Changeset: e70c94861a34 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Converted to .c/.h/.mal.
This was done rather simplistically by just using cleaned up versions
of the expanded files.

diffs (truncated from 4167 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/ 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/atoms/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ lib_atoms = {
                color.c color.h \
                identifier.c identifier.h \
                inet.c inet.h \
-      \
+               mtime.c mtime.h \
                streams.c streams.h \
                str.c str.h \
                url.c url.h \
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ headers_mal = {
                str.mal \
                url.mal \
                xml.mal \
+               mtime.mal
-EXTRA_DIST = blob.mal color.mal identifier.mal inet.mal xml.mal xml.sql 
batxml.sql str.mal batxml.mal url.mal streams.mal
+EXTRA_DIST = blob.mal color.mal identifier.mal inet.mal xml.mal xml.sql 
batxml.sql str.mal batxml.mal url.mal streams.mal mtime.mal
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/ b/monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c
rename from monetdb5/modules/atoms/
rename to monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/atoms/
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/atoms/mtime.c
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
-The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
-Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-under the License.
-The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
-The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
-Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
-Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
-All Rights Reserved.
-@f mtime
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
+ * Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
+ * Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
  * @t New Temporal Module
  * @a Peter Boncz, Martin van Dinther
@@ -201,744 +198,10 @@ All Rights Reserved.
  * @+ Time/date comparison
-@= compareGrp
-command ==(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_EQ
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command !=(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_NEQ
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command <(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_LT
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command <=(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_LE
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command >(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_GT
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command >=(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_GE
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command isnil(v:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_isnil
-comment "Nil test for @1 value";
-module mtime;
-command calc.==(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_EQ
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command calc.!=(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_NEQ
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command calc.<(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_LT
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command calc.<=(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_LE
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command calc.>(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_GT
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command calc.>=(v:@1,w:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_GE
-comment "Equality of two @1s";
-command calc.isnil(v:@1):bit
-address MTIME@1_isnil
-comment "Nil test for @1 value";
-command calc.min(v:@1,w:@1):@1
-address MTIME@1_min
-comment "Minimum test for @1 value";
-command calc.max(v:@1,w:@1):@1
-address MTIME@1_max
-comment "Maximum test for @1 value";
-command calc.min_no_nil(v:@1,w:@1):@1
-address MTIME@1_min_no_nil
-comment "Minimum test for @1 value";
-command calc.max_no_nil(v:@1,w:@1):@1
-address MTIME@1_max_no_nil
-comment "Maximum test for @1 value";
-# @+ Date atom
-# Monet atoms can have multiple @emph{parse formats}. One of these formats is
-# chosen as the @emph{print format}.
-# To facilitate date descriptions, many formats are supported when parsing
-# date atoms from a string, as described by the below grammar.
-# @verbatim
-# print format: INT_YEAR '-' INT_MONTH '-' INT_DAY
-#        or: STR_MONTH ' '+ INT_DAY ',' ' '* INT_YEAR
-# with:        INT_YEAR = integer between -5867411 and 5867411
-#      INT_DAY = integer between 1 and 31
-#      INT_MONTH = integer between 1 and 12
-#      STR_MONTH = 'JANUARY' or 'FEBRUARY' or 'MARCH' or 'APRIL' or 'MAY'
-#                 or 'JUNE' or 'JULI' or 'AUGUST' or 'SEPTEMBER' or 'OCTOBER'
-#                 or 'NOVEMBER' or 'DECEMBER' (lowercase characters, and/or
-#                 only the first three characters are also allowed)
-#          SEP1 = '-' or '/' or '\' or (' ')+
-#          SEP2 = SEP1 or ''
-# @end verbatim
-# Printing a date uses the 1999-01-31 format, as this is both language neutral
-# and the lexicographical string ordering of this representation respects the
-# actual date ordering.
-# Other print formats can be achieved by writing a customized MIL procedure
-# that extracts year, month and day from a date as integers and formats those
-# in a string.
-atom date :int;
-command date(s:date):date
-address MTIMEdate_date
-comment "Noop routine.";
-command fromstr() :date
-address date_fromstr;
-command tostr() :str
-address date_tostr;
-# @+ Daytime atom
-# A valid time of day to the detail of milliseconds, like 23:59:59:000
-# @verbatim
-# print format: HOUR ':' MIN ':' SEC '.' MSEC
-# parse format: HOUR ':' MIN ':' SEC SEP MSEC
-#        or: HOUR ':' MIN ':' SEC
-#        or: HOUR ':' MIN
-# with: HOUR = integer between 0 and 23
-#        MIN = integer between 0 and 59
-#        SEC = integer between 0 and 59 (default = 0)
-#       MSEC = integer between 0 and 999 (default = 0)
-#        SEP = '.' or ':'
-# @end verbatim
-atom daytime :int;
-command fromstr():daytime
-address daytime_tz_fromstr;
-command tostr():str
-address daytime_tostr;
-# @+ Timestamp
-# An absolute point of time, as formed by the combination of a date a daytime 
in GMT
-# e.g. 1999-01-31@@23:59:59:000. GMT is the universal time at the Greenwich 
-# without any daylight savings time (DST). As such GMT times are 'absolute' 
-# without hour jumps as in DST), so accurate time difference computations can 
be performed.
-# @verbatim
-# print format: DATE ' ' DAYTIME
-# parse format: DATE ' ' DAYTIME ['GMT' ZONE ]
-# with:        DATE = a valid parse format of the date atom (as decribed 
-#      DAYTIME = a valid parse format of the daytime atom (as decribed earlier)
-#      ZONE = ('+'|'-') HOUR ':' MIN [ 'DST' ]
-# @end verbatim
-# Though internally timestamps are stored in GMT, the printing and parsing of
-# timestamps is relative to the local timezone. That is, timestamps are
-# printed without GMT part, meaning that the time is relative to the local
-# timezone.   Also, if a timestamp is parsed from a string that does not have
-# an explicit GMT specifier, it is taken to be a timestamp in the local
-# timezone. The default local timezone is just GMT+00, but it can be set
-# arbitrarily.
-atom timestamp :lng;
-command fromstr():timestamp
-address timestamp_fromstr;
-command tostr():str
-address timestamp_tostr;
-command unix_epoch{unsafe}():timestamp
-address MTIMEunix_epoch
-comment "The Unix epoch time (00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970)";
-command epoch{unsafe}():timestamp
-address MTIMEepoch
-comment "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since the Unix epoch";
-command epoch(t:timestamp):int
-address MTIMEepoch2int
-comment "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since epoch";
-command epoch(t:int):timestamp
-address MTIMEtimestamp
-comment "convert seconds since epoch into a timestamp";
-# When creating a timestamp from a date and daytime, a timezone should be 
-# (if timezone is omitted, the local timezone is assumed). If a timezone is 
-# it is used to convert the date and time in that timezone to GMT, which is 
the internal
-# timestamp representation. One problem here is that the first hour after DST
-# has ended (some Sunday night in autumn, generally), the time is set back one 
hour, so
-# the same times occur twice. Hence two translations to a timestamp are 
possible for
-# such date and time combinations. In those case, we act as if it was the first
-# occurrence (still within DST).
-# @+ tzone
-# A timezone determines a @emph{time offset} from GMT with format
-# [-] HOUR ':' MINUTES, with HOUR between [0:23] and MINUTES between [0:59].
-# Possibly, @emph{Daylight Savings Time} (DST) is in force in a timezone, 
which means that
-# between a start and an end date, the clock is set back @b{one hour}. The 
start and
-# end date of DST are determined by a @emph{rule}. These rules (similar to the
-# Java Timezone class) are made up of 4 parameters: a month @b{M}, a day 
number in the
-# month @b{D}, a day-of-week (monday,..,sunday) denoted @b{W}, and a daytime 
-# (only to the minute detail).
-# Depending of the values of these parameters, five kinds of rules can be made
-# (similar to the Java TimeZone class):
-# @itemize @bullet
-# @item first @b{D}th weekday @b{W} from start of month @b{M}.
-# iff @b{D} in [1,..,5], @b{W} in [1,..,7]
-# @item last @b{D}th weekday @b{W} from end of month @b{M}.
-# iff @b{D} in [-5,..,-1], @b{W} in [1,..,7]
-# @item first weekday @b{W} in month @b{M} after exact @b{D}th day of month.
-# iff @b{D} in [1,..,31], @b{W} in [-7,..,-1]
-# @item last weekday @b{W} in month @b{M} before exact @b{D}th day of month.
-# iff @b{D} in [-31,..,-1], @b{W} in [-7,..,-1]
-# @item exact @b{D}th day of month @b{M}.
-# iff @b{D} in [1,..,31], @b{W}=0;
-# @end itemize
-# The parameters @b{M} is a month number between 1 and 12, and @b{T} is a time
-# to the minute detail just like the time offset of the timezone.
-# Other values of the rule parameters on creating a timezone will produce a
-# nil-timezone.
-atom timezone :lng;
-command fromstr():timezone
-address tzone_fromstr;
-command tostr():str
-address tzone_tostr;
-command str():str
-address MTIMEtzone_tostr;
-command timestamp(s:str):timestamp
-address MTIMEtimestamp_fromstr;
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