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diffs (truncated from 2295 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/ b/gdk/
--- a/gdk/
+++ b/gdk/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ lib_gdk = {
       gdk.h \
       gdk_tm.c gdk_align.c \
-               gdk_heap.c gdk_utils.c gdk_utils.h \
+               gdk_heap.c gdk_utils.c gdk_utils.h gdk_atoms.c 
gdk_atoms.h \
       gdk_storage.c gdk_bat.c gdk_bat.h \
                gdk_delta.c gdk_system.c gdk_value.c \
diff --git a/gdk/ b/gdk/gdk_atoms.c
rename from gdk/
rename to gdk/gdk_atoms.c
--- a/gdk/
+++ b/gdk/gdk_atoms.c
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
-The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
-Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
+ * Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
+ * Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
-Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-under the License.
-The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
-The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
-Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
-Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
-All Rights Reserved.
-@f gdk_atoms
  * @a M. L. Kersten, P. Boncz
  * @* Atomic types
@@ -29,100 +26,7 @@ All Rights Reserved.
  * both built-in and user-defined atomic types.
  * New types, such as point and polygons, can be readily added to this
  * collection.
- * @-
-#ifndef _GDK_ATOMS_H_
-#define _GDK_ATOMS_H_
-#define MAXATOMS       128
- * @- comparison macro's
- * In order to get maximum performance, we extensively use out-factoring
- * of typechecks using Mx macros. To catch diverging code in one Mx macro
- * we use the following #defines for comparing atoms:
- */
-#define simple_CMP(x,y,tpe)     (simple_LT(x,y,tpe)?-1:simple_GT(x,y,tpe))
-#define simple_EQ(x,y,tpe)      ((*(const tpe*) (x)) == (*(const tpe*) (y)))
-#define simple_NE(x,y,tpe,nl)   ((*(const tpe*)(y)) != nl && (*(const tpe*) 
(x)) != (*(const tpe*) (y)))
-#define simple_LT(x,y,tpe)      ((*(const tpe*) (x))  < (*(const tpe*) (y)))
-#define simple_GT(x,y,tpe)      ((*(const tpe*) (x))  > (*(const tpe*) (y)))
-#define simple_LE(x,y,tpe)      ((*(const tpe*) (x)) <= (*(const tpe*) (y)))
-#define simple_GE(x,y,tpe)      ((*(const tpe*) (x)) >= (*(const tpe*) (y)))
-#define atom_CMP(x,y,id)        (*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(x,y)
-#define atom_EQ(x,y,id)         ((*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(x,y) == 0)
-#define atom_NE(x,y,id,nl)      
((*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(y,BATatoms[id].atomNull) != 0 && 
(*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(x,y) != 0)
-#define atom_LT(x,y,id)         ((*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(x,y) < 0)
-#define atom_GT(x,y,id)         ((*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(x,y) > 0)
-#define atom_LE(x,y,id)         ((*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(x,y) <= 0)
-#define atom_GE(x,y,id)         ((*BATatoms[id].atomCmp)(x,y) >= 0)
-#define simple_HASH(v,tpe,dst)  ((dst) *(const tpe *) (v))
-#define atom_HASH(v,id,dst)     ((dst) (*BATatoms[id].atomHash)(v))
- * @- maximum atomic string lengths
- */
-#define bitStrlen      8
-#define bteStrlen      8
-#define shtStrlen      12
-#define intStrlen      24
-#define oidStrlen      24
-#define oidStrlen      48
-#define wrdStrlen      24
-#define wrdStrlen      48
-#define ptrStrlen      24
-#define ptrStrlen      48
-#define lngStrlen      48
-#define fltStrlen      48
-#define dblStrlen      96
- * @-
- * The system comes with the traditional atomic types: int (4 bytes), bool(1
- * byte) and str (variable). In addition, we support the notion of an OID
- * type, which ensures uniqueness of its members.
- * This leads to the following type descriptor table.
- */
-gdk_export int lngFromStr(const char *src, int *len, lng **dst);
-gdk_export int lngToStr(str *dst, int *len, const lng *src);
-gdk_export int intFromStr(const char *src, int *len, int **dst);
-gdk_export int intToStr(str *dst, int *len, const int *src);
-gdk_export int batFromStr(const char *src, int *len, bat **dst);
-gdk_export int batToStr(str *dst, int *len, const bat *src);
-gdk_export int ptrFromStr(const char *src, int *len, ptr **dst);
-gdk_export int ptrToStr(str *dst, int *len, const ptr *src);
-gdk_export int bitFromStr(const char *src, int *len, bit **dst);
-gdk_export int bitToStr(str *dst, int *len, const bit *src);
-gdk_export int OIDfromStr(const char *src, int *len, oid **dst);
-gdk_export int OIDtoStr(str *dst, int *len, const oid *src);
-gdk_export int shtFromStr(const char *src, int *len, sht **dst);
-gdk_export int shtToStr(str *dst, int *len, const sht *src);
-gdk_export int bteFromStr(const char *src, int *len, bte **dst);
-gdk_export int bteToStr(str *dst, int *len, const bte *src);
-gdk_export int fltFromStr(const char *src, int *len, flt **dst);
-gdk_export int fltToStr(str *dst, int *len, const flt *src);
-gdk_export int dblFromStr(const char *src, int *len, dbl **dst);
-gdk_export int dblToStr(str *dst, int *len, const dbl *src);
-gdk_export ssize_t GDKstrFromStr(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, 
ssize_t len);
-gdk_export int strFromStr(const char *src, int *len, str *dst);
-gdk_export int strToStr(str *dst, int *len, const char *src);
-gdk_export BUN strHash(const char *s);
-gdk_export int strLen(const char *s);
-gdk_export int strNil(const char *s);
-gdk_export int escapedStrlen(const char *src);
-gdk_export int escapedStr(char *dst, const char *src, int dstlen);
  * @- inline comparison routines
  * Return 0 on l==r, < 0 iff l < r, >0 iff l > r
@@ -263,7 +167,7 @@ batUnfix(const bat *b)
  * The routines cmp and eq are comparison routines used to build access
  * structures. The null returns a reference to a null value representation.
- * @-
+ *
  * The incremental atom construction uses hardwired properties.
  * This should be improved later on.
@@ -427,60 +331,6 @@ ATOMisdescendant(int tpe, int parent)
- * @- nil values
- * All types have a single value designated as a NIL value. It designates
- * a missing value and it is ignored (forbidden) in several primitives.
- * The current policy is to use the smallest value in any ordered domain.
- * The routine atomnil returns a pointer to the nil value representation.
- */
-#define GDK_bit_max ((bit) 1)
-#define GDK_bit_min ((bit) 0)
-#define GDK_bte_max ((bte) SCHAR_MAX)
-#define GDK_bte_min ((bte) SCHAR_MIN)
-#define GDK_sht_max ((sht) SHRT_MAX)
-#define GDK_sht_min ((sht) SHRT_MIN)
-#define GDK_int_max INT_MAX
-#define GDK_int_min INT_MIN
-#define GDK_flt_max ((flt) FLT_MAX)
-#define GDK_flt_min (-GDK_flt_max)
-#define GDK_lng_max ((lng) LLONG_MAX)
-#define GDK_lng_min ((lng) LLONG_MIN)
-#define GDK_dbl_max ((dbl) DBL_MAX)
-#define GDK_dbl_min (-GDK_dbl_max)
-/* GDK_oid_max see below */
-#define GDK_oid_min ((oid) 0)
-/* representation of the nil */
-gdk_export const bte bte_nil;
-gdk_export const sht sht_nil;
-gdk_export const int int_nil;
-gdk_export const flt flt_nil;
-gdk_export const dbl dbl_nil;
-gdk_export const lng lng_nil;
-gdk_export const oid oid_nil;
-gdk_export const wrd wrd_nil;
-gdk_export const char str_nil[2];
-gdk_export const ptr ptr_nil;
-/* derived NIL values - OIDDEPEND */
-#define bit_nil        ((bit) bte_nil)
-#define bat_nil        ((bat) int_nil)
-#define GDK_wrd_max ((wrd) GDK_int_max)
-#define GDK_wrd_min ((wrd) GDK_int_min)
-#define GDK_wrd_max ((wrd) GDK_lng_max)
-#define GDK_wrd_min ((wrd) GDK_lng_min)
-#define GDK_oid_max ((oid) GDK_int_max)
-#define GDK_oid_max ((oid) GDK_lng_max)
-#define void_nil       oid_nil
 const bte bte_nil = GDK_bte_min;
 const sht sht_nil = GDK_sht_min;
 const int int_nil = GDK_int_min;
@@ -504,162 +354,6 @@ ATOMnil(int t)
        return dst;
- * @- Derived types
- * In all algorithms across GDK, you will find switches on the types
- * ( bte, sht, int, wrd, flt, dbl, lng, str). They respectively represent
- * an octet, a 16-bit int, a 32-bit int, a 32-bit float, a 64-bit double,
- * a 64-bit int, and a pointer-sized location of a char-buffer (ended by
- * a zero char).
- *
- * In contrast, the types (bit, ptr, bat, oid) are derived types. They
- * do not occur in the switches. The ATOMstorage macro maps them respectively
- * onto a @code{ bte}, @code{ int} (pointers are 32-bit), @code{ int}, and
- * @code{ int}. OIDs are 32-bit.
- *
- * This approach makes it tractable to switch to 64-bits OIDs,
- * or to a fully 64-bits OS easily. One only has to map the @code{ oid}
- * and @code{ ptr} types to @code{ lng} instead of @code{ int}.
- *
- * Derived types mimic their fathers in many ways. They inherit the @code{ 
- * @code{ varsized}, @code{ linear}, @code{ null} and @code{ align} properties 
of their
- * father.  The same goes for the ADT functions HASH, CMP, PUT, NULL,
- * DEL, LEN, and HEAP. So, a derived type differs in only two ways
- * from its father:
- * @table @code
- * @item [string representation]
- * the only two ADT operations specific for a derived type are FROMSTR
- * and TOSTR.
- * @item [identity]
- * (a @code{ bit} is really of a different type than @code{ bte}). The set of
- * operations on derived type values or BATs of such types may differ
- * from the sets of operations on the father type.
- * @end table
- */
-/* use "do ... while(0)" so that lhs can safely be used in if statements */
-#define ATOMstorage(t)         BATatoms[t].storage
-#define ATOMsize(t)            BATatoms[t].size
-#define ATOMalign(t)           BATatoms[t].align
-#define ATOMfromstr(t,s,l,src) BATatoms[t].atomFromStr(src,l,s)
-#define ATOMnilptr(t)          BATatoms[t].atomNull
-#define ATOMhash(t,src)                BATatoms[t].atomHash(src)
-#define ATOMdel(t,hp,src)      do if (BATatoms[t].atomDel) 
BATatoms[t].atomDel(hp,src); while (0)
-#define ATOMvarsized(t)                ((t != TYPE_void) && 
-#define ATOMlinear(t)          BATatoms[t].linear
-#define ATOMtype(t)            ((t == TYPE_void)?TYPE_oid:t)
-#define ATOMfix(t,v)           do if (BATatoms[t].atomFix) 
BATatoms[t].atomFix(v); while (0)
-#define ATOMunfix(t,v)         do if (BATatoms[t].atomUnfix) 
BATatoms[t].atomUnfix(v); while (0)
-#define ATOMconvert(t,v,d)     do if (BATatoms[t].atomConvert) 
BATatoms[t].atomConvert(v,d); while (0)
-#define ATOMheapConvert(t,hp,d)        do if (BATatoms[t].atomHeapConvert) 
BATatoms[t].atomHeapConvert(hp,d); while (0)
-#define CONV_HTON               1
-#define CONV_NTOH               0
- * @-
- * In case that atoms are added to a bat, their logical reference count
- * should be incremented (and decremented if deleted). Notice that BATs
- * with atomic types that have logical references (e.g. BATs of BATs but
- * also BATs of ODMG odSet) can never be persistent, as this would make
- * the commit tremendously complicated.
- */
-#define ATOMput(type, heap, dst, src)                                  \
-       do {                                                            \
-               int t_ = (type);                                        \
-               ptr d_ = (ptr) (dst);                                   \
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