_@1_@2_cst(int *ret, int *l, @1 *cst)
        BAT *bn, *b;
@@ -356,91 +281,6 @@ str MTIMEbat_@1_cst_@2(int *ret, @1 *cst
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str MTIMEaccum_@1_@2_cst(int *ret, int *r, int *l, @1 *cst)
-       BAT *bn, *b;
-       @1 *p, *q;
-       bit *o;
-       if ((bn = BATdescriptor(*r)) == NULL)
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       if ((b = BATdescriptor(*l)) == NULL) {
-               BBPreleaseref(bn->batCacheid);
-               @4;
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       }
-       if( BATcount(bn) != BATcount(b) )
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT " Requires bats of 
identical size");
-       o = (bit*)Tloc(bn,BUNfirst(bn));
-       p = (@1*)Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));
-       q = (@1*)Tloc(b,BUNlast(b));
-       BATaccessBegin(b, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       if ( @1_isnil(*cst))
-               for (;p<q; p++, o++)
-                       *o = bit_nil;
-       else
-       if (b->T->nonil)
-               for (;p<q; p++, o++)
-                       @1@2(o,p,cst);
-       else
-               for (;p<q; p++, o++)
-                       if ( @1_isnil(*p) )
-                               *o = bit_nil;
-                       else @1@2(o,p,cst);
-       BATaccessEnd(b, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       bn->tsorted = 0;
-       bn->trevsorted = 0;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(bn),FALSE);
-       BBPkeepref(*ret= bn->batCacheid);
-       BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str MTIMEaccum_@1_cst_@2(int *ret, int *r, @1 *cst, int *l)
-       BAT *bn, *b;
-       @1 *p, *q;
-       bit *o;
-       if ((bn = BATdescriptor(*r)) == NULL)
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       if ((b = BATdescriptor(*l)) == NULL) {
-               BBPreleaseref(bn->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-       }
-       if( BATcount(bn) != BATcount(b) )
-               throw(MAL, "batcalc.@2", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT " Requires bats of 
identical size");
-       o = (bit*)Tloc(bn,BUNfirst(bn));
-       p = (@1*)Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));
-       q = (@1*)Tloc(b,BUNlast(b));
-       BATaccessBegin(b, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       if ( @1_isnil(*cst))
-               for (;p<q; p++, o++)
-                       *o = bit_nil;
-       else
-       if (b->T->nonil)
-               for (;p<q; p++, o++)
-                       @1@2(o,cst,p);
-       else
-               for (;p<q; p++, o++)
-                       if ( @1_isnil(*p) )
-                               *o = bit_nil;
-                       else @1@2(o,cst,p);
-       BATaccessEnd(b, USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       bn->tsorted = 0;
-       bn->trevsorted = 0;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(bn),FALSE);
-       BBPkeepref(*ret= bn->batCacheid);
-       BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
 @= implCmpGrpDef
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