Changeset: 609b8cf9c490 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Dec2011
Log Message:

Control: hack in support for the new connection method

rely on generic MapiSocket for connections, when that panics, fall back
to old method, such that we can contact either pre-Dec2011 servers as
well as the Dec2011 release itself.

diffs (188 lines):

diff --git a/java/src/nl/cwi/monetdb/merovingian/ 
--- a/java/src/nl/cwi/monetdb/merovingian/
+++ b/java/src/nl/cwi/monetdb/merovingian/
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
 package nl.cwi.monetdb.merovingian;
+import nl.cwi.monetdb.mcl.MCLException;
+import nl.cwi.monetdb.mcl.parser.MCLParseException;
@@ -106,69 +110,118 @@ public class Control {
                        String database, String command, boolean hasOutput)
                throws MerovingianException, IOException
-               Socket s = new Socket(host, port);
-               PrintStream out = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream());
-               BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
-                               new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
+               BufferedMCLReader min;
+               BufferedMCLWriter mout;
+               MapiSocket ms = new MapiSocket();
+               ms.setDatabase("merovingian");
+               ms.setLanguage("control");
+               ms.debug("test.log");
                try {
-                       /* login ritual, step 1: get challenge from server */
-                       String response = in.readLine();
-                       if (response == null)
-                               throw new MerovingianException("server closed 
the connection");
+                       ms.connect(host, port, "monetdb", passphrase);
+                       min = ms.getReader();
+                       mout = ms.getWriter();
+               } catch (AssertionError e) { // mcl panics
+                       ms.close();
-                       if (!response.startsWith("merovingian:1:") &&
-                                       !response.startsWith("merovingian:2:"))
-                               throw new MerovingianException("unsupported 
merovingian server");
-                       String[] tokens = response.split(":");
-                       if (tokens.length < 3)
-                               throw new MerovingianException("did not 
understand merovingian server");
-                       String version = tokens[1];
-                       String token = tokens[2];
+                       // Try old protocol instead
+                       Socket s;
+                       PrintStream out;
+                       BufferedReader in;
+                       s = new Socket(host, port);
+                       out = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream());
+                       in = new BufferedReader(
+                                       new 
+                       try {
+                               /* login ritual, step 1: get challenge from 
server */
+                               String response = in.readLine();
+                               if (response == null)
+                                       throw new MerovingianException("server 
closed the connection");
-                       response = controlHash(passphrase, token);
-                       if (version.equals("1")) {
-                               out.print(response + "\n");
-                       } else if (version.equals("2")) {
-                               // we only support control mode for now
-                               out.print(response + ":control\n");
+                               if (!response.startsWith("merovingian:1:") &&
+                                       throw new 
MerovingianException("unsupported merovingian server");
+                               String[] tokens = response.split(":");
+                               if (tokens.length < 3)
+                                       throw new MerovingianException("did not 
understand merovingian server");
+                               String version = tokens[1];
+                               String token = tokens[2];
+                               response = controlHash(passphrase, token);
+                               if (version.equals("1")) {
+                                       out.print(response + "\n");
+                               } else if (version.equals("2")) {
+                                       // we only support control mode for now
+                                       out.print(response + ":control\n");
+                               }
+                               response = in.readLine();
+                               if (response == null) {
+                                       throw new MerovingianException("server 
closed the connection");
+                               }
+                               if (!response.equals(RESPONSE_OK)) {
+                                       throw new 
+                               }
+                               /* send command, form is simple: "<db> <cmd>\n" 
+                               out.print(database + " " + command + "\n");
+                               /* Response has the first line either "OK\n" or 
an error
+                                * message.  In case of a command with output, 
the data will
+                                * follow the first line */
+                               response = in.readLine();
+                               if (response == null) {
+                                       throw new MerovingianException("server 
closed the connection");
+                               }
+                               if (!response.equals(RESPONSE_OK)) {
+                                       throw new 
+                               }
+                               if (!hasOutput)
+                                       return null;
+                               ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
+                               while ((response = in.readLine()) != null) {
+                                       l.add(response);
+                               }
+                               return l;
+                       } finally {
+                               in.close();
+                               out.close();
+                               s.close();
-                       response = in.readLine();
-                       if (response == null) {
-                               throw new MerovingianException("server closed 
the connection");
-                       }
+               } catch (MCLException e) {
+                       throw new MerovingianException(e.getMessage());
+               } catch (MCLParseException e) {
+                       throw new MerovingianException(e.getMessage());
+               }
-                       if (!response.equals(RESPONSE_OK)) {
-                               throw new MerovingianException(response);
-                       }
+               mout.writeLine(database + " " + command +"\n");
+               ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
+               String tmpLine = min.readLine();
+               int linetype = min.getLineType();
+               if (linetype == BufferedMCLReader.ERROR)
+                       throw new MerovingianException(tmpLine.substring(6));
+               if (linetype != BufferedMCLReader.RESULT)
+                       throw new MerovingianException("unexpected line: " + 
+               if (!tmpLine.substring(1).equals(RESPONSE_OK))
+                       throw new MerovingianException(tmpLine.substring(1));
+               tmpLine = min.readLine();
+               linetype = min.getLineType();
+               while (linetype != BufferedMCLReader.PROMPT) {
+                       if (linetype != BufferedMCLReader.RESULT)
+                               throw new MerovingianException("unexpected 
line: " +
+                                               tmpLine);
-                       /* send command, form is simple: "<db> <cmd>\n" */
-                       out.print(database + " " + command + "\n");
+                       l.add(tmpLine.substring(1));
-                       /* Response has the first line either "OK\n" or an error
-                        * message.  In case of a command with output, the data 
-                        * follow the first line */
-                       response = in.readLine();
-                       if (response == null) {
-                               throw new MerovingianException("server closed 
the connection");
-                       }
-                       if (!response.equals(RESPONSE_OK)) {
-                               throw new MerovingianException(response);
-                       }
+                       tmpLine = min.readLine();
+                       linetype = min.getLineType();
+               }
-                       if (!hasOutput)
-                               return null;
-                       ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
-                       while ((response = in.readLine()) != null) {
-                               l.add(response);
-                       }
-                       return l;
-               } finally {
-                       in.close();
-                       out.close();
-                       s.close();
-               }
+               ms.close();
+               return l;
        public void start(String database)
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