Changeset: c4800ca78d23 for MonetDB
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Stack initialization error
Originally, the first part of the stack was reserved for the
arguments. In practice, this was already abandond and arguments
could live anywhere on the stack.
Clearging the stack was encoded after argument handling and based
on the old assumption. This causes errors when you create MAL code,
and reshuffle e.g. constants into the argument area.

Re-order of clearing and argument handling should solve the problem.

diffs (97 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/mal/ b/monetdb5/mal/
--- a/monetdb5/mal/
+++ b/monetdb5/mal/
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@
 Copy the constant values onto the stack frame
 Also we cannot overwrite values on the stack as this maybe part of a
 sequence of factory calls.
 @= initStack
        for (i = @1; i < mb->vtop; i++) {
                lhs = &stk->stk[i];
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@
        stk->stksize = size;
        stk->blk = mb;
-       @:initStack(1)@
+       @:initStack(0)@
        return stk;
@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@
 the minimum amount of stack space needed, some slack resources
 are included to permit code optimizers to add a few variables at run time,
 (2) copying the arguments into the new stack frame.
-Notice that arguments are always the first entries on the stack.
 The env stackframe is set when a MAL function is called recursively.
 Alternatively, there is no caller but a stk to be re-used for interpretation.
@@ -281,15 +279,29 @@
                                throw(MAL, "mal.interpreter", MAL_STACK_FAIL);
+An optimization is to copy all constant variables used in functions immediately
+onto the value stack. Then we do not have to check for their location
+later on any more. At some point, the effect is optimal, if at least several
+constants are referenced in a function (a gain on tst400a of 20% has been
+observed due the small size of the function).
+       if (env && mbcaller) {
+               @:initStack(0)@
+       } else if (env && env->stkbot) {
+               @:initStack(env->stkbot)@
+       } else {
+               @:initStack(0)@
+       }
        if (env && mbcaller) {
                InstrPtr pp;
                int k;
-Beware, a function signature f( is parsed in such a way that
-the symbol table and stackframe contains the sequence
-f,, This slightly complicates the implementation
-of the return statement.
+Moreover, we have to copy the result types to the stack for later
+use. The stack value has been cleared to avoid misinterpretation of left-over
+information. Since a stack frame may contain values of a previous call,
+we should first remove garbage.
                pci = pcicaller;
                pp = getInstrPtr(mb, 0);
@@ -310,25 +322,6 @@
                stk->up = env;
-An optimization is to copy all constant variables used in functions immediately
-onto the value stack. Then we do not have to check for their location
-later on any more. At some point, the effect is optimal, if at least several
-constants are referenced in a function (a gain on tst400a of 20% has been
-observed due the small size of the function).
-Moreover, we have to copy the result types to the stack for later
-use. The stack value is cleared to avoid misinterpretation of left-over
-information. Since a stack frame may contain values of a previous call,
-we should first remove garbage.
-       if (env && mbcaller) {
-               @:initStack(pci->argc)@
-       } else if (env && env->stkbot) {
-               @:initStack(env->stkbot)@
-       } else {
-               @:initStack(mbcaller ? pci->argc:1)@
-       }
        if (stk->cmd && env && stk->cmd != 'f')
                stk->cmd = env->cmd;
@@ -411,7 +404,7 @@
                        stk->stksize = mb->vsize;
                        stk->blk = mb;
                        stk->up = 0;
-                       @:initStack(pci->argc)@
+                       @:initStack(0)@
                        *env = stk;
                } else stk = *env;
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