Changeset: 03df27701cf7 for MonetDB
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add missing files

diffs (truncated from 1174 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_psm.c b/sql/server/rel_psm.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/server/rel_psm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the MonetDB Database System.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is CWI.
+ * Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 2008 CWI.
+ * Copyright August 2008-2012 MonetDB B.V.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#include "monetdb_config.h"
+#include "rel_psm.h"
+#include "rel_bin.h"
+#include "rel_semantic.h"
+#include "rel_schema.h"
+#include "rel_select.h"
+#include "rel_exp.h"
+#include "rel_updates.h"
+#include "sql_privileges.h"
+static sql_rel *
+rel_psm_block(sql_allocator *sa, list *l)
+       if (l) {
+               sql_rel *r = rel_create(sa);
+               r->op = op_ddl;
+               r->flag = DDL_PSM;
+               r->exps = l;
+               return r;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static sql_rel *
+rel_psm_stmt(sql_allocator *sa, sql_exp *e)
+       if (e) {
+               list *l = sa_list(sa);
+               list_append(l, e);
+               return rel_psm_block(sa, l);
+       }
+       return NULL;
+/* SET variable = value */
+static sql_exp *
+psm_set_exp(mvc *sql, dnode *n)
+       exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_value, FALSE};
+       char *name = n->data.sval;
+       symbol *val = n->next->data.sym;
+       sql_exp *e = NULL;
+       int level = 0, is_last = 0;
+       sql_subtype *tpe = NULL;
+       sql_rel *rel = NULL;
+       sql_exp *res = NULL;
+       /* name can be 
+               'parameter of the function' (ie in the param list)
+               or a local or global variable, declared earlier
+       */
+       /* check if variable is known from the stack */
+       if (!stack_find_var(sql, name)) {
+               sql_arg *a = sql_bind_param(sql, name);
+               if (!a) /* not parameter, ie local var ? */
+                       return sql_error(sql, 01, "Variable %s unknown", name);
+               tpe = &a->type;
+       } else { 
+               tpe = stack_find_type(sql, name);
+       }
+       e = rel_value_exp2(sql, &rel, val, sql_sel, ek, &is_last);
+       if (!e || (rel && e->card > CARD_AGGR))
+               return NULL;
+       level = stack_find_frame(sql, name);
+       e = rel_check_type(sql, tpe, e, type_cast); 
+       if (!e)
+               return NULL;
+       if (rel) {
+               sql_exp *er = exp_rel(sql->sa, rel);
+               list *b = sa_list(sql->sa);
+               append(b, er);
+               append(b, exp_set(sql->sa, name, e, level));
+               res = exp_rel(sql->sa, rel_psm_block(sql->sa, b));
+       } else {
+               res = exp_set(sql->sa, name, e, level);
+       }
+       return res;
+static sql_exp*
+rel_psm_call(mvc * sql, symbol *se)
+       sql_subtype *t;
+       sql_exp *res = NULL;
+       exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_none, FALSE};
+       sql_rel *rel = NULL;
+       res = rel_value_exp(sql, &rel, se, sql_sel, ek);
+       if (!res || rel || ((t=exp_subtype(res)) && t->type))  /* only 
procedures */
+               return sql_error(sql, 01, "function calls are ignored");
+       return res;
+static list *
+rel_psm_declare(mvc *sql, dnode *n)
+       list *l = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       while(n) { /* list of 'identfiers with type' */
+               dnode *ids = n->data.sym->data.lval->h->data.lval->h;
+               sql_subtype *ctype = 
+               while(ids) {
+                       char *name = ids->data.sval;
+                       sql_exp *r = NULL;
+                       /* check if we overwrite a scope local variable declare 
x; declare x; */
+                       if (frame_find_var(sql, name)) {
+                               return sql_error(sql, 01, 
+                                       "Variable '%s' allready declared", 
+                       }
+                       /* variables are put on stack, 
+                        * TODO make sure on plan/explain etc they only 
+                        * exist during plan phase */
+                       stack_push_var(sql, name, ctype);
+                       r = exp_var(sql->sa, sa_strdup(sql->sa, name), ctype, 
+                       append(l, r);
+                       ids = ids->next;
+               }
+               n = n->next;
+       }
+       return l;
+static sql_exp *
+rel_psm_declare_table(mvc *sql, dnode *n)
+       sql_rel *rel = NULL;
+       dlist *qname = n->next->data.lval;
+       char *name = qname_table(qname);
+       char *sname = qname_schema(qname);
+       sql_subtype ctype = *sql_bind_localtype("bat");
+       if (sname)  /* not allowed here */
+               return sql_error(sql, 02, "DECLARE TABLE: qualified name 
+       if (frame_find_var(sql, name)) 
+               return sql_error(sql, 01, "Variable '%s' allready declared", 
+       assert(n->next->next->next->type == type_int);
+       rel = rel_create_table(sql, cur_schema(sql), SQL_DECLARED_TABLE, NULL, 
name, n->next->next->data.sym, n->next->next->next->data.i_val, NULL);
+       if (!rel || rel->op != op_ddl || rel->flag != DDL_CREATE_TABLE)
+               return NULL;
+       ctype.comp_type = 
+       stack_push_rel_var(sql, name, rel_dup(rel), &ctype);
+       return exp_var(sql->sa, sa_strdup(sql->sa, name), &ctype, sql->frame);
+/* [ label: ]
+   while (cond) do 
+       statement_list
+   end [ label ]
+   currently we only parse the labels, they cannot be used as there is no
+   support for LEAVE and ITERATE (sql multi-level break and continue)
+ */
+static sql_exp * 
+rel_psm_while_do( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, dnode *w, int is_func )
+       if (!w)
+               return NULL;
+       if (w->type == type_symbol) { 
+               sql_exp *cond;
+               list *whilestmts;
+               dnode *n = w;
+               sql_rel *rel = NULL;
+               cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, n->data.sym, sql_sel); 
+               n = n->next;
+               whilestmts = sequential_block(sql, res, n->data.lval, 
n->next->data.sval, is_func);
+               if (sql->session->status || !cond || !whilestmts || rel) 
+                       return NULL;
+               return exp_while( sql->sa, cond, whilestmts );
+       }
+       return NULL;
+/* if (cond) then statement_list
+   [ elseif (cond) then statement_list ]*
+   [ else statement_list ]
+   end if
+ */
+static list * 
+psm_if_then_else( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, dnode *elseif, int is_func)
+       if (!elseif)
+               return NULL;
+       if (elseif->next && elseif->type == type_symbol) { /* if or elseif */
+               sql_exp *cond;
+               list *ifstmts, *elsestmts;
+               dnode *n = elseif;
+               sql_rel *rel = NULL;
+               cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, n->data.sym, sql_sel); 
+               n = n->next;
+               ifstmts = sequential_block(sql, res, n->data.lval, NULL, 
+               n = n->next;
+               elsestmts = psm_if_then_else( sql, res, n, is_func);
+               if (sql->session->status || !cond || !ifstmts || rel) 
+                       return NULL;
+               return append(sa_list(sql->sa), exp_if( sql->sa, cond, ifstmts, 
+       } else { /* else */
+               symbol *e = elseif->data.sym;
+               if (e==NULL || (e->token != SQL_ELSE))
+                       return NULL;
+               return sequential_block( sql, res, e->data.lval, NULL, is_func);
+       }
+static sql_exp * 
+rel_psm_if_then_else( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, dnode *elseif, int is_func)
+       if (!elseif)
+               return NULL;
+       if (elseif->next && elseif->type == type_symbol) { /* if or elseif */
+               sql_exp *cond;
+               list *ifstmts, *elsestmts;
+               dnode *n = elseif;
+               sql_rel *rel = NULL;
+               cond = rel_logical_value_exp(sql, &rel, n->data.sym, sql_sel); 
+               n = n->next;
+               ifstmts = sequential_block(sql, res, n->data.lval, NULL, 
+               n = n->next;
+               elsestmts = psm_if_then_else( sql, res, n, is_func);
+               if (sql->session->status || !cond || !ifstmts || rel) 
+                       return NULL;
+               return exp_if( sql->sa, cond, ifstmts, elsestmts);
+       }
+       return NULL;
+/*     1
+       CASE
+       WHEN search_condition THEN statements
+       [ WHEN search_condition THEN statements ]
+       [ ELSE statements ]
+       END CASE
+       2
+       CASE case_value
+       WHEN when_value THEN statements
+       [ WHEN when_value THEN statements ]
+       [ ELSE statements ]
+       END CASE
+ */
+static list * 
+rel_psm_case( mvc *sql, sql_subtype *res, dnode *case_when, int is_func )
+       list *case_stmts = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       if (!case_when)
+               return NULL;
+       /* case 1 */
+       if (case_when->type == type_symbol) {
+               dnode *n = case_when;
+               symbol *case_value = n->data.sym;
+               dlist *when_statements = n->next->data.lval;
+               dlist *else_statements = n->next->next->data.lval;
+               list *else_stmt = NULL;
+               sql_rel *rel = NULL;
+               exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_value, FALSE};
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