Changeset: 930858f76e41 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Mar2011 branch.

diffs (253 lines):

diff --git a/NT/Makefile b/NT/Makefile
--- a/NT/Makefile
+++ b/NT/Makefile
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
 # All Rights Reserved.
+srcdir = $(TOPDIR)\..
 prefix = $(MAKEDIR)
 !INCLUDE "$(TOPDIR)\..\NT\rules.msc"
-all: "$(SRCDIR)\Makefile.msc" monetdb_config.h unistd.h inttypes.h .monetdb
-       $(MAKE) /nologo /f "$(SRCDIR)\Makefile.msc" "prefix=$(prefix)" 
"bits=$(bits)" all
+all: "$(srcdir)\Makefile.msc" monetdb_config.h unistd.h inttypes.h .monetdb
+       $(MAKE) /nologo /f "$(srcdir)\Makefile.msc" "prefix=$(prefix)" 
"bits=$(bits)" all
 install: targetdirs all
-       $(MAKE) /nologo /f "$(SRCDIR)\Makefile.msc" "prefix=$(prefix)" 
"bits=$(bits)" install
+       $(MAKE) /nologo /f "$(srcdir)\Makefile.msc" "prefix=$(prefix)" 
"bits=$(bits)" install
        $(INSTALL) .monetdb "$(sysconfdir)"
        $(INSTALL) ..\NT\installer$(bits)\*.sln "$(prefix)"
        $(INSTALL) ..\NT\installer$(bits)\*.vdproj "$(prefix)"
        -if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)" if $(bits)==32 cd 
"$(prefix)"&&C:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe -i "s/Program Files/Program Files (x86)/" 
-$(SRCDIR)\Makefile.msc: "$(SRCDIR)\"
-        cd "$(SRCDIR)"&&set PYTHONPATH=buildtools\autogen&&python 
+$(srcdir)\Makefile.msc: "$(srcdir)\"
+        cd "$(srcdir)"&&set PYTHONPATH=buildtools\autogen&&python 
-monetdb_config.h: "$(SRCDIR)\NT\"
-       $(CONFIGURE) "$(SRCDIR)\NT\" > monetdb_config.h
+monetdb_config.h: "$(srcdir)\NT\"
+       $(CONFIGURE) "$(srcdir)\NT\" > monetdb_config.h
        $(ECHO) #ifndef UNISTD_H > unistd.h
diff --git a/NT/rules.msc b/NT/rules.msc
--- a/NT/rules.msc
+++ b/NT/rules.msc
@@ -397,19 +397,19 @@
 CONFIG_H = monetdb_config.h
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -l -x h $<
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -l -x h $<
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -x c $<
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -x c $<
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -l -x mal $<
        if not exist .libs $(MKDIR) .libs
        $(INSTALL) $@ .libs\$@
@@ -419,25 +419,25 @@
        if not exist .libs $(MKDIR) .libs
        $(INSTALL) $@ .libs\$@
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -l -x sql $<
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -l -x sql $<
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -x y $<
        $(MX) $(MXFLAGS) -x y $<
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
        echo EXPORTS > $@
        type $< >> $@
diff --git a/buildtools/autogen/autogen/ 
--- a/buildtools/autogen/autogen/
+++ b/buildtools/autogen/autogen/
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
     fd.write('%s-%d-all: "%s-%d-dir" "%s-%d-Makefile"\n' % (n, i, n, i, n, i))
     fd.write('\t$(CD) "%s" && $(MAKE) /nologo $(MAKEDEBUG) "prefix=$(prefix)" 
"bits=$(bits)" all \n' % vv)
     fd.write('%s-%d-dir: \n\tif not exist "%s" $(MKDIR) "%s"\n' % (n, i, vv, 
-    fd.write('%s-%d-Makefile: "$(SRCDIR)\\%s\\Makefile.msc"\n' % (n, i, v))
-    fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s\\Makefile.msc" "%s\\Makefile"\n' % 
(v, v))
+    fd.write('%s-%d-Makefile: "$(srcdir)\\%s\\Makefile.msc"\n' % (n, i, v))
+    fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s\\Makefile.msc" "%s\\Makefile"\n' % 
(v, v))
     fd.write('%s-%d-check:\n' % (n, i))
     fd.write('\t$(CD) "%s" && $(MAKE) /nologo $(MAKEDEBUG) "prefix=$(prefix)" 
"bits=$(bits)" check\n' % vv)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
     if dir[0] == '$':
         return ""
     elif not os.path.isabs(dir):
-        dir = "$(SRCDIR)/" + dir
+        dir = "$(srcdir)/" + dir
         return ""
     return prefix+string.replace(dir, '/', '\\')
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
     elif dir == "builddir":
         dir = "."
     elif dir == "srcdir":
-        dir = "$(SRCDIR)"
+        dir = "$(srcdir)"
     elif dir in ('bindir', 'builddir', 'datadir', 'includedir', 'infodir',
                  'libdir', 'libexecdir', 'localstatedir', 'mandir',
                  'oldincludedir', 'pkgbindir', 'pkgdatadir', 'pkgincludedir',
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 def msc_translate_file(path, msc):
     if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(msc['cwd'], path)):
-        return "$(SRCDIR)\\" + path
+        return "$(srcdir)\\" + path
     return path
 def msc_space_sep_list(l):
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
         if msc['INSTALL'].has_key(script):
         if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(msc['cwd'], script+'.in')):
-            inf = '$(SRCDIR)\\' % script
+            inf = '$(srcdir)\\' % script
             if inf not in msc['_IN']:
                 # TODO
                 # replace this hack by something like configure ...
@@ -418,8 +418,8 @@
                 fd.write('\t$(CONFIGURE) "%s" > "%s"\n' % (inf, script))
         elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(msc['cwd'], script)):
-            fd.write('%s: "$(SRCDIR)\\%s"\n' % (script, script))
-            fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (script, script))
+            fd.write('%s: "$(srcdir)\\%s"\n' % (script, script))
+            fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (script, script))
         if scripts.has_key('COND'):
             condname = 'defined(' + ') && defined('.join(scripts['COND']) + ')'
             mkname = script.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
         h, ext = split_filename(header)
         if ext in hdrs_ext:
             if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(msc['cwd'], header+'.in')):
-                inf = '$(SRCDIR)\\' % header
+                inf = '$(srcdir)\\' % header
                 if inf not in msc['_IN']:
                     # TODO
                     # replace this hack by something like configure ...
@@ -475,10 +475,10 @@
                     fd.write('\t$(CONFIGURE) "%s" > "%s"\n' % (inf, header))
             elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(msc['cwd'], header)):
-                fd.write('%s: "$(SRCDIR)\\%s"\n' % (header, header))
-##                fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (header, 
-##                fd.write('\tif not exist "%s" if exist "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" 
$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (header, header, header, header))
-                fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (header, 
+                fd.write('%s: "$(srcdir)\\%s"\n' % (header, header))
+##                fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (header, 
+##                fd.write('\tif not exist "%s" if exist "$(srcdir)\\%s" 
$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (header, header, header, header))
+                fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (header, 
             if headers.has_key('COND'):
                 condname = 'defined(' + ') && defined('.join(headers['COND']) 
+ ')'
                 mkname = header.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@
                 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(msc['cwd'], i+'.in')):
                     # TODO
                     # replace this hack by something like configure ...
-                    fd.write('%s: "$(SRCDIR)\\"\n' % (i, i))
-                    fd.write('\t$(CONFIGURE) "$(SRCDIR)\\" > "%s"\n' % 
(i, i))
+                    fd.write('%s: "$(srcdir)\\"\n' % (i, i))
+                    fd.write('\t$(CONFIGURE) "$(srcdir)\\" > "%s"\n' % 
(i, i))
                 elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(msc['cwd'], i)):
-                    fd.write('%s: "$(SRCDIR)\\%s"\n' % (i, i))
-                    fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (i, i))
+                    fd.write('%s: "$(srcdir)\\%s"\n' % (i, i))
+                    fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (i, i))
                 msc['INSTALL'][i] = i, '', '$(bindir)', '', ''
         else: # link
             binmap = binmap[0]
@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@
     msc_deps(fd, libsmap['DEPS'], ".obj", msc)
 def msc_includes(fd, var, values, msc):
-    incs = "-I$(SRCDIR)"
+    incs = "-I$(srcdir)"
     for i in values:
         # replace all occurrences of @XXX@ with $(XXX)
         i = re.sub('@([A-Z_]+)@', r'$(\1)', i)
@@ -1006,11 +1006,11 @@
         fd.write('\tgem build %s\n' % f)
         for src in srcs:
             src = src.replace('/', '\\')
-            fd.write('%s: "$(SRCDIR)\\%s"\n' % (src, src))
+            fd.write('%s: "$(srcdir)\\%s"\n' % (src, src))
             if '\\' in src:
                 d = src[:src.rfind('\\')]
                 fd.write('\tif not exist "%s" $(MKDIR) "%s"\n' % (d, d))
-            fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (src, src))
+            fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (src, src))
         msc['INSTALL'][f] = f, '', '', '', 'defined(HAVE_RUBYGEM)'
         fd.write('install_%s: "%s" "%s"\n' % (f, f[:-4], rd))
         fd.write('\tgem install "%s" --local --install-dir "%s" --force 
--rdoc\n' % (f[:-4], rd))
@@ -1031,11 +1031,11 @@
         fd.write('target_python_%s: %s %s\n' % (f, ' '.join(srcs), f))
         fd.write('\t$(PYTHON) %s build\n' % f)
         for src in srcs:
-            fd.write('%s: "$(SRCDIR)\\%s"\n' % (src, src))
+            fd.write('%s: "$(srcdir)\\%s"\n' % (src, src))
             fd.write('\tif not exist "%s" $(MKDIR) "%s"\n' % (src, src))
-            fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s"\\*.py "%s"\n' % (src, src))
-        fd.write('%s: "$(SRCDIR)\\%s"\n' % (f, f))
-        fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(SRCDIR)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (f, f))
+            fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s"\\*.py "%s"\n' % (src, src))
+        fd.write('%s: "$(srcdir)\\%s"\n' % (f, f))
+        fd.write('\t$(INSTALL) "$(srcdir)\\%s" "%s"\n' % (f, f))
         msc['INSTALL'][f] = f, '', '', '', ''
         fd.write('install_%s:\n' % f)
         fd.write('\t$(PYTHON) %s install --prefix "$(prefix)"\n' % f)
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@
     fd.write("callant%d.bat:\n" % callantno)
     fd.write("\techo @set thisdir=%%~dp0>callant%d.bat\n" % callantno)
     fd.write("\techo @set thisdir=%%thisdir:~0,-1%%>>callant%d.bat\n" % 
-    fd.write("\techo @$(ANT) -f $(SRCDIR)\\build.xml 
\"-Dbuilddir=%%thisdir%%\" \"-Djardir=%%thisdir%%\" %s>>callant%d.bat\n" % 
(target, callantno))
+    fd.write("\techo @$(ANT) -f $(srcdir)\\build.xml 
\"-Dbuilddir=%%thisdir%%\" \"-Djardir=%%thisdir%%\" %s>>callant%d.bat\n" % 
(target, callantno))
     fd.write("%s_ant_target: callant%d.bat\n" % (target, callantno))
     fd.write("\tcallant%d.bat\n" % callantno)
     callantno = callantno + 1
@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@
             d, t = os.path.split(d)
     fd.write("TOPDIR = %s\n" % string.replace(reldir, '/', '\\'))
-    fd.write("SRCDIR = $(TOPDIR)\\..%s\n" % string.replace(srcdir, '/', '\\'))
+    fd.write("srcdir = $(TOPDIR)\\..%s\n" % string.replace(srcdir, '/', '\\'))
     fd.write("!INCLUDE $(TOPDIR)\\..\\NT\\rules.msc\n")
     if tree.has_key("SUBDIRS"):
         fd.write("all: all-recursive all-msc\n")
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