Changeset: 978965bc06b6 for MonetDB
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Branch: jacqueline
Log Message:

filter: allow calculated values to be used in predicates

A bit of reworking on the parser to more flexibly allow parenthesis and
mixing of predicates with operations.

diffs (truncated from 348 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/filter00.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/filter00.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/filter00.mal
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ jaql.x("[ {\"id\":1, \"dept\":2, \"incom
 jaql.x("[1,2,4]->filter $ > 2;");
 jaql.x("[ {\"id\":1, \"dept\":2, \"income\":12000},4,5 ] -> filter $.dept == 
 jaql.x("[ {\"id\":1, \"dept\":2, \"income\":12000},4,5 ] -> filter $ >= 2;");
+jaql.x("[ {\"id\":1, \"dept\":2, \"income\":12000},{\"id\":2, \"dept\":2, 
\"income\":13000} ] -> filter $.dept + $.id > 3;");
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/filter00.stable.out 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/filter00.stable.out
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/filter00.stable.out
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ function user.main():void;
     jaql.x("[1,2,4]->filter $ > 2;");
     jaql.x("[ {\"id\":1, \"dept\":2, \"income\":12000},4,5 ] -> filter $.dept 
== 2;");
     jaql.x("[ {\"id\":1, \"dept\":2, \"income\":12000},4,5 ] -> filter $ >= 
+    jaql.x("[ {\"id\":1, \"dept\":2, \"income\":12000},{\"id\":2, \"dept\":2, 
\"income\":13000} ] -> filter $.dept + $.id > 3;");
 end main;
 [ { "id": 1, "dept": 1, "income": 12000 } ]
 [ { "id": 1, "dept": 1, "income": 12000 } ]
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ end main;
 [ 4 ]
 [ { "id": 1, "dept": 2, "income": 12000 } ]
 [ 4, 5 ]
+[ { "id": 2, "dept": 2, "income": 13000 } ]
 # 21:51:22 >  
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/transform00.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/transform00.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/transform00.mal
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 jaql.x("[1,2,3] -> transform 2 * 2;");
+jaql.x("[1,2,3] -> transform {\"value\":2 + 2};");
 jaql.x("[{\"a\": 1}, {\"a\": 2.6}] -> transform $.a;");
 jaql.x("[1,2.2,3] -> transform 2 * $;");
 jaql.x("[{\"a\": 1}, {\"a\": 2.5}] -> transform $.a + $.a;");
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/transform00.stable.out 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/transform00.stable.out
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/jaql/Tests/transform00.stable.out
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ stdout of test 'transform00` in director
 # MonetDB/DataCell module not loaded: MALException:jaql.context:JAQL 
environment not found
 function user.main():void;
     jaql.x("[1,2,3] -> transform 2 * 2;");
+    jaql.x("[1,2,3] -> transform {\"value\":2 + 2};");
     jaql.x("[{\"a\": 1}, {\"a\": 2.6}] -> transform $.a;");
     jaql.x("[1,2.2,3] -> transform 2 * $;");
     jaql.x("[{\"a\": 1}, {\"a\": 2.5}] -> transform $.a + $.a;");
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ function user.main():void;
     jaql.x("[1,2,3] -> transform {\"value\":$ + $};");
 end main;
 [ 4, 4, 4 ]
+[ { "value": 4 }, { "value": 4 }, { "value": 4 } ]
 [ 1, 2.600000 ]
 [ 2, 4.400000, 6 ]
 [ 2, 5.000000 ]
diff --git a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/jaqlgencode.c 
--- a/monetdb5/extras/jaql/jaqlgencode.c
+++ b/monetdb5/extras/jaql/jaqlgencode.c
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 #include "jaqlgencode.h"
 #include "opt_prelude.h"
+static int dumpvariabletransformation(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elems, int 
*j1, int *j2, int *j3, int *j4, int *j5, int *j6, int *j7);
 /* returns a bat with subset from kind bat (:oid,:chr) which are
  * referenced by the first array of the JSON structure (oid 0@0 of kind
  * bat, pointing to array, so all oids from array bat that have head oid
@@ -161,20 +163,60 @@ dumprefvar(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int el
 /* returns bat with in the head the oids from elems that match the
  * comparison */
 static int
-dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elems, int j1, int j2, int j3, int j4, int 
j6, int j7)
+dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elems, int *j1, int *j2, int *j3, int *j4, 
int *j5, int *j6, int *j7)
        InstrPtr q;
        int a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
        assert(t != NULL);
-       assert(t->tval1->type == j_var);
+       assert(t->tval1->type == j_var || t->tval1->type == j_operation);
        assert(t->tval2->type == j_comp);
-       assert(t->tval3->type == j_var
+       assert(t->tval3->type == j_var || t->tval3->type == j_operation
                        || t->tval3->type == j_num || t->tval3->type == j_dbl
                        || t->tval3->type == j_str || t->tval3->type == j_bool);
-       a = dumprefvar(mb, t->tval1, elems, j1, j6, j7);
-       if (t->tval3->type != j_var) {
+       if (t->tval1->type == j_operation) {
+               q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+               setModuleId(q, batRef);
+               setFunctionId(q, reverseRef);
+               q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+               q = pushArgument(mb, q, elems);
+               a = getArg(q, 0);
+               pushInstruction(mb, q);
+               b = dumpvariabletransformation(mb, t->tval1, a,
+                               j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7);
+               q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+               setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
+               setFunctionId(q, markHRef);
+               q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+               q = pushArgument(mb, q, a);
+               q = pushOid(mb, q, 0);
+               a = getArg(q, 0);
+               pushInstruction(mb, q);
+               q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+               setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
+               setFunctionId(q, markTRef);
+               q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+               q = pushArgument(mb, q, b);
+               q = pushOid(mb, q, 0);
+               b = getArg(q, 0);
+               pushInstruction(mb, q);
+               /* because transformations must leave the original count in
+                * tact, all elems from b originate straight from a, be it that
+                * they may be null now */
+               q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+               setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
+               setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
+               q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+               q = pushArgument(mb, q, b);
+               q = pushArgument(mb, q, a);
+               a = getArg(q, 0);
+               pushInstruction(mb, q);
+       } else {
+               a = dumprefvar(mb, t->tval1, elems, *j1, *j6, *j7);
+       }
+       if (t->tval3->type != j_var && t->tval3->type != j_operation) {
                q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
                setModuleId(q, batRef);
                setFunctionId(q, reverseRef);
@@ -186,7 +228,46 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
        switch (t->tval3->type) {
                case j_var:
-                       b = dumprefvar(mb, t->tval3, elems, j1, j6, j7);
+                       b = dumprefvar(mb, t->tval3, elems, *j1, *j6, *j7);
+                       c = -1;
+                       break;
+               case j_operation:
+                       q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+                       setModuleId(q, batRef);
+                       setFunctionId(q, reverseRef);
+                       q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, elems);
+                       b = getArg(q, 0);
+                       pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                       c = dumpvariabletransformation(mb, t->tval1, b,
+                                       j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7);
+                       q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+                       setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
+                       setFunctionId(q, markHRef);
+                       q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, b);
+                       q = pushOid(mb, q, 0);
+                       b = getArg(q, 0);
+                       pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                       q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+                       setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
+                       setFunctionId(q, markTRef);
+                       q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, c);
+                       q = pushOid(mb, q, 0);
+                       c = getArg(q, 0);
+                       pushInstruction(mb, q);
+                       /* because transformations must leave the original 
count in
+                        * tact, all elems from c originate straight from b, be 
it that
+                        * they may be null now */
+                       q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
+                       setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
+                       setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
+                       q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, c);
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, b);
+                       b = getArg(q, 0);
+                       pushInstruction(mb, q);
                        c = -1;
                case j_num:
@@ -195,7 +276,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
                        setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
                        q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
                        q = pushArgument(mb, q, a);
-                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, j3);
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, *j3);
                        b = getArg(q, 0);
                        pushInstruction(mb, q);
                        q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
@@ -210,7 +291,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
                        setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
                        q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
                        q = pushArgument(mb, q, a);
-                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, j4);
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, *j4);
                        b = getArg(q, 0);
                        pushInstruction(mb, q);
                        q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
@@ -225,7 +306,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
                        setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
                        q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
                        q = pushArgument(mb, q, a);
-                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, j2);
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, *j2);
                        b = getArg(q, 0);
                        pushInstruction(mb, q);
                        q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
@@ -240,7 +321,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
                        setFunctionId(q, joinRef);
                        q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
                        q = pushArgument(mb, q, a);
-                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, j1);
+                       q = pushArgument(mb, q, *j1);
                        b = getArg(q, 0);
                        pushInstruction(mb, q);
                        q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
@@ -338,7 +419,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
        } else {  /* var <cmp> var */
-               int lv[4] = {j2, j3, j4, 0}, *lp = lv;
+               int lv[4] = {*j2, *j3, *j4, 0}, *lp = lv;
                /* FIXME: we need to check that a and b have at most one value
                 * per elem here, further code assumes that, because its
                 * semantically unclear what one should do with multiple values
@@ -372,7 +453,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
                setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
                setFunctionId(q, semijoinRef);
                q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
-               q = pushArgument(mb, q, j1);
+               q = pushArgument(mb, q, *j1);
                q = pushArgument(mb, q, c);
                c = getArg(q, 0);
                pushInstruction(mb, q);
@@ -396,7 +477,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
                setModuleId(q, algebraRef);
                setFunctionId(q, semijoinRef);
                q = pushReturn(mb, q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_any));
-               q = pushArgument(mb, q, j1);
+               q = pushArgument(mb, q, *j1);
                q = pushArgument(mb, q, d);
                d = getArg(q, 0);
                pushInstruction(mb, q);
@@ -664,7 +745,7 @@ dumpcomp(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
 static int
-dumppred(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elems, int j1, int j2, int j3, int j4, int 
j6, int j7)
+dumppred(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elems, int *j1, int *j2, int *j3, int *j4, 
int *j5, int *j6, int *j7)
        int a, l, r;
        InstrPtr q;
@@ -674,14 +755,14 @@ dumppred(MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t, int elem
        /* comparisons only take place between tval1 = var and tval3 = val/var
         * for the rest, only boolean logic is applied */
        if (t->tval2->cval != j_and && t->tval2->cval != j_or)
-               return dumpcomp(mb, t, elems, j1, j2, j3, j4, j6, j7);
+               return dumpcomp(mb, t, elems, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7);
        assert(t->tval1->type == j_pred);
        assert(t->tval2->cval == j_and || t->tval2->cval == j_or);
        assert(t->tval3->type == j_pred);
-       l = dumppred(mb, t->tval1, elems, j1, j2, j3, j4, j6, j7);
-       r = dumppred(mb, t->tval3, elems, j1, j2, j3, j4, j6, j7);
+       l = dumppred(mb, t->tval1, elems, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7);
+       r = dumppred(mb, t->tval3, elems, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7);
        /* l,r = oid from elems that match in head */
        if (t->tval2->cval == j_and) {
@@ -753,7 +834,7 @@ dumpnextid(MalBlkPtr mb, int j1)
        return a;
-/* returns a BAT which is the subset of j1 that refer to the values
+/* returns a BAT which is the subset of j1 that refers to the values
  * returned from the variable and its optional calculation applied to it
  * the j{1..7} variables are updated to point to the updated BATs as
  * insertions of new values (the serialised versions of the variable) */
@@ -844,7 +925,7 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(MalBlkPtr mb,
                        pushInstruction(mb, q);
                        return c;
-               case j_var: {
+               case j_var:
                        q = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
                        setModuleId(q, batRef);
                        setFunctionId(q, reverseRef);
@@ -872,7 +953,6 @@ dumpvariabletransformation(MalBlkPtr mb,
                        pushInstruction(mb, q);
                        return c;
-               }
                case j_operation: {
                        int r, s;
                        int u, v;
@@ -1754,7 +1834,7 @@ dumptree(jc *j, MalBlkPtr mb, tree *t)
                        case j_filter:
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