Changeset: cf2e25427d29 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: sciql
Log Message:

merged from default and a compilation fix in sql_parser.y

diffs (truncated from 640 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/ChangeLog b/clients/ChangeLog
--- a/clients/ChangeLog
+++ b/clients/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # ChangeLog file for clients
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Mon Sep 12 2011 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- ODBC: Implemented SQLColumnPrivileges function.
 * Sat Aug 27 2011 Fabian Groffen <>
 - Install new program, mnc, which provides netcat functionality, but
   based on MonetDB's communication libraries
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/dump.c b/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
@@ -1668,8 +1668,11 @@ dump_database(Mapi mid, stream *toConsol
                        char *uname = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 0);
                        char *rname = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 1);
-                       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "GRANT \"%s\" TO \"%s\"",
-                                    rname, uname);
+                       mnstr_printf(toConsole, "GRANT \"%s\" TO ", rname);
+                       if (strcmp(uname, "public") == 0)
+                               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "PUBLIC");
+                       else
+                               mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\"%s\"", uname);
                        /* optional WITH ADMIN OPTION and FROM
                           (CURRENT_USER|CURRENT_ROLE) are ignored by
                           server, so we can't dump them */
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumnPrivileges.c 
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumnPrivileges.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumnPrivileges.c
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ SQLColumnPrivileges_(ODBCStmt *stmt,
                     SQLCHAR *ColumnName,
                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength4)
+       RETCODE rc;
+       char *query = NULL;
+       char *query_end = NULL;
        fixODBCstring(CatalogName, NameLength1, SQLSMALLINT
                      , addStmtError, stmt, return SQL_ERROR);
        fixODBCstring(SchemaName, NameLength2, SQLSMALLINT,
@@ -68,29 +72,162 @@ SQLColumnPrivileges_(ODBCStmt *stmt,
                (int) NameLength4, (char *) ColumnName);
+       /* construct the query now */
+       query = malloc(1200 + NameLength2 + NameLength3 + NameLength4);
+       query_end = query;
        /* SQLColumnPrivileges returns a table with the following columns:
-          VARCHAR      table_cat
-          VARCHAR      table_schem
-          VARCHAR      table_name NOT NULL
-          VARCHAR      column_name NOT NULL
-          VARCHAR      grantor
-          VARCHAR      grantee NOT NULL
-          VARCHAR      privilege NOT NULL
-          VARCHAR      is_grantable
+          table_cat    VARCHAR
+          table_schem  VARCHAR
+          table_name   VARCHAR NOT NULL
+          column_name  VARCHAR NOT NULL
+          grantor      VARCHAR
+          grantee      VARCHAR NOT NULL
+          privilege    VARCHAR NOT NULL
+          is_grantable VARCHAR
-       /* for now return dummy result set */
-       return SQLExecDirect_(stmt, (SQLCHAR *)
-                             "select "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as table_cat, "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as table_schem, "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as table_name, "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as column_name, "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as grantor, "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as grantee, "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as privilege, "
-                             "cast('' as varchar(1)) as is_grantable "
-                             "where 0 = 1", SQL_NTS);
+       sprintf(query_end,
+               "select cast(null as varchar(128)) as \"table_cat\","
+               " \"s\".\"name\" as \"table_schem\","
+               " \"t\".\"name\" as \"table_name\","
+               " \"c\".\"name\" as \"column_name\","
+               " case \"a\".\"id\""
+               "      when \"s\".\"owner\" then '_SYSTEM'"
+               "      else \"g\".\"name\""
+               "      end as \"grantor\","
+               " case \"a\".\"name\""
+               "      when 'public' then 'PUBLIC'"
+               "      else \"a\".\"name\""
+               "      end as \"grantee\","
+               " case \"p\".\"privileges\""
+               "      when 1 then 'SELECT'"
+               "      when 2 then 'UPDATE'"
+               "      when 4 then 'INSERT'"
+               "      when 8 then 'DELETE'"
+               "      when 16 then 'EXECUTE'"
+               "      when 32 then 'GRANT'"
+               "      end as \"privilege\","
+               " case \"p\".\"grantable\""
+               "      when 1 then 'YES'"
+               "      when 0 then 'NO'"
+               "      end as \"is_grantable\" "
+               "from \"sys\".\"schemas\" \"s\","
+               " \"sys\".\"_tables\" \"t\","
+               " \"sys\".\"_columns\" \"c\","
+               " \"sys\".\"auths\" \"a\","
+               " \"sys\".\"privileges\" \"p\","
+               " \"sys\".\"auths\" \"g\" "
+               "where \"p\".\"obj_id\" = \"c\".\"id\" and"
+               " \"c\".\"table_id\" = \"t\".\"id\" and"
+               " \"p\".\"auth_id\" = \"a\".\"id\" and"
+               " \"t\".\"schema_id\" = \"s\".\"id\" and"
+               " \"t\".\"system\" = false and"
+               " \"p\".\"grantor\" = \"g\".\"id\"");
+       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+       /* Construct the selection condition query part */
+       if (stmt->Dbc->sql_attr_metadata_id == SQL_TRUE) {
+               /* treat arguments as identifiers */
+               /* remove trailing blanks */
+               while (NameLength2 > 0 &&
+                      isspace((int) SchemaName[NameLength2 - 1]))
+                       NameLength2--;
+               while (NameLength3 > 0 &&
+                      isspace((int) TableName[NameLength3 - 1]))
+                       NameLength3--;
+               while (NameLength4 > 0 &&
+                      isspace((int) ColumnName[NameLength4 - 1]))
+                       NameLength4--;
+               if (NameLength2 > 0) {
+                       sprintf(query_end, " and \"s\".\"name\" = '");
+                       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       while (NameLength2-- > 0)
+                               *query_end++ = tolower(*SchemaName++);
+                       *query_end++ = '\'';
+               }
+               if (NameLength3 > 0) {
+                       sprintf(query_end, " and \"t\".\"name\" = '");
+                       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       while (NameLength3-- > 0)
+                               *query_end++ = tolower(*TableName++);
+                       *query_end++ = '\'';
+               }
+               if (NameLength4 > 0) {
+                       sprintf(query_end, " and \"c\".\"name\" = '");
+                       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       while (NameLength4-- > 0)
+                               *query_end++ = tolower(*ColumnName++);
+                       *query_end++ = '\'';
+               }
+       } else {
+               int escape;
+               if (NameLength2 > 0) {
+                       escape = 0;
+                       sprintf(query_end, " and \"s\".\"name\" like '");
+                       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       while (NameLength2-- > 0) {
+                               if (*SchemaName == '\\') {
+                                       escape = 1;
+                                       *query_end++ = '\\';
+                               }
+                               *query_end++ = *SchemaName++;
+                       }
+                       *query_end++ = '\'';
+                       if (escape) {
+                               sprintf(query_end, " escape '\\\\'");
+                               query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       }
+               }
+               if (NameLength3 > 0) {
+                       escape = 0;
+                       sprintf(query_end, " and \"t\".\"name\" like '");
+                       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       while (NameLength3-- > 0) {
+                               if (*TableName == '\\') {
+                                       escape = 1;
+                                       *query_end++ = '\\';
+                               }
+                               *query_end++ = *TableName++;
+                       }
+                       *query_end++ = '\'';
+                       if (escape) {
+                               sprintf(query_end, " escape '\\\\'");
+                               query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       }
+               }
+               if (NameLength4 > 0) {
+                       escape = 0;
+                       sprintf(query_end, " and \"t\".\"name\" like '");
+                       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       while (NameLength4-- > 0) {
+                               if (*ColumnName == '\\') {
+                                       escape = 1;
+                                       *query_end++ = '\\';
+                               }
+                               *query_end++ = *ColumnName++;
+                       }
+                       *query_end++ = '\'';
+                       if (escape) {
+                               sprintf(query_end, " escape '\\\\'");
+                               query_end += strlen(query_end);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       /* add the ordering */
+       strcpy(query_end,
+              " order by \"table_cat\", \"table_schem\", \"table_name\", 
\"column_name\", \"privilege\"");
+       query_end += strlen(query_end);
+       assert((int) (query_end - query) < 1200 + NameLength2 + NameLength3 + 
+       /* query the MonetDB data dictionary tables */
+        rc = SQLExecDirect_(stmt, (SQLCHAR *) query,
+                           (SQLINTEGER) (query_end - query));
+       free(query);
+       return rc;
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLGetFunctions.c 
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLGetFunctions.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLGetFunctions.c
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ static UWORD FuncImplemented[] = {
@@ -155,7 +156,6 @@ static UWORD FuncImplemented[] = {
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLTablePrivileges.c 
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLTablePrivileges.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLTablePrivileges.c
@@ -76,44 +76,50 @@ SQLTablePrivileges_(ODBCStmt *stmt,
        query_end = query;
        /* SQLTablePrivileges returns a table with the following columns:
-          VARCHAR      table_cat
-          VARCHAR      table_schem
-          VARCHAR      table_name NOT NULL
-          VARCHAR      grantor
-          VARCHAR      grantee NOT NULL
-          VARCHAR      privilege NOT NULL
-          VARCHAR      is_grantable
+          table_cat    VARCHAR
+          table_schem  VARCHAR
+          table_name   VARCHAR NOT NULL
+          grantor      VARCHAR
+          grantee      VARCHAR NOT NULL
+          privilege    VARCHAR NOT NULL
+          is_grantable VARCHAR
-               " cast(NULL as varchar(1)) as table_cat,"
-               " as table_schem,"
-               " as table_name,"
-               " as grantor,"
-               " as grantee,"
-               " case p.privileges"
+               " cast(NULL as varchar(128)) as \"table_cat\","
+               " \"s\".\"name\" as \"table_schem\","
+               " \"t\".\"name\" as \"table_name\","
+               " case \"a\".\"id\""
+               "      when \"s\".\"owner\" then '_SYSTEM'"
+               "      else \"g\".\"name\""
+               "      end as \"grantor\","
+               " case \"a\".\"name\""
+               "      when 'public' then 'PUBLIC'"
+               "      else \"a\".\"name\""
+               "      end as \"grantee\","
+               " case \"p\".\"privileges\""
                "      when 1 then 'SELECT'"
                "      when 2 then 'UPDATE'"
                "      when 4 then 'INSERT'"
                "      when 8 then 'DELETE'"
                "      when 16 then 'EXECUTE'"
                "      when 32 then 'GRANT'"
-               "      end as privilege,"
-               " case p.grantable"
+               "      end as \"privilege\","
+               " case \"p\".\"grantable\""
                "      when 1 then 'YES'"
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