Changeset: a41582531767 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: sciql
Log Message:

Merge with default branch.

diffs (truncated from 1599 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/NT/Makefile b/NT/Makefile
--- a/NT/Makefile
+++ b/NT/Makefile
@@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ srcdir = $(TOPDIR)\..
 prefix = $(MAKEDIR)
+# ensure "all" is first target
+all: _all
 !INCLUDE "$(TOPDIR)\..\NT\rules.msc"
-all: update_winconfig_conds_py "$(srcdir)\Makefile.msc" monetdb_config.h 
unistd.h inttypes.h .monetdb
+_all: update_winconfig_conds_py "$(srcdir)\Makefile.msc" monetdb_config.h 
unistd.h inttypes.h .monetdb
        $(MAKE) /nologo /f "$(srcdir)\Makefile.msc" "prefix=$(prefix)" 
"bits=$(bits)" all
 install: targetdirs all
diff --git a/gdk/ b/gdk/
--- a/gdk/
+++ b/gdk/
@@ -507,7 +507,18 @@ static int BBPdiskscan(const char *);
  * conversion are fatal.  This function is "safe" in the sense that
  * when it is interrupted, recovery will just start over.  No
  * permanent changes are made to the database until all string heaps
- * have been converted, and then the changes are made atomically. */
+ * have been converted, and then the changes are made atomically.
+ *
+ * In addition to doing the conversion to all BATs with OID or STR
+ * columns (the latter since the format of the string heap is
+ * different for 64/32 and 64/64 configurations), we also look out for
+ * the *_catalog BATs that are used by gdk_logger.  If we encounter
+ * such a BAT, we create a file based on the name of that BAT
+ * (i.e. using the first part of the name) to inform the logger that
+ * it too needs to convert 32 bit OIDs to 64 bits.  If the process
+ * here gets interrupted, the logger is never called, and if we get
+ * then restarted, we just create the file again, so this process is
+ * safe. */
 static void
 fixoidheapcolumn(BAT *b, const char *nme, const char *filename,
@@ -650,6 +661,7 @@ fixoidheap(void)
        long_str filename;
        int ht, tt;
        char hs, hvs = '\0', ts, tvs = '\0';    /* saved storage types */
+       size_t len;
                "# upgrading database from 32 bit OIDs to 64 bit OIDs\n");
@@ -658,6 +670,20 @@ fixoidheap(void)
        for (bid = 1; bid < BBPsize; bid++) {
                if ((bs = BBP[bid].cache) == NULL)
                        continue;       /* not a valid BAT */
+               if (BBP[bid].nme[0] &&
+                   (len = strlen(BBP[bid].nme[0])) > 8 &&
+                   strcmp(BBP[bid].nme[0] + len - 8, "_catalog") == 0) {
+                       /* this is one of the files used by the
+                        * logger.  We need to communicate to the
+                        * logger that it also needs to do a
+                        * conversion.  That is done by creating a
+                        * file here based on the name of this BAT. */
+                       snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename),
+                                "%.*s_32-64-convert",
+                                (int) (len - 8), BBP[bid].nme[0]);
+                       fclose(fopen(filename, "w"));
+               }
                /* OID and (non-void) varsized columns have to be rewritten */
                if (bs->H.type != TYPE_oid &&
                    (bs->H.type == TYPE_void || !bs->H.varsized) &&
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_logger.c b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_logger.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
@@ -299,6 +299,10 @@ log_read_updates(logger *lg, trans *tr, 
                void *(*rt) (ptr, stream *, size_t) = BATatoms[tt].atomRead;
                void *tv = ATOMnil(tt);
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+               if (tt == TYPE_oid && lg->read32bitoid)
+                       rt = BATatoms[TYPE_int].atomRead;
                r = BATnew(ht, tt, l->nr);
                if (hseq)
@@ -314,8 +318,18 @@ log_read_updates(logger *lg, trans *tr, 
                                        res = LOG_ERR;
-                               if (l->flag == LOG_INSERT)
+                               if (l->flag == LOG_INSERT) {
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+                                       if (tt == TYPE_oid && lg->read32bitoid) 
+                                               int vi = * (int *) t;
+                                               if (vi == int_nil)
+                                                       * (oid *) t = oid_nil;
+                                               else
+                                                       * (oid *) t = vi;
+                                       }
                                        BUNappend(r, t, TRUE);
+                               }
                                if (t != tv)
@@ -323,6 +337,11 @@ log_read_updates(logger *lg, trans *tr, 
                        void *(*rh) (ptr, stream *, size_t) = ht == TYPE_void ? 
BATatoms[TYPE_oid].atomRead : BATatoms[ht].atomRead;
                        void *hv = ATOMnil(ht);
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+                       if ((ht == TYPE_oid || ht == TYPE_void) &&
+                           lg->read32bitoid)
+                               rh = BATatoms[TYPE_int].atomRead;
                        for (; l->nr > 0; l->nr--) {
                                void *h = rh(hv, lg->log, 1);
                                void *t = rt(tv, lg->log, 1);
@@ -331,6 +350,24 @@ log_read_updates(logger *lg, trans *tr, 
                                        res = LOG_ERR;
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+                               if (lg->read32bitoid) {
+                                       if (ht == TYPE_void || ht == TYPE_oid) {
+                                               int vi = * (int *) h;
+                                               if (vi == int_nil)
+                                                       * (oid *) h = oid_nil;
+                                               else
+                                                       * (oid *) h = vi;
+                                       }
+                                       if (tt == TYPE_oid) {
+                                               int vi = * (int *) t;
+                                               if (vi == int_nil)
+                                                       * (oid *) t = oid_nil;
+                                               else
+                                                       * (oid *) t = vi;
+                                       }
+                               }
                                BUNins(r, h, t, TRUE);
                                if (h != hv)
@@ -968,6 +1005,9 @@ logger_new(int debug, char *fn, char *lo
        lg->id = 1;
        lg->tid = 0;
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+       lg->read32bitoid = 0;
        /* if the path is absolute, it means someone is still calling
         * logger_create/logger_new "manually" */
@@ -1107,14 +1147,109 @@ logger_new(int debug, char *fn, char *lo
        BBPrename(lg->freed->batCacheid, bak);
        if (fp != NULL) {
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+               char cvfile[BUFSIZ];
                if (check_version(lg, fp)) {
                        goto error;
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+               /* When a file *_32-64-convert exists in the dbfarm,
+                * it was left there by the BBP initialization code
+                * when it did a conversion of 32-bit OIDs to 64 bits
+                * (see the comment above fixoidheapcolumn and
+                * fixoidheap in gdk_bbp).  It the file exists, we
+                * first create a file called convert-32-64 in the log
+                * directory and we write the current log ID into that
+                * file.  After this file is created, we delete the
+                * *_32-64-convert file in the dbfarm.  We then know
+                * that while reading the logs, we have to read OID
+                * values as 32 bits (this is indicated by setting the
+                * read32bitoid flag).  When we're done reading the
+                * logs, we remove the file (and reset the flag).  If
+                * we get interrupted before we have written this
+                * file, the file in the dbfarm will still exist, so
+                * the next time we're started, BBPinit will not
+                * convert OIDs (that was done before we got
+                * interrupted), but we will still know to convert the
+                * OIDs ourselves.  If we get interrupted after we
+                * have deleted the file from the dbfarm, we check
+                * whether the file convert-32-64 exists and if it
+                * contains the expected ID.  If it does, we again
+                * know that we have to convert.  If the ID is not
+                * what we expect, the conversion was apparently done
+                * already, and so we can delete the file. */
+               snprintf(cvfile, sizeof(cvfile),
+                        "%s%c%s%c%s%c%s%cconvert-32-64",
+                        GDKgetenv("gdk_dbfarm"), DIR_SEP, dbname,
+                        DIR_SEP, logdir, DIR_SEP, fn, DIR_SEP);
+               snprintf(bak, sizeof(bak), "%s_32-64-convert", fn);
+               {
+                       FILE *fp1;
+                       long off;
+                       int curid;
+                       /* read the current log id without disturbing
+                        * the file pointer */
+                       off = ftell(fp);
+                       if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &curid) != 1)
+                               curid = -1; /* shouldn't happen? */
+                       fseek(fp, off, SEEK_SET);
+                       if ((fp1 = fopen(bak, "r")) != NULL) {
+                               /* file indicating that we need to do
+                                * a 32->64 bit OID conversion exists;
+                                * record the fact in case we get
+                                * interrupted, and set the flag so
+                                * that we actually do what's asked */
+                               fclose(fp1);
+                               /* first create a versioned file using
+                                * the current log id */
+                               fp1 = fopen(cvfile, "w");
+                               fprintf(fp1, "%d\n", curid);
+                               fclose(fp1);
+                               /* then remove the unversioned file
+                                * that gdk_bbp created (in this
+                                * order!) */
+                               unlink(bak);
+                               /* set the flag that we need to convert */
+                               lg->read32bitoid = 1;
+                       } else if ((fp1 = fopen(cvfile, "r")) != NULL) {
+                               /* the versioned conversion file
+                                * exists: check version */
+                               int newid;
+                               if (fscanf(fp1, "%d", &newid) == 1 &&
+                                   newid == curid) {
+                                       /* versions match, we need to
+                                        * convert */
+                                       lg->read32bitoid = 1;
+                               }
+                               fclose(fp1);
+                               if (!lg->read32bitoid) {
+                                       /* no conversion, so we can
+                                        * remove the versioned
+                                        * file */
+                                       unlink(cvfile);
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
                logger_readlogs(lg, fp, filename);
                fp = NULL;
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+               if (lg->read32bitoid) {
+                       /* we converted, remove versioned file and
+                        * reset conversion flag */
+                       unlink(cvfile);
+                       lg->read32bitoid = 0;
+               }
                if (lg->postfuncp)
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_logger.h b/gdk/gdk_logger.h
--- a/gdk/gdk_logger.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk_logger.h
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ typedef struct logger {
        int version;
        lng id;
        int tid;
+#if SIZEOF_OID == 8
+       /* on 64-bit architecture, read OIDs as 32 bits (for upgrading
+        * oid size) */
+       int read32bitoid;
        char *fn;
        char *dir;
        preversionfix_fptr prefuncp;
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c
@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ pcre_uselect(BAT **res, str pattern, BAT
        r->tsorted = FALSE;
+       my_pcre_free(pe);
        if (!(r->batDirty&2)) r = BATsetaccess(r, BAT_READ);
        *res = r;
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ create_loadformat(Tablet * as, BAT *name
                fmt[p].name = (char *) bun_tail(names, p);
                fmt[p].sep = sep_dup((char *) bun_tail(seps, p));
                fmt[p].seplen = (int) strlen(fmt[p].sep);
-               fmt[p].type = (char *) bun_tail(types, p);
+               fmt[p].type = GDKstrdup((char *) bun_tail(types, p));
                fmt[p].adt = ATOMindex(fmt[p].type);
                if (fmt[p].adt <= 0) {
                        GDKerror("create_loadformat: %s has unknown type %s 
(using str instead).\n", fmt[p].name, fmt[p].name);
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ create_dumpformat(Tablet * as, BAT *name
                        fmt[p].name = (char *) bun_tail(names, p);
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