Changeset: 6941d0df86b3 for MonetDB
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Branch: sciql
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Merge from default branch.

diffs (120 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/ b/gdk/
--- a/gdk/
+++ b/gdk/
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ BATSIGinit(void)
 size_t GDK_mmap_minsize = GDK_VM_MAXSIZE;
 size_t GDK_mem_maxsize_max = GDK_VM_MAXSIZE;
 size_t GDK_mem_maxsize = GDK_VM_MAXSIZE;
-size_t GDK_mem_bigsize = 1 << 20;
+size_t GDK_mem_bigsize = 1 << 30;
 size_t GDK_vm_maxsize = GDK_VM_MAXSIZE;
 int GDK_vm_allocs = 0;
@@ -1674,8 +1674,13 @@ GDKinit(opt *set, int setlen)
        /* Mserver by default takes 80% of all memory as a default */
-       GDK_mem_maxsize_max = (size_t) ((double) MT_npages() * (double) 
MT_pagesize() * 0.815);
-       GDK_mmap_minsize = GDK_mem_maxsize = GDK_mem_maxsize_max;
+       GDK_mem_maxsize = GDK_mem_maxsize_max = (size_t) ((double) MT_npages() 
* (double) MT_pagesize() * 0.815);
+#ifdef NATIVE_WIN32
+       GDK_mmap_minsize = GDK_mem_maxsize_max;
+       GDK_mmap_minsize = GDK_mem_bigsize = MIN( 1<<30 , GDK_mem_maxsize_max/6 
+       /*   per op:  2 args + 1 res, each with head & tail  =>  (2+1)*2 = 6  ^ 
        GDKmemchk(TRUE, TRUE);
@@ -1746,10 +1751,12 @@ GDKinit(opt *set, int setlen)
        if (GDKnr_threads == 0)
                GDKnr_threads = MT_check_nr_cores();
 #ifdef NATIVE_WIN32
-       if (GDKnr_threads)
-               GDK_mmap_minsize /= (GDKnr_threads? GDKnr_threads: 1);
+       GDK_mmap_minsize /= (GDKnr_threads ? GDKnr_threads : 1);
-       GDK_mmap_minsize = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
+       /* WARNING: This unconditionally overwrites above settings, */
+       /* incl. setting via MonetDB env. var. "gdk_mmap_minsize" ! */
+       GDK_mmap_minsize = GDK_mem_bigsize = MIN( 1<<30 , 
(GDK_mem_maxsize_max/6) / (GDKnr_threads ? GDKnr_threads : 1) );
+       /*    per op:  2 args + 1 res, each with head & tail  =>  (2+1)*2 = 6  
^ */
diff --git a/monetdb5/optimizer/ 
--- a/monetdb5/optimizer/
+++ b/monetdb5/optimizer/
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ comment "Modify the plan to exploit para
 #include "opt_octopus.h"
 #include "mal_interpreter.h"
-#define PARTITION_THRESHOLD (wrd) threads      /* should be increased in 
production version */
 static int eligible(MalBlkPtr mb )
        InstrPtr p;
@@ -97,10 +95,11 @@ OPTmitosisImplementation(Client cntxt, M
        int i, j, k, limit, estimate=0, tpe, pieces=1;
        str schema=0, table=0;
        VarRecord low,hgh;
-       oid slice;
+       BUN slice;
        wrd r = 0, rowcnt=0;    /* table should be sizeable to consider 
parallel execution*/
        InstrPtr q,*old, target= 0, matq;
-       size_t argsize= 3 *sizeof(lng); /* 2 arguments and a result */
+       size_t argsize = 6 * sizeof(lng);
+       /*     per op:   6 = (2+1)*2   <=  2 args + 1 res, each with head & 
tail */
        int threads = GDKnr_threads ? GDKnr_threads:1;
        ValRecord vr;
        VarPtr loc,rows;
@@ -142,22 +141,30 @@ OPTmitosisImplementation(Client cntxt, M
         * For the time being we just go for pieces that fit into memory in 
         * A fictive rowcount is derived based on argument types, such that all 
         * would fit into memory conveniently for processing. We attempt to use
-        * not more threads then strictly needed.
+        * not more threads than strictly needed.
         * Experience shows that the pieces should not be too small.
         * If we should limit to |threads| is still an open issue.
        if ( (i = OPTlegAdviceInternal(mb,stk,p)) > 0 )
                pieces = i;
        else {
-               /* ensure that GDKnr_threads partitions fit into main memory */
-               r = (BUN) (monet_memory / argsize / 4);
-               if ( (r?  (int) rowcnt/r:1) < (wrd) threads && r > MINPARTCNT)
-                       pieces = (r?  (int) rowcnt/r:1);
+               r = (wrd) (monet_memory / argsize);
+               /* if data exceeds memory size,
+                * i.e., (rowcnt*argsize > monet_memory),
+                * i.e., (rowcnt > monet_memory/argsize = r) */
+               if (rowcnt > r && r/threads > 0)
+                       /* create |pieces| > |threads| partitions such that
+                        * |threads| partitions at a time fit in memory,
+                        * i.e., (threads*(rowcnt/pieces) <= r),
+                        * i.e., (rowcnt/pieces <= r/threads),
+                        * i.e., (pieces => rowcnt/(r/threads))
+                        * (assuming that (r > threads*MINPARTCNT)) */
+                       pieces = (int) (rowcnt / (r/threads)) + 1;
                /* exploit parallelism, but ensure minimal partition size to 
limit overhead */
                if (rowcnt > MINPARTCNT)
                        pieces = (int) MIN ( (rowcnt / MINPARTCNT) , (wrd) 
-               /* when testing, split also small BATs, but avoid empty pieces 
+               /* when testing, always aim for full parallelism, but avoid 
empty pieces */
                        if (pieces < threads)
                                pieces = (int) MIN ( (wrd) threads , rowcnt );
diff --git a/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c b/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c
--- a/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c
+++ b/sql/storage/bat/bat_storage.c
@@ -251,7 +251,8 @@ delta_append_bat( sql_delta *bat, BAT *i
        /* We simply use the to be inserted bat directly.
         * Disabled this optimization: sometimes the bat is used later in the
         * mal plan. 
-        * This should be solved by changing the input into a view (somehow)
+        * This should be solved by changing the input into a view (somehow).
+        * Alternatively, COPY INTO ... LOCKED can/should be used.
        if (BATcount(b) == 0 && !isVIEW(i) && BBP_lrefs(i->batCacheid) <= 1 && 
i->htype == TYPE_void && i->ttype != TYPE_void && bat->ibase == i->H->seq){
                bat->ibid = temp_create(i);
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