Changeset: b65528526232 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

merged from dec2011

diffs (118 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/ b/sql/backends/monet5/
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/
@@ -413,29 +413,43 @@ function clients{inline}()( user:bat[:oi
 end clients;
 function bbp{inline}()( id:bat[:oid,:int], name:bat[:oid,:str], 
htype:bat[:oid,:str], ttype:bat[:oid,:str], count:bat[:oid,:lng], 
refcnt:bat[:oid,:int], lrefcnt:bat[:oid,:int], location:bat[:oid,:str], 
heat:bat[:oid,:int], dirty:bat[:oid,:str], status:bat[:oid,:str], 
+       ns:bat[:int,:str] := nil:bat[:int,:str];
+       iht:bat[:int,:str] := nil:bat[:int,:str];
+       itt:bat[:int,:str] := nil:bat[:int,:str];
+       icnt:bat[:int,:lng] := nil:bat[:int,:lng];
+       irefcnt:bat[:int,:int] := nil:bat[:int,:int];
+       ilrefcnt:bat[:int,:int] := nil:bat[:int,:int];
+       ilocation:bat[:int,:str] := nil:bat[:int,:str];
+       iheat:bat[:int,:int] := nil:bat[:int,:int];
+       idirty:bat[:int,:str] := nil:bat[:int,:str];
+       istatus:bat[:int,:str] := nil:bat[:int,:str];
+       ikind:bat[:int,:str] := nil:bat[:int,:str];
+barrier bbp_1 := true;
        ns := bbp.getNames();
+       iht := bbp.getHeadType();
+       itt := bbp.getTailType();
+       icnt := bbp.getCount();
+       irefcnt := bbp.getRefCount();
+       ilrefcnt := bbp.getLRefCount();
+       ilocation := bbp.getLocation();
+       iheat := bbp.getHeat();
+       idirty := bbp.getDirty();
+       istatus := bbp.getStatus();
+       ikind := bbp.getKind();
+exit bbp_1;
        ri := algebra.markT(ns, 0:oid);
        i := bat.reverse(ri);
        n := algebra.markH(ns, 0:oid);
-       iht := bbp.getHeadType();
        ht := algebra.markH(iht, 0:oid);
-       itt := bbp.getTailType();
        tt := algebra.markH(itt, 0:oid);
-       icnt := bbp.getCount();
        cnt := algebra.markH(icnt, 0:oid);
-       irefcnt := bbp.getRefCount();
        refcnt := algebra.markH(irefcnt, 0:oid);
-       ilrefcnt := bbp.getLRefCount();
        lrefcnt := algebra.markH(ilrefcnt, 0:oid);
-       ilocation := bbp.getLocation();
        location := algebra.markH(ilocation, 0:oid);
-       iheat := bbp.getHeat();
        heat := algebra.markH(iheat, 0:oid);
-       idirty := bbp.getDirty();
        dirty := algebra.markH(idirty, 0:oid);
-       istatus := bbp.getStatus();
        status := algebra.markH(istatus, 0:oid);
-       ikind := bbp.getKind();
        kind := algebra.markH(ikind, 0:oid);
        return (i,n,ht,tt,cnt,refcnt,lrefcnt,location,heat,dirty,status,kind);
 end bbp;
diff --git a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check0.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check0.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check0.stable.err
@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ stderr of test 'check0` in directory 'te
 # 11:28:50 >  
-# 11:28:50 >  
-# 11:28:50 >  Done.
-# 11:28:50 >  
+# 22:06:14 >  
+# 22:06:14 >  "mclient" "-lsql" "-ftest" "-Eutf-8" "-i" "-e" "--host=niels" 
+# 22:06:14 >  
+# 22:06:14 >  
+# 22:06:14 >  "Done."
+# 22:06:14 >  
diff --git a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check0.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check0.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check0.stable.out
@@ -15,14 +15,31 @@ stdout of test 'check0` in directory 'te
 # MonetDB/SQL module v2.26.0 loaded
-#function user.main():void;
-#    clients.quit();
-#end main;
+# SQL catalog created, loading sql scripts once
+# loading sql script: 09_like.sql
+# loading sql script: 10_math.sql
+# loading sql script: 11_times.sql
+# loading sql script: 12_url.sql
+# loading sql script: 13_date.sql
+# loading sql script: 14_inet.sql
+# loading sql script: 15_history.sql
+# loading sql script: 16_tracelog.sql
+# loading sql script: 17_compress.sql
+# loading sql script: 18_dictionary.sql
+# loading sql script: 19_cluster.sql
+# loading sql script: 20_vacuum.sql
+# loading sql script: 21_dependency_functions.sql
+# loading sql script: 22_clients.sql
+# loading sql script: 23_skyserver.sql
+# loading sql script: 24_zorder.sql
+# loading sql script: 25_debug.sql
+# loading sql script: 40_geom.sql
+# loading sql script: 80_udf.sql
+# loading sql script: 99_system.sql
-# 15:06:32 >  
-# 15:06:32 >  mclient -lsql -ftest -i -e --host=alf --port=39294 
-# 15:06:32 >  
+# 22:06:31 >  
+# 22:06:31 >  "mclient" "-lsql" "-ftest" "-Eutf-8" "-i" "-e" "--host=niels" 
+# 22:06:31 >  
 #select htype, ttype, count from bbp() as bbp 
 #where kind like 'pers%'
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