Changeset: d4e9ee448461 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: sciql
Log Message:

adapt the parser rules due to the introduction of REMOTE

diffs (52 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/sql_parser.y b/sql/server/sql_parser.y
--- a/sql/server/sql_parser.y
+++ b/sql/server/sql_parser.y
@@ -1325,6 +1325,16 @@ table_def:
          append_int(l, commit_action);
          append_string(l, NULL);
          $$ = _symbol_create_list( SQL_CREATE_TABLE, l ); }
+ |  ARRAY qname table_content_source 
+       { int commit_action = CA_COMMIT, tpe = SQL_ARRAY;
+         dlist *l = L();
+         append_int(l, tpe);
+         append_list(l, $2);
+         append_symbol(l, $3);
+         append_int(l, commit_action);
+         append_string(l, NULL);
+         $$ = _symbol_create_list( SQL_CREATE_ARRAY, l ); }
  |  STREAM TABLE qname table_content_source 
        { int commit_action = CA_COMMIT, tpe = SQL_STREAM;
          dlist *l = L();
@@ -1356,28 +1366,18 @@ table_def:
          append_int(l, commit_action);
          append_string(l, $6);
          $$ = _symbol_create_list( SQL_CREATE_TABLE, l ); }
-  | opt_temp table_or_array qname table_content_source opt_on_commit 
+  | opt_temp TABLE qname table_content_source opt_on_commit 
        { int commit_action = CA_COMMIT;
          dlist *l = L();
-         /* HACK: since table_content_source cannot distinguish a CREATE ARRAY
-          * from a CREATE TABLE, we (mis)use the value holding opt_temp to
-          * annotate that this is an ARRAY */
-         if ($2 == SQL_TABLE)
-               append_int(l, $1);
-         else /* $2 == SQL_ARRAY */
-               append_int(l, $2);
+         append_int(l, $1);
          append_list(l, $3);
          append_symbol(l, $4);
          if ($1 != SQL_PERSIST)
                commit_action = $5;
          append_int(l, commit_action);
          append_string(l, NULL);
-         if ($2 == SQL_TABLE)
-           $$ = _symbol_create_list(SQL_CREATE_TABLE, l );
-         else /* $2 == SQL_ARRAY */
-           $$ = _symbol_create_list(SQL_CREATE_ARRAY, l );
-       }
+         $$ = _symbol_create_list(SQL_CREATE_TABLE, l ); }
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