Changeset: 78b95a89fbdc for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Mar2011
Log Message:

Merge git master into Mar2011

diffs (truncated from 4166 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/pathfinder/compiler/ b/pathfinder/compiler/
--- a/pathfinder/compiler/
+++ b/pathfinder/compiler/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 # 2008-2011 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, respectively.  All
 # Rights Reserved.
-SUBDIRS = utils schema debug mem parser semantics core algebra mil include sql 
algebra-m5sql xmlimport 
+SUBDIRS = utils schema debug mem parser semantics core algebra mil include sql 
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
                mil/libmil \
                libcompiler2 \
                mem/libmem \
-               algebra-m5sql/libmsa \
                sql/libsql \
                xmlimport/libxmlimport \
diff --git a/pathfinder/compiler/algebra-m5sql/ 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pathfinder/compiler/algebra-m5sql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Notice:
-# -----------------
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Pathfinder Public License
-# Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-# under the License.
-# The Original Code is the Pathfinder system.
-# The Original Code has initially been developed by the Database &
-# Information Systems Group at the University of Konstanz, Germany and
-# the Database Group at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany.
-# It is now maintained by the Database Systems Group at the Eberhard
-# Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany.  Portions created by the
-# University of Konstanz, the Technische Universitaet Muenchen, and the
-# Universitaet Tuebingen are Copyright (C) 2000-2005 University of
-# Konstanz, (C) 2005-2008 Technische Universitaet Muenchen, and (C)
-# 2008-2011 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, respectively.  All
-# Rights Reserved.
-# Fri Oct 27 10:05:33 CEST 2006, Manuel Mayr
-INCLUDES = ../include ../../../common/options ../../../gdk
-# locally disable "-Werror"
-#X_CFLAGS = "-pedantic"
-# ignore warning "null dimension: sizeof()"
-# with Sun Studio 12 compiler
-lib_msa = {
-       NOINST
-       DIR = libdir
-       SOURCES = \
-               lalg2msa.c \
-               msa.c \
-               msaprint.c
diff --git a/pathfinder/compiler/algebra-m5sql/lalg2msa.c 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pathfinder/compiler/algebra-m5sql/lalg2msa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1043 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- *
- * Transforms the logical algebra tree into a tree that represents
- * SQL statements.
- *
- * Copyright Notice:
- * -----------------
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Pathfinder Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the Pathfinder system.
- *
- * The Original Code has initially been developed by the Database &
- * Information Systems Group at the University of Konstanz, Germany and
- * the Database Group at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany.
- * It is now maintained by the Database Systems Group at the Eberhard
- * Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany.  Portions created by the
- * University of Konstanz, the Technische Universitaet Muenchen, and the
- * Universitaet Tuebingen are Copyright (C) 2000-2005 University of
- * Konstanz, (C) 2005-2008 Technische Universitaet Muenchen, and (C)
- * 2008-2011 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, respectively.  All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-/* always include monetdb_config.h first! */
-#include "monetdb_config.h"
-#include "pathfinder.h"
-/** assert() */
-#include <assert.h>
-/** fprintf() */
-#include <stdio.h>
-/** strcpy, strlen, ... */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "oops.h"             /* PFoops() */
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "array.h"
-#include "string_utils.h"
-#include "lalg2msa.h"
-/* Easily access subtree-parts */
-#include "child_mnemonic.h"
-#include "msa.h"
-#include "algebra.h"
-#include "alg_dag.h"
-#include "ordering.h"
-#include "msa_mnemonic.h"
-/* Auxiliary function that searches for a certain col 
-   in a expression list and returns an expression
-   representing the found column. If no column was
-   found, NULL will be returned */
-static PFmsa_expr_t *
-find_expr(PFmsa_exprlist_t *expr_list, PFalg_col_t col)
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < elsize(expr_list); i++) {
-        PFmsa_expr_t *curr_expr = elat(expr_list, i);
-        if ((curr_expr->col) == col)
-            return curr_expr;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/* Auxiliary function that constructs an expression list containing
-   column references of the columns in a schema */
-static PFmsa_exprlist_t *
-exprlist_from_schema(PFalg_schema_t schema)
-    unsigned int i;
-    PFmsa_exprlist_t *ret = el(schema.count);
-    for (i = 0; i < schema.count; i++) {
-        PFmsa_expr_t *new_expr = PFmsa_expr_column(schema.items[i].name, 
-        eladd(ret) = new_expr;
-    }
-    return ret;
-static PFmsa_expr_t *
-deep_copy_expr(PFmsa_expr_t *n)
-    PFmsa_expr_t *ret = PFmalloc (sizeof(PFmsa_expr_t));
-    memcpy(ret, n, sizeof(PFmsa_expr_t));
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < PFMSA_OP_MAXCHILD && n->child[i]; i++) {
-        ret->child[i] = deep_copy_expr(n->child[i]);
-    }
-    return ret;
-/* Bind a msa operator to a la operator during translation. That is:
-   Put a selection and projection operator on top of the current
-   operator to 'materialize' changes in schema and predicates */
-static void
-bindop(PFla_op_t *n)
-    PFmsa_op_t *sel = PFmsa_op_select (OP(n), SEL_LIST(n));
-    PFmsa_op_t *prj = PFmsa_op_project (sel, false, PRJ_LIST(n));
-    OP(n) = prj;
-    PRJ_LIST(n) = exprlist_from_schema (n->schema);
-    SEL_LIST(n) = el(1);
-    return;
-/* ----- Translate the logical algebra into M5 SQL algebra ----- */
-/* Worker that performes translation from la to msa. Note that 
-   not every operator is translated 1-to-1 but so called selection
-   and projection lists are carried along, which represent changes
-   in schema (e.g. attaching of a row) or selection predicates.
-   The function is bottom-up: We descend to leaf nodes, compute
-   operators and lists and write them to an annotation field (msa_ann)
-   in the original la operator */
-static void
-alg2msa_worker(PFla_op_t *n)
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* declarations need for the translation: msa annotation and its contents 
-    PFmsa_ann_t *msa_ann;
-    PFmsa_op_t *op = NULL;
-    PFmsa_exprlist_t *prj_list = NULL;
-    PFmsa_exprlist_t *sel_list = NULL;
-    /* traverse child operators recursively */
-    for (i = 0; i < PFLA_OP_MAXCHILD && n->child[i]; i++) {
-        if (!n->child[i]->bit_dag) 
-            alg2msa_worker(n->child[i]);
-    }
-    switch (n->kind) {
-        case la_serialize_seq:
-        {
-            PFalg_collist_t         *collist;
-            /* bind node containing la DAG */
-            bindop(R(n));
-            /* la_side_effects node will not be bound */
-            /* build list containing the item column */
-            collist = PFalg_collist(1);
-            PFalg_collist_add(collist) = n->sem.ser_seq.item;
-            op = PFmsa_op_serialize_rel(OP (R(n)),
-                                        OP (L(n)),
-                                        col_NULL,
-                                        n->sem.ser_seq.pos,
-                                        collist);
-            /* not necessary to set project nor select list */
-        }
-            break;
-        case la_serialize_rel:
-            /* FIXME: NOT TESTED YET! */
-            /* bind node with la DAG */
-            bindop(R(n));
-            /* la_side_effects node will not be bound */
-            op = PFmsa_op_serialize_rel(OP (R(n)),
-                                        OP (L(n)),
-                                        n->sem.ser_rel.iter,
-                                        n->sem.ser_rel.pos,
-                                        n->sem.ser_rel.items);
-            /* not necessary to set project nor select list */
-            break;
-        case la_side_effects:
-            /* build operator and lists */
-            op = PFmsa_op_nil_node();
-            prj_list = NULL;
-            sel_list = NULL;
-            break;
-        case la_lit_tbl:
-            /* Build literal table operator with the information
-               of the original la operator. */
-            /* build operator and lists */
-            op = PFmsa_op_literal_table(n->schema, n->sem.lit_tbl.count,
-                                        n->sem.lit_tbl.tuples);
-            prj_list = exprlist_from_schema(n->schema);
-            sel_list = el(1);
-            break;
-        case la_empty_tbl:
-            /* Build empty table operator with the schema
-             of the original la operator. */
-            /* build operator and lists */
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