Changeset: 6047ffcbd447 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Jul2012 branch.

diffs (78 lines):

diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.err
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ stderr of test 'predicate_select.Bug-309
 # 18:53:13 >  "mclient" "-lsql" "-ftest" "-Eutf-8" "-i" "-e" "--host=niels" 
 # 18:53:13 >  
+MAPI  = monetdb@sofia:39129
+QUERY = select * from tables where name;
+ERROR = !conversion from string to type bit failed.
+        !conversion from string to type bit failed.
+        !conversion from string to type bit failed.
+        !conversion from string to type bit failed.
+        !conversion from string to type bit failed.
 # 18:53:13 >  
 # 18:53:13 >  "Done."
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
@@ -57,44 +57,7 @@ Ready.
 [ 5195,        "queryhistory", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 5209,        "callhistory",  2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
 [ 5226,        "querylog",     2000,   "create view querylog as\nselect qd.*, 
ql.ctime, ql.arguments, ql.exec, ql.result, ql.foot, ql.memory, ql.tuples, 
ql.inblock, ql.oublock from queryhistory qd, callhistory ql\nwhere =;",   1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ 5841,        "systemfunctions",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      
false,  0       ]
-[ 5950,        "r",    2000,   NULL,   0,      false,  0,      false,  0       
-#select * from tables where name;
-% .tables,     .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables,        
.tables,        .tables,        .tables,        .tables # table_name
-% id,  name,   schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  
readonly,       temporary # name
-% int, varchar,        int,    varchar,        smallint,       boolean,        
smallint,       boolean,        tinyint # type
-% 4,   15,     4,      192,    1,      5,      1,      5,      1 # length
-[ 2001,        "schemas",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2006,        "types",        2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2015,        "functions",    2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2024,        "args", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
-[ 2032,        "sequences",    2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2042,        "dependencies", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2046,        "connections",  2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2055,        "_tables",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2064,        "_columns",     2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2075,        "keys", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
-[ 2082,        "idxs", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
-[ 2087,        "triggers",     2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2098,        "objects",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2103,        "_tables",      2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2112,        "_columns",     2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2123,        "keys", 2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  0       
-[ 2130,        "idxs", 2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  0       
-[ 2135,        "triggers",     2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 2146,        "objects",      2102,   NULL,   0,      true,   2,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 4993,        "tables",       2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS 
\"temporary\" FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where tables.type < 2;", 
1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ 5003,        "columns",      2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.* FROM 
\"sys\".\"_columns\" AS p UNION ALL SELECT t.* FROM \"tmp\".\"_columns\" AS t) 
AS columns;",    1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ 5023,        "db_user_info", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5031,        "users",        2000,   "SELECT u.\"name\" AS \"name\", 
ui.\"fullname\", ui.\"default_schema\" FROM db_users() AS u LEFT JOIN 
\"sys\".\"db_user_info\" AS ui ON u.\"name\" = ui.\"name\" ;",    1,      true, 
  0,      false,  0       ]
-[ 5035,        "user_role",    2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5038,        "auths",        2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5042,        "privileges",   2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5195,        "queryhistory", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5209,        "callhistory",  2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  
0       ]
-[ 5226,        "querylog",     2000,   "create view querylog as\nselect qd.*, 
ql.ctime, ql.arguments, ql.exec, ql.result, ql.foot, ql.memory, ql.tuples, 
ql.inblock, ql.oublock from queryhistory qd, callhistory ql\nwhere =;",   1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ 5841,        "systemfunctions",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      
false,  0       ]
-[ 5950,        "r",    2000,   NULL,   0,      false,  0,      false,  0       
+[ 5943,        "systemfunctions",      2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      
false,  0       ]
 # 18:53:13 >  
 # 18:53:13 >  "Done."
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb/Tests/testdb-dump.timeout 
--- a/sql/test/testdb/Tests/testdb-dump.timeout
+++ b/sql/test/testdb/Tests/testdb-dump.timeout
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb/Tests/testdb-load.timeout 
--- a/sql/test/testdb/Tests/testdb-load.timeout
+++ b/sql/test/testdb/Tests/testdb-load.timeout
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
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