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diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/ 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
-Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-under the License.
-The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
-The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
-Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
-Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
-All Rights Reserved.
-@f algebra2
- * @a Arjen P. de Vries, S. Manegold
- * @v 1.0
- * @t Work around internal select and join algorithm selection
- * @+ Introduction
- *
- * Too many bugs.[ Unclear if this still holds]
- * The module is a copy of modules/contrib/malalgebra and heavily used
- * by Pathfinder.
- * The commands are added to the algebra module, because it is considered
- * a natural extension of the operations provided there.
- */
-@= join
-command algebra.@1join( left:bat[:any_1,:any_2], right:bat[:any_2,:any_3])
-       :bat[:any_1,:any_3] 
-address AL2@1join
-comment "Hook directly into the '@1join' implementation of the join.";
-@= leftjoin
-command algebra.left@1join(left:bat[:any_1,:any_2], 
-                       right:bat[:any_2,:any_3] ) :bat[:any_1,:any_3] 
-address AL2@1join
-comment "Hook directly into the 'left@1join' implementation of the join.
-prefix 'left' means that left and right input are not swapped during 
-processing, and hence, the order of the left input's head in maintained 
-in the result.";
-command algebra.leftjoin(left:bat[:any_1,:any_2], 
-                       right:bat[:any_2,:any_3] ) :bat[:any_1,:any_3] 
-address ALGjoin
-comment "Hook directly into the 'left@1join' implementation of the join.
-prefix 'left' means that left and right input are not swapped during 
-processing, and hence, the order of the left input's head in maintained 
-in the result.";
-command algebra.leftthetajoin(left:bat[:any_1,:any_2],
-                       right:bat[:any_2,:any_3], mode:int ) 
-address AL2leftthetajoin
-comment "Hook directly into the 'leftthetajoin' implementation of the join.
-prefix 'left' means that left and right input are not swapped during 
-processing, and hence, the order of the left input's head in maintained 
-in the result.";
-command algebra.nlthetajoin(left:bat[:any_1,:any_2],
-       right:bat[:any_2,:any_3], mode:int, estimate:lng) :bat[:any_1,:any_3] 
-address AL2nlthetajoin
-comment "Hook directly into the 'nested-loop-thetajoin' implementation 
-       of the join. prefix 'left' means that left and right input are not 
-       swapped during processing, and hence, the order of the left input's 
-       head in maintained in the result.
-       Also, for each left tuple, all matching right tuples will appear in 
-       their order of appearrance in the right BAT. ";
-@= select
-command algebra.ord_@1select( b:bat[:any_1,:any_2], low:any_2,high:any_2 ) 
-               :bat[:any_1, @2] 
-address AL2ord_@1select
-comment "Like standard '@1select(b, low, high);', but preserves the 
-       order of the input BAT; (for the time being) this means, only 
-       the scan-based select algorithm is used.";
-command algebra.ord_@1select( b:bat[:any_1,:any_2], low:any_2, 
-               high:any_2,l_in:bit,h_in:bit) :bat[:any_1, @2] 
-address AL2ord_@1select_
-comment "Like standard '@1select(b, low, high, l_in, h_in);', but 
-               preserves the order of the input BAT (for the time being) 
-               this means, only the scan-based select algorithm is used.";
-command algebra.ord_@1select(b:bat[:any_1,:any_2], value:any_2) :bat[:any_1, 
-address AL2ord_@1select1
-comment "Like standard '@1select(b, value)', but preserves the order of 
-       the input BAT; (for the time being) this means, only the scan-based 
-               select algorithm is used.";
-# @-
-# old stuff
-@= sum
-command {_csum}(BAT[oid,@1] b) : BAT[oid,@1] 
-address CMDclustered_sum_@1
-comment "grouped tail sum";
- * @* Implementation Code
- */
-#ifndef __MALALGEBRA_H__
-#define __MALALGEBRA_H__
-#include "gdk.h"
-/* nothing much */
-#endif /* __MALALGEBRA_H__ */
-#include "monetdb_config.h"
-#include "algebra2.h"
-/* don't reorder! */
-static BAT *
-BATmalleftjoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       return BATleftjoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-static BAT *
-BATmalfetchjoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       int rfetch = (BAThdense(r) && ATOMstorage(l->ttype) <= 
-       int lfetch = (BATtdense(l) && ATOMstorage(r->htype) <= 
-       if (lfetch && !(rfetch && BATcount(l) < BATcount(r))) {
-               return BATmirror(BATfetchjoin(BATmirror(r), BATmirror(l), 
-       } else if (rfetch) {
-               return BATfetchjoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-       }
-       GDKerror("BATmalfetchjoin: Cannot perform fetchjoin: neither left tail 
nor right head are dense OID columns.\n");
-       return NULL;
-/* don't reorder! */
-static BAT *
-BATmalleftfetchjoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       int rfetch = (BAThdense(r) && ATOMstorage(l->ttype) <= 
-       if (rfetch) {
-               return BATleftfetchjoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-       }
-       GDKerror("BATmalleftfetchjoin: Cannot perform leftfetchjoin: right head 
is no dense OID column.\n");
-       return NULL;
-static BAT *
-BATmalhashjoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       size_t lsize = l->H->heap.size + l->T->heap.size + (l->H->vheap ? 
l->H->vheap->size : 0) + (l->theap ? l->theap->size : 0);
-       size_t rsize = r->H->heap.size + r->T->heap.size + (r->H->vheap ? 
r->H->vheap->size : 0) + (r->theap ? r->theap->size : 0);
-       if (rsize < lsize) {
-               return BATmirror(BAThashjoin(BATmirror(r), BATmirror(l), 
-       }
-       return BAThashjoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-/* don't reorder! */
-static BAT *
-BATmallefthashjoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       return BAThashjoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-static BAT *
-BATmalmergejoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       if (!BATtordered(l) && !BAThordered(r)) {
-               GDKerror("BATmalmergejoin: Cannot perform mergejoin: neither 
left tail nor right head is ordered.\n");
-               return NULL;
-       }
- * Stefan: There is no reason not to perform a mergejoin on voids, is there?
- *
-  if ( (l->ttype==TYPE_void) || (r->htype==TYPE_void) ) {
-       GDKerror( "BATmalmergejoin: Cannot perform mergejoin on void fields.\n" 
-       return NULL;
-  }
-       return BATmergejoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-/* don't reorder! */
-static BAT *
-BATmalleftmergejoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       if (!BAThordered(r)) {
-               GDKerror("BATmalleftmergejoin: Cannot perform leftmergejoin: 
right head is ordered.\n");
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       return BATleftmergejoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-BAT *
-BATmalindexjoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       if (l->ttype == TYPE_void && r->htype == TYPE_void) {
-               GDKerror("BATmalindexjoin: Cannot perform indexjoin on void 
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       return BATindexjoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-/* don't reorder! */
-BAT *
-BATmalleftindexjoin(BAT *l, BAT *r)
-       if (r->htype == TYPE_void) {
-               GDKerror("BATmalleftindexjoin: Cannot perform leftindexjoin: 
right head must not be void.\n");
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       return BATleftindexjoin(l, r, BUN_NONE);
-@= joincmd
-int CMD@1join(BAT **result, BAT *left, BAT* right) {
-  ERRORcheck(left == NULL, "@1-join: invalid left operand"); 
-  ERRORcheck(right == NULL, "@1-join: invalid right operand"); 
-  ERRORcheck(TYPEerror(left->ttype, right->htype), "@1-join: type 
-  return (*result = (BAT*) BATmal@1join(left, right))?GDK_SUCCEED:GDK_FAIL;
-CMDleftthetajoin(BAT **result, BAT *l, BAT *r, int *mode)
-       return (*result = BATleftthetajoin(l, r, *mode, MIN(BATcount(l), 
BATcount(r)))) ? GDK_SUCCEED : GDK_FAIL;
-CMDnlthetajoin(BAT **result, BAT *l, BAT *r, int *mode, lng *estimate)
-       return (*result = BATnlthetajoin(l, r, *mode, *estimate == lng_nil || 
*estimate < 0 ? BUN_NONE : (*estimate >= BUN_MAX ? BUN_MAX : (BUN) *estimate))) 
-@= selectcmd
-int CMDord_@1select1(BAT **result, BAT* b, ptr value) {
-       return (*result = BAT_select_(b, value, 0, TRUE, TRUE, @2, FALSE, 
-int CMDord_@1select(BAT **result, BAT *b, ptr low, ptr high) {
-       return (*result = BAT_select_(b, low, high, TRUE, TRUE, @2, FALSE, 
-int CMDord_@1select_(BAT **result, BAT *b, ptr low, ptr high, bit* l_in, bit* 
h_in) {
-       int tt = b->ttype;
-       ptr nil = ATOMnilptr(tt);
-       if (*l_in == bit_nil && ATOMcmp(tt, low, nil)) {
-               GDKerror("CMDord_@1select: flag 'l_in' must not be NIL, unless 
boundary 'low' is NIL\n");
-               return GDK_FAIL;
-       }
-       if (*h_in == bit_nil && ATOMcmp(tt, high, nil)) {
-               GDKerror("CMDord_@1select: flag 'h_in' must not be NIL, unless 
boundary 'high' is NIL\n");
-               return GDK_FAIL;
-       }
-       return (*result = BAT_select_(b, low, high, *l_in, *h_in, @2, FALSE, 
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