Changeset: c1b8345795fe for MonetDB
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Branch: sciql
Log Message:

we can now slice over arrays in the FROM clause.

See sql/test/sciql/Tests/06_slice_01.sql for supported cases

diffs (141 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_select.c b/sql/server/rel_select.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_select.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_select.c
@@ -431,6 +431,97 @@ rel_copy( sql_allocator *sa, sql_rel *i 
        return rel;
+static sql_rel *
+rel_arrayslice(mvc *sql, sql_table *t, char *tname, symbol *dimref)
+       node *cn = NULL;
+       dnode *idx_exp = NULL, *idx_term = NULL;
+       sql_rel *rel_tbl = rel_basetable(sql, t, tname), *rel =  
rel_basetable(sql, t, tname);
+       sql_exp *col_exp = NULL, *slc_val = NULL, *expin = NULL;
+       sql_column *col = NULL;
+       sql_subfunc *sf = NULL;
+       exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_value, FALSE};
+       assert(dimref->token == SQL_ARRAY_INDEX);
+       if (t->ndims)
+               return sql_error(sql, 02, "array slicing over a table ('%s')not 
allowed", t->;
+       /* Handling array slicing using normal SQL: WHERE <pred_exp> IN '(' 
<value_commalist> ')'.
+        * Loop over all table columns and sliced columns.  Translate each 
+        * <start>:<step>:<stop> into:
+        *     <column name> in '(' array_series(start, step, stop, 1, 1) ')'
+        */
+       for (cn = t->columns.set->h, idx_exp = 
+                       cn && idx_exp; cn = cn->next, idx_exp = idx_exp->next) {
+               list *args = new_exp_list(sql->sa);
+               int skip = 1;
+               col = (sql_column *) cn->data;
+               while(!col->dim) { /* skip the non-dimensional attributes in 
the table columns */
+                       cn = cn->next;
+                       col = (sql_column*)cn->data;
+               }
+               /* In case of '[*]', '[*:*]' or '[*:*:*]', don't slice this 
column */
+               for (idx_term = idx_exp->data.lval->h; idx_term; idx_term = 
+                       if (idx_term->data.sym) skip = 0;
+               if (skip) continue;
+               /* build the slc_val expression, which is going to compute a 
list of to be sliced dimensional values. */
+               idx_term = idx_exp->data.lval->h;
+               if(idx_exp->data.lval->cnt == 1) {
+                       slc_val = rel_check_type(sql, &col->type, 
rel_value_exp(sql, &rel, idx_term->data.sym, sql_where, ek), type_cast);
+               } else {
+                       /* If the value of start/step/stop is omitted, we get 
its value from the dimension definition.
+                        * TODO: deal with unbounded dimension */
+                       if (!col->dim->start || !col->dim->step || 
+                               return sql_error(sql, 02, "slicing over 
unbounded dimension not supported");
+                       /* the first <exp> is always the start */
+                       append(args, idx_term->data.sym ? /* check for '*' */
+                                       rel_check_type(sql, &col->type, 
rel_value_exp(sql, &rel, idx_term->data.sym, sql_where, ek), type_cast) :
+                                       exp_atom(sql->sa, atom_general(sql->sa, 
&col->type, col->dim->start)));
+                       if(idx_exp->data.lval->cnt == 2) {
+                               append(args, exp_atom(sql->sa, 
atom_general(sql->sa, &col->type, col->dim->step)));
+                       } else {
+                               idx_term = idx_term->next;
+                               append(args, idx_term->data.sym ?
+                                       rel_check_type(sql, &col->type, 
rel_value_exp(sql, &rel, idx_term->data.sym, sql_where, ek), type_cast) :
+                                       exp_atom(sql->sa, atom_general(sql->sa, 
&col->type, col->dim->step)));
+                       }
+                       idx_term = idx_term->next;
+                       append(args, idx_term->data.sym ?
+                                       rel_check_type(sql, &col->type, 
rel_value_exp(sql, &rel, idx_term->data.sym, sql_where, ek), type_cast) :
+                                       exp_atom(sql->sa, atom_general(sql->sa, 
&col->type, col->dim->stop)));
+                       /* Only create 1 group and repeat the numbers once */
+                       append(args, exp_atom_int(sql->sa, 1));
+                       append(args, exp_atom_int(sql->sa, 1));
+                       sf = sql_bind_func_(sql->sa, sql->session->schema, 
"array_series1", exps_subtype(args), F_FUNC);
+                       if (!sf)
+                               return sql_error(sql, 02, "failed to bind to 
the SQL function \"array_series\"");
+                       slc_val = exp_op(sql->sa, args, sf);
+               }
+               /* <col_exp> IN '(' <slc_val> ')' */
+               col_exp = exp_column(sql->sa, t->, col->, 
&col->type, CARD_MULTI, 0, 0);
+               exp_label(sql->sa, slc_val, ++sql->label);
+               expin = exp_in(sql->sa, col_exp, append(new_exp_list(sql->sa), 
slc_val), cmp_in);
+               rel = rel_select(sql->sa, rel, expin);
+       }
+       /* the number of sliced dimensions must be smaller than or equal to the 
number of dimensions */
+       if (idx_exp)
+               return sql_error(sql, 02, "array slicing over too many 
+       rel->card = rel->card > exps_card(rel_tbl->exps) ? rel->card : 
+       return rel_project(sql->sa, rel, rel_tbl->exps);
 sql_rel *
 _rel_basetable(sql_allocator *sa, sql_table *t, char *atname)
@@ -1538,11 +1629,11 @@ table_ref(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, symbol
        sql_table *t = NULL;
-       if (tableref->token == SQL_NAME) {
+       if (tableref->token == SQL_NAME || tableref->token == SQL_ARRAY) {
                sql_rel *temp_table = NULL;
-               char *sname = qname_schema(tableref->data.lval->h->data.lval);
+               char *sname = tableref->token == SQL_NAME ? 
qname_schema(tableref->data.lval->h->data.lval) : 
                sql_schema *s = NULL;
-               tname = qname_table(tableref->data.lval->h->data.lval);
+               tname = tableref->token == SQL_NAME ? 
qname_table(tableref->data.lval->h->data.lval) : 
                if (sname && !(s=mvc_bind_schema(sql,sname)))
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, "SELECT: no such schema 
'%s'", sname);
@@ -1569,13 +1660,14 @@ table_ref(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, symbol
                if (!t && !temp_table) {
-                       return sql_error(sql, 02, "SELECT: no such table '%s'", 
+                       return sql_error(sql, 02, "SELECT: no such %s '%s'", 
tableref->token==SQL_ARRAY?"array":"table", tname);
                } else if (!temp_table && !table_privs(sql, t, PRIV_SELECT)) {
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, "SELECT: access denied for %s 
to table '%s.%s'", stack_get_string(sql, "current_user"), s->, tname);
                if (tableref->data.lval->h->next->data.sym) {   /* AS */
                        tname = 
                if (temp_table && !t) {
                        node *n;
                        list *exps = rel_projections(sql, temp_table, NULL, 1, 
@@ -1610,7 +1702,7 @@ table_ref(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, symbol
                        return rel;
-               return rel_basetable(sql, t, tname);
+               return tableref->token == SQL_ARRAY ? rel_arrayslice(sql, t, 
tname, tableref->data.lval->h->data.sym) : rel_basetable(sql, t, tname);
        } else if (tableref->token == SQL_VALUES) {
                return rel_values(sql, tableref);
        } else if (tableref->token == SQL_TABLE) {
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