Changeset: bf2e4eb9f88c for MonetDB
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Remove left over file.

diffs (truncated from 553 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/ 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
-Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-under the License.
-The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
-The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
-Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
-Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
-All Rights Reserved.
-@f batifthen
- * @a M.L. Kersten
- * @+ BAT if-then-else multiplex expressions.
- * The assembled code for IF-THEN-ELSE multiplex operations.
- * Again we assume that the BAT arguments are aligned.
- * @-
- */
-@= ifthenGrp
-command batcalc.ifthen(b:bat[:oid,:bit], t:bat[:oid,:@1]) :bat[:oid,:@1] 
-address CMDifThen_@1
-comment "If-then operation to assemble a conditional result ";
-command batcalc.ifthen(b:bat[:oid,:bit], v:@1) :bat[:oid,:@1] 
-address CMDifThenCst_@1
-comment "Ifthen operation to assemble a conditional result ";
-command batcalc.ifthenelse(b:bat[:oid,:bit], v:@1, w:@1) :bat[:oid,:@1] 
-address CMDifThenElseCst_@1
-comment "Ifthen operation to assemble a conditional result ";
-command batcalc.ifthenelse(b:bat[:oid,:bit], t:bat[:oid,:@1], 
-               e:bat[:oid,:@1]) :bat[:oid,:@1] 
-address CMDifThenElse_@1
-comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result ";
-command batcalc.ifthenelse(b:bat[:oid,:bit], e:@1, t:bat[:oid,:@1])
-       :bat[:oid,:@1] 
-address CMDifThenElseCst1_@1
-comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result ";
-command batcalc.ifthenelse(b:bat[:oid,:bit], t:bat[:any_1,:@1], e:@1)
-       :bat[:oid,:@1] 
-address CMDifThenElseCst2_@1
-comment "If-then-else operation to assemble a conditional result ";
-       @:ifthenGrp(bit)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(bte)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(sht)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(int)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(lng)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(oid)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(flt)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(dbl)@
-       @:ifthenGrp(str)@
-       # @- Implementation
-#ifndef _BATIFTHEN_
-#define _BATIFTHEN_
-#include "gdk.h"
-#include "math.h"
-#include "mal_exception.h"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#if !defined(LIBMAL) && !defined(LIBATOMS) && !defined(LIBKERNEL) && 
!defined(LIBMAL) && !defined(LIBOPTIMIZER) && !defined(LIBSCHEDULER) && 
-#define batifthen_export extern __declspec(dllimport)
-#define batifthen_export extern __declspec(dllexport)
-#define batifthen_export extern
-#endif /* _BATIFTHEN_ */
- * @-
- * A general assumption in all cases is the bats are synchronized on their
- * head column. This is not checked and may be mis-used to deploy the
- * implementation for shifted window arithmetic as well.
- */
-@= chkSize
-       if( BATcount(@1) != BATcount(@2) )
-       throw(MAL, "batcalc.@3", ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT " Requires bats of identical 
-@= wrapup
-    if (!(bn->batDirty&2)) bn = BATsetaccess(bn, BAT_READ);
-    *ret= bn->batCacheid;
-    BBPkeepref(*ret);
-    BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);
-    return MAL_SUCCEED;
-@= void_wrapup
-       if (!(bn->batDirty&2)) bn = BATsetaccess(bn, BAT_READ);
-       if (b->htype != bn->htype) {
-               BAT *r = VIEWcreate(b,bn);
-               BBPreleaseref(bn->batCacheid);
-               bn = r;
-       }
-       BBPkeepref(*ret = bn->batCacheid);
-       BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid);
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
- * @- IfThenElse
- * The conditional multiplex operations .
- * @-
- * The constant versions are typed by the parser
- * String arguments call for an extra type casting. In combination
- * with type resolution and runtime checks it provides a dense
- * definitoin.
-@= ifthenImpl
-batifthen_export str CMDifThen_@1(int *ret, int *bid, int *tid);
-CMDifThen_@1(int *ret, int *bid, int *tid) 
-       BATiter bi, tbi;
-       BAT *b, *tb, *bn;
-       @1 nilval=  (@1) @1_nil, *val;
-       BUN p,q;
-       bit *t;
-       @:getBATdescriptor(bid,b,"batcalc.ifThen")@
-       @:chkSize(b,tb,CMDifThen)@
-       @:resBAT(@1,"batcalc.ifThen")@
-       bi = bat_iterator(b);
-       tbi = bat_iterator(tb);
-       t = (bit*)Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));
-       BATaccessBegin(b,USE_HEAD, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessBegin(tb,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATloop(b, p, q) {
-               if (*t == bit_nil) {
-                       BUNfastins(bn, BUNhead(bi,p), (ptr) & nilval);
-               } else if (*t) {
-                       val = (@1*) BUNtail(tbi,p);
-                       BUNfastins(bn, BUNhead(bi,p), val);
-               }
-               t++;
-       }
-       BATaccessEnd(tb,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessEnd(b,USE_HEAD, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       bn->T->nonil = (b->T->nonil && tb->T->nonil);
-       BBPreleaseref(tb->batCacheid);
-       @:wrapup@
-batifthen_export str CMDifThenCst_@1(int *ret, int *bid, @1 *tid);
-str CMDifThenCst_@1(int *ret, int *bid, @1 *tid)
-       BATiter bi;
-       BAT *b, *bn;
-       @1 nilval= (@1) @1_nil;
-       BUN p,q;
-       bit *t;
-       @:getBATdescriptor(bid,b,"batcalc.ifThen")@
-       @:resBAT(@1,"batcalc.ifThen")@
-       bi = bat_iterator(b);
-       t = (bit*)Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));
-       BATaccessBegin(b,USE_HEAD, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATloop(b, p, q) {
-               if (*t == bit_nil) 
-                       BUNfastins(bn, BUNhead(bi,p), (ptr) & nilval);
-               else if (*t) 
-                       BUNfastins(bn, BUNhead(bi,p), (ptr) tid);
-               t++;
-       }
-       BATaccessEnd(b,USE_HEAD, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       bn->T->nonil = (b->T->nonil && *tid != nilval);
-       @:wrapup@
-@= ifthenelseImpl
-batifthen_export str CMDifThenElseCst_@1(int *ret, int *bid, @1 *tid, @1 *eid);
-str CMDifThenElseCst_@1(int *ret, int *bid, @1 *tid, @1 *eid)
-       BAT *b, *bn;
-       @1 nilval= (@1) @1_nil, *dst;
-       bit *t;
-       BUN cnt, p;
-       @:getBATdescriptor(bid,b,"batcalc.ifThenElse")@
-       @:voidresultBAT(TYPE_@1,"batcalc.ifThenElse")@
-       bn->tsorted = FALSE;
-       bn->trevsorted = FALSE;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(bn), FALSE);
-       cnt = BATcount(b);
-       t = (bit*)Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));
-       dst = (@1*)Tloc(bn, BUNfirst(bn));
-       BATaccessBegin(b,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       for (p=0; p<cnt; p++) {
-               if (t[p] == bit_nil) 
-                       dst[p] = nilval;
-               else if (t[p]) 
-                       dst[p] = *tid;
-               else
-                       dst[p] = *eid;
-       }
-       BATaccessEnd(b,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       bn->T->nonil = (b->T->nonil && *tid != nilval && *eid != nilval);
-       BATsetcount(bn, p);
-       @:void_wrapup@
-batifthen_export str CMDifThenElse_@1(int *ret, int *bid, int *tid, int *eid);
-CMDifThenElse_@1(int *ret, int *bid, int *tid, int *eid)
-       BAT *b, *tb, *eb, *bn;
-       @1 nilval= (@1) @1_nil, *dst, *tbv, *ebv;
-       bit *t;
-       BUN cnt, p;
-       @:getBATdescriptor(bid,b,"batcalc.ifThenElse")@
-       @:getBATdescriptor(eid,eb,"batcalc.ifThenElse", 
BBPreleaseref(b->batCacheid); BBPreleaseref(tb->batCacheid);)@
-       @:chkSize(b,tb,ifThenElse)@
-       @:chkSize(b,eb,ifThenElse)@
-       @:voidresultBAT(TYPE_@1,"batcalc.ifThenElse")@
-       bn->tsorted = FALSE;
-       bn->trevsorted = FALSE;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(bn), FALSE);
-       cnt = BATcount(b);
-       t = (bit*) Tloc(b, BUNfirst(b));
-       dst = (@1*)Tloc(bn, BUNfirst(bn));
-       tbv = (@1*)Tloc(tb, BUNfirst(tb));
-       ebv = (@1*)Tloc(eb, BUNfirst(eb));
-       BATaccessBegin(b,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessBegin(tb,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessBegin(eb,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       for (p=0; p<cnt; p++) {
-               if (t[p] == bit_nil) 
-                       dst[p] = nilval;
-               else if (t[p]) 
-                       dst[p] = tbv[p];
-               else
-                       dst[p] = ebv[p];
-       }
-       BATaccessEnd(b,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessEnd(tb,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       BATaccessEnd(eb,USE_TAIL, MMAP_SEQUENTIAL);
-       bn->T->nonil = (b->T->nonil && tb->T->nonil && eb->T->nonil);
-       BATsetcount(bn, p);
-       BBPreleaseref(tb->batCacheid);
-       BBPreleaseref(eb->batCacheid);
-       @:void_wrapup@
-batifthen_export str CMDifThenElseCst1_@1(int *ret, int *bid, @1 *val, int 
-CMDifThenElseCst1_@1(int *ret, int *bid, @1 *val, int *eid)
-       BAT *b, *eb, *bn;
-       @1 nilval= (@1) @1_nil, *dst, *ebv;
-       bit *t;
-       BUN cnt, p;
-       @:getBATdescriptor(bid,b,"batcalc.ifThenElse")@
-       @:getBATdescriptor(eid,eb,"batcalc.ifThenElse", 
-       @:chkSize(b,eb,ifThenElse)@
-       @:voidresultBAT(TYPE_@1,"batcalc.ifThenElse")@
-       bn->tsorted = FALSE;
-       bn->trevsorted = FALSE;
-       BATkey(BATmirror(bn), FALSE);
-       cnt = BATcount(b);
-       t = (bit*) Tloc(b,BUNfirst(b));
-       dst = (@1*)Tloc(bn, BUNfirst(bn));
-       ebv = (@1*)Tloc(eb, BUNfirst(eb));
-       for (p=0; p<cnt; p++) {
-               if (t[p] == bit_nil) 
-                       dst[p] = nilval;
-               else if (t[p]) 
-                       dst[p] = *val;
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