Changeset: 22aff1f226e8 for MonetDB
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Log Message:

Put statistics module into the attic

diffs (truncated from 1042 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/statistics.c 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/statistics.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * 
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- * 
- * The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
- * 
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
- * Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
- * Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * author M.L. Kersten
- * Statistics box.
- * Most optimizers need easy access to key information
- * for proper plan generation. Amongst others, this
- * volatile information consists of the tuple count, size,
- * min- and max-value, the null-density, and
- * a histogram of the value distribution.
- *
- * The statistics are management by a Box, which gives
- * a controlled environment to manage a collection of BATs
- * and system variables.
- *
- * BATs have to be deposit into the  statistics box
- * separately, because the costs attached maintaining them are high.
- * The consistency of the statistics box is partly
- * the responsibility of the upper layers. There is
- * no automatic triggering when the BATs referenced
- * are heavily modified or are being destroyed.
- * They disappear from the statistics box the first time
- * an invalid access is attempted or during system reboot.
- *
- * The staleness of the information can be controlled in several
- * ways. The easiest, and most expensive, is to assure that
- * the statistics are updated when you start the server.
- * Alternative, you can set a expiration interval, which will
- * update the information only when it is considered expired.
- * This test will be triggered either at server restart or
- * your explicit call to update the statistics tables.
- * The statistics table is commited each time you change it.
- *
- * A forced update can be called upon when the front-end
- * expects the situation to be changed drastically.
- *
- * The statistics table is mostly used internally, but
- * once in a while you need a dump for closed inspection.
- * in your MAL program for inspection. Just
- * use the BBP bind operation to locate them in the buffer pool.
- */
-#include "monetdb_config.h"
-#include "statistics.h"
-#include "algebra.h"
-BAT *STAT_id_inuse;            /* BATs information taken from the box */
-BAT *STAT_id_nme;              /* mapping from BBP index */
-BAT *STAT_id_expire;
-BAT *STAT_id_stamp;            /* BAT last time stamp */
-BAT *STAT_id_count;
-BAT *STAT_id_size;
-BAT *STAT_id_min_lng;
-BAT *STAT_id_max_lng;
-BAT *STAT_id_histogram;
- * The statistics are currently limited to the server session.
- * Upon need we can turn it into a persistent mode.
- */
-static int statisticsMode= TRANSIENT;
-static BAT *
-STAT_create(str hnme, str tnme, int ht, int tt)
-       BAT *b;
-       char buf[128];
-       snprintf(buf, 128, "stat_%s_%s", hnme, tnme);
-       b = BATdescriptor(BBPindex(buf));
-       if (b)
-               return b;
-       b = BATnew(ht, tt, 256);
-       if (b == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       BATkey(b, TRUE);
-       BBPrename(b->batCacheid, buf);
-       BATmode(b, statisticsMode);
-       printf("created %s\n", buf);
-       return b;
-static void
-       bat b[10];
-       b[0] = 0;
-       b[1] = ABS(STAT_id_inuse->batCacheid);
-       b[2] = ABS(STAT_id_nme->batCacheid);
-       b[3] = ABS(STAT_id_expire->batCacheid);
-       b[4] = ABS(STAT_id_stamp->batCacheid);
-       b[5] = ABS(STAT_id_count->batCacheid);
-       b[6] = ABS(STAT_id_size->batCacheid);
-       b[7] = ABS(STAT_id_min_lng->batCacheid);
-       b[8] = ABS(STAT_id_max_lng->batCacheid);
-       b[9] = ABS(STAT_id_histogram->batCacheid);
-       TMsubcommit_list(b, 10);
-static void
-       if( STAT_id_inuse) 
-               return;
-       mal_set_lock(mal_contextLock, "statistics");
-       STAT_id_inuse = STAT_create("id", "inuse", TYPE_void, TYPE_int);
-       STAT_id_nme = STAT_create("id", "nme", TYPE_void, TYPE_str);
-       STAT_id_expire = STAT_create("id", "expire", TYPE_void, TYPE_int);
-       STAT_id_stamp = STAT_create("id", "stamp", TYPE_void, TYPE_int);
-       STAT_id_count = STAT_create("id", "count", TYPE_void, TYPE_lng);
-       STAT_id_size = STAT_create("id", "size", TYPE_void, TYPE_lng);
-       STAT_id_min_lng = STAT_create("id", "min_lng", TYPE_void, TYPE_lng);
-       STAT_id_max_lng = STAT_create("id", "max_lng", TYPE_void, TYPE_lng);
-       STAT_id_histogram = STAT_create("id", "histogram", TYPE_void, TYPE_str);
-       if (STAT_id_inuse == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_nme == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_expire == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_stamp == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_count == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_size == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_min_lng == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_max_lng == NULL ||
-               STAT_id_histogram == NULL
-       ) {
-               if ( STAT_id_inuse != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_inuse->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_inuse = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_nme != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_nme->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_nme = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_expire != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_expire->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_expire = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_stamp != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_stamp->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_stamp = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_count != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_count->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_count = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_size != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_size->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_size = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_min_lng != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_min_lng->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_min_lng = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_max_lng != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_max_lng->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_max_lng = NULL;
-               if ( STAT_id_histogram != NULL )
-                       BBPclear(STAT_id_histogram->batCacheid);
-                       STAT_id_histogram = NULL;
-       } else
-               STATcommit();
-       mal_unset_lock(mal_contextLock, "statistics");
-static void
-       if(STAT_id_inuse ==0) return;
-       mal_set_lock(mal_contextLock, "statistics");
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_inuse);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_nme);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_expire);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_stamp);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_count);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_size);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_min_lng);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_max_lng);
-       BBPreclaim(STAT_id_histogram);
-       STAT_id_inuse= NULL;
-       STAT_id_nme= NULL;
-       STAT_id_expire= NULL;
-       STAT_id_stamp= NULL;
-       STAT_id_count= NULL;
-       STAT_id_size= NULL;
-       STAT_id_min_lng= NULL;
-       STAT_id_max_lng= NULL;
-       STAT_id_histogram= NULL;
-       mal_unset_lock(mal_contextLock, "statistics");
-STATdrop(str nme)
-       BATiter STAT_id_nmei;
-       BUN p;
-       int idx;
-       if(STAT_id_inuse ==0) 
-               throw(MAL, "statistics.drop","Statistics not initialized");
-       p = BUNfnd(BATmirror(STAT_id_nme), nme);
-       if (p == BUN_NONE)
-               throw(MAL, "statistics.drop", "BAT not enrolled");
-       STAT_id_nmei = bat_iterator(STAT_id_nme);
-       idx = *(int *) BUNhead(STAT_id_nmei,p);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_nme, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_expire, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_stamp, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_count, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_size, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_min_lng, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_max_lng, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_histogram, &idx, FALSE);
-       BUNdelHead(STAT_id_inuse, &idx, FALSE);
-       STATcommit();
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-STATenroll(int *ret, str *nme)
-       return STATforceUpdate(ret, nme);
-STATenrollHistogram(int *ret, str *nme)
-       (void) ret;
-       (void) nme;
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
- * An update on all BATs in use can be requested.
- * The amount of work is somewhat limited by ensuring
- * that the underlying store has been changed
- */
-STATupdateAll(int *ret, int forced)
-       BAT *b;
-       BUN p, q;
-       str name;
-       int i;
-       if (STAT_id_nme) {
-               BATiter STAT_id_nmei = bat_iterator(STAT_id_nme);
-               BATloop(STAT_id_nme, p, q) {
-                       name = (str) BUNtail(STAT_id_nmei, p);
-                       i = BBPindex(name);
-                       if (i == 0)
-                               continue;
-                       if (forced == FALSE && BUNfnd(STAT_id_inuse, &i) == 
-                               continue;
-                       b = BATdescriptor(i);
-                       if (b == 0) {
-                               /* BAT disappeared */
-                               if ((b = BATdescriptor(i)) == NULL) {
-                                       throw(MAL, "statistics.discard", 
-                               }
-                               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       /* check the modification time with histogram */
-                       /* if BBPolder(i,j) ) */  {
-                               STATforceUpdate(ret, &name);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-STATupdate(int *ret)
-       return STATupdateAll(ret, FALSE);
-STATforceUpdateAll(int *ret)
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