Changeset: 205af2bf78a5 for MonetDB URL:;node=205af2bf78a5 Modified Files: monetdb5/extras/crackers/crackers_holistic.c Branch: holindex Log Message:
Do not increase the frequency of attributes that are refined during idle time. diffs (11 lines): diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/crackers/crackers_holistic.c b/monetdb5/extras/crackers/crackers_holistic.c --- a/monetdb5/extras/crackers/crackers_holistic.c +++ b/monetdb5/extras/crackers/crackers_holistic.c @@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ CRKrandomCrack(int *ret) } /*fprintf(stderr,"posl = "OIDFMT" posh = "OIDFMT" low = %d hgh = %d inclusive = %d", posl,posh,low,hgh,inclusive );*/ CRKselectholBounds_int(ret, &bid, &low, &hgh, &inclusive, &inclusive); + max_node->f1=max_node->f1-1; /*increase frequency only when the column is refined during workload executuion and not during idle time*/ } *ret = 0; return MAL_SUCCEED; _______________________________________________ Checkin-list mailing list