Changeset: afd404ded48f for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

mclient: allow to list and describe sequences

added a function to create a sequence creation statement that matches
the current state of the sequence

added code to deal with \ds to activate sequence listing

We differ from psql in that \d for us means \dtv, and not \dtvs

diffs (truncated from 325 to 300 lines):

diff -r e34a5ab6cb5e -r afd404ded48f clients/ChangeLog
--- a/clients/ChangeLog Wed Nov 24 21:02:48 2010 +0100
+++ b/clients/ChangeLog Thu Nov 25 11:19:28 2010 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # ChangeLog file for clients
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Thu Nov 25 2010 Fabian Groffen <>
+- Added support for \ds to list sequences or describe a specific one
 * Mon Nov 22 2010 Fabian Groffen <>
 - Added support for wildcards * and ? in object names given to \d
   commands, such that pattern matching is possible, e.g. \d my*
diff -r e34a5ab6cb5e -r afd404ded48f clients/src/mapiclient/dump.c
--- a/clients/src/mapiclient/dump.c     Wed Nov 24 21:02:48 2010 +0100
+++ b/clients/src/mapiclient/dump.c     Thu Nov 25 11:19:28 2010 +0100
@@ -870,6 +870,97 @@
+describe_sequence(Mapi mid, char *schema, char *tname, stream *toConsole)
+       MapiHdl hdl = NULL;
+       char *query;
+       size_t maxquerylen;
+       char *sname = NULL;
+       if (schema == NULL) {
+               if ((sname = strchr(tname, '.')) != NULL) {
+                       size_t len = sname - tname;
+                       sname = malloc(len + 1);
+                       strncpy(sname, tname, len);
+                       sname[len] = 0;
+                       tname += len + 1;
+               } else if ((sname = get_schema(mid)) == NULL) {
+                       return 1;
+               }
+               schema = sname;
+       }
+       maxquerylen = 512 + strlen(tname) + strlen(schema);
+       query = malloc(maxquerylen);
+       snprintf(query, maxquerylen,
+               "SELECT \"s\".\"name\","
+                    "\"seq\".\"name\","
+                    "get_value_for(\"s\".\"name\",\"seq\".\"name\"),"
+                    "\"seq\".\"minvalue\","
+                    "\"seq\".\"maxvalue\","
+                    "\"seq\".\"increment\","
+                    "\"seq\".\"cycle\" "
+               "FROM \"sys\".\"sequences\" \"seq\", "
+                    "\"sys\".\"schemas\" \"s\" "
+               "WHERE \"s\".\"id\" = \"seq\".\"schema_id\" "
+                 "AND \"s\".\"name\" = '%s' "
+                 "AND \"seq\".\"name\" = '%s' "
+               "ORDER BY \"s\".\"name\",\"seq\".\"name\"",
+               schema, tname);
+       if ((hdl = mapi_query(mid, query)) == NULL || mapi_error(mid))
+               goto bailout;
+       while (mapi_fetch_row(hdl) != 0) {
+               char *schema = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 0);
+               char *name = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 1);
+               char *start = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 2);
+               char *minvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 3);
+               char *maxvalue = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 4);
+               char *increment = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 5);
+               char *cycle = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 6);
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole,
+                                "CREATE SEQUENCE \"%s\".\"%s\" START WITH %s",
+                                schema, name, start);
+               if (strcmp(increment, "1") != 0)
+                       mnstr_printf(toConsole, " INCREMENT BY %s", increment);
+               if (strcmp(minvalue, "0") != 0)
+                       mnstr_printf(toConsole, " MINVALUE %s", minvalue);
+               if (strcmp(maxvalue, "0") != 0)
+                       mnstr_printf(toConsole, " MAXVALUE %s", maxvalue);
+               mnstr_printf(toConsole, " %sCYCLE;\n", strcmp(cycle, "true") == 
0 ? "" : "NO ");
+               if (mnstr_errnr(toConsole)) {
+                       mapi_close_handle(hdl);
+                       hdl = NULL;
+                       goto bailout;
+               }
+       }
+       if (mapi_error(mid))
+               goto bailout;
+       mapi_close_handle(hdl);
+       hdl = NULL;
+       return 0;
+       if (hdl) {
+               if (mapi_result_error(hdl))
+                       mapi_explain_result(hdl, stderr);
+               else if (mapi_error(mid))
+                       mapi_explain_query(hdl, stderr);
+               mapi_close_handle(hdl);
+       } else if (mapi_error(mid))
+               mapi_explain(mid, stderr);
+       if (sname != NULL)
+               free(sname);
+       if (query != NULL)
+               free(query);
+       return 1;
 dump_table_data(Mapi mid, char *schema, char *tname, stream *toConsole)
        int cnt, i;
diff -r e34a5ab6cb5e -r afd404ded48f clients/src/mapiclient/mclient.c
--- a/clients/src/mapiclient/mclient.c  Wed Nov 24 21:02:48 2010 +0100
+++ b/clients/src/mapiclient/mclient.c  Thu Nov 25 11:19:28 2010 +0100
@@ -1762,19 +1762,22 @@
        mnstr_printf(toConsole, "\\q      - terminate session\n");
+#define MD_TABLE    1
+#define MD_VIEW     2
+#define MD_SEQ      4
+#define MD_FUNC     8
+#define MD_SCHEMA  16
 static int
 doFileByLines(Mapi mid, FILE *fp, const char *prompt)
-       char *line = NULL, *p = NULL;
+       char *line = NULL;
        char *oldbuf = NULL, *buf = NULL;
        size_t length;
        MapiHdl hdl = mapi_get_active(mid);
        MapiMsg rc = MOK;
        int sent = 0;           /* whether we sent any data to the server */
        int lineno = 1;
-       char hasWildcard = 0;
-       char hasSchema = 0;
-       char wantsSystem = 0; 
        if (prompt == NULL)
@@ -1957,18 +1960,35 @@
                                case 'r':
                                        rowsperpage = atoi(line + 2);
-                               case 'd':
+                               case 'd': {
+                                       char hasWildcard = 0;
+                                       char hasSchema = 0;
+                                       char wantsSystem = 0; 
+                                       unsigned int x = 0;
+                                       char *p;
                                        if (mode != SQL)
                                        while (isascii((int) line[length - 1]) 
                                               isspace((int) line[length - 1]))
                                                line[--length] = 0;
-                                       hasSchema = 0;
-                                       hasWildcard = 0;
-                                       wantsSystem = 0;
                                        for (line += 2; *line && 
!(isascii((int) *line) && isspace((int) *line)); line++)
                                                switch (*line) {
+                                                       case 't':
+                                                               x |= MD_TABLE;
+                                                       break;
+                                                       case 'v':
+                                                               x |= MD_VIEW;
+                                                       break;
+                                                       case 's':
+                                                               x |= MD_SEQ;
+                                                       break;
+                                                       case 'f':
+                                                               x |= MD_FUNC;
+                                                       break;
+                                                       case 'n':
+                                                               x |= MD_SCHEMA;
+                                                       break;
                                                        case 'S':
                                                                wantsSystem = 1;
@@ -1981,6 +2001,8 @@
                                        if (length == 0)
+                                       if (x == 0) /* default to tables and 
views */
+                                               x = MD_TABLE | MD_VIEW;
                                        for ( ; *line && isascii((int) *line) 
&& isspace((int) *line); line++)
@@ -2027,13 +2049,16 @@
-                                               describe_table(mid, NULL, line, 
toConsole, 1);
+                                               if (x & MD_TABLE || x & MD_VIEW)
+                                                       describe_table(mid, 
NULL, line, toConsole, 1);
+                                               if (x & MD_SEQ)
+                                                       describe_sequence(mid, 
NULL, line, toConsole);
 #ifdef HAVE_POPEN
                                                end_pager(saveFD, saveFD_raw);
                                        } else {
-                                               /* get all table names in 
current schema */
-                                               char *type, *name, *system, 
+                                               /* get all object names in 
current schema */
+                                               char *type, *name, *schema;
                                                char q[1024];
                                                char nameq[256];
                                                if (!*line) {
@@ -2042,50 +2067,79 @@
                                                if (hasSchema) {
                                                        snprintf(nameq, 256, 
-                                                                       "AND 
\"s\".\"name\" || '.' || \"t\".\"name\" LIKE '%s'",
+                                                                       "AND 
\"s\".\"name\" || '.' || \"o\".\"name\" LIKE '%s'",
                                                } else {
                                                        snprintf(nameq, 256,
\"s\".\"name\" = \"current_schema\" "
-                                                                       "AND 
\"t\".\"name\" LIKE '%s'",
+                                                                       "AND 
\"o\".\"name\" LIKE '%s'",
                                                snprintf(q, 1024,
-                                                               "SELECT 
\"t\".\"name\", \"t\".\"type\", "
"\"t\".\"system\", \"s\".\"name\" "
-                                                               "FROM 
\"sys\".\"_tables\" \"t\", "
+                                                               "SELECT 
\"name\", "
"CAST(\"type\" AS VARCHAR(30)) AS \"type\", "
"\"system\", \"sname\", "
"\"ntype\" "
+                                                               "FROM ("
+                                                               "SELECT 
\"o\".\"name\", "
+                                                                      "(CASE 
\"o\".\"system\" "
 "ELSE '' "
 "END || "
+                                                                  "CASE 
\"o\".\"type\" "
 "ELSE '' "
"END) AS \"type\", "
"\"o\".\"system\", "
"\"s\".\"name\" AS \"sname\", "
"CASE \"o\".\"type\" "
"WHEN 0 THEN %d "
 "WHEN 1 THEN %d "
 "ELSE 0 "
+                                                                          "END 
AS \"ntype\" "
+                                                               "FROM 
\"sys\".\"_tables\" \"o\", "
"\"sys\".\"schemas\" \"s\" "
-                                                               "WHERE 
\"t\".\"schema_id\" = \"s\".\"id\" "
+                                                               "WHERE 
\"o\".\"schema_id\" = \"s\".\"id\" "
                                                                  "%s %s "
-                                                                 "AND 
\"t\".\"type\" IN (0, 1) "
-                                                               "ORDER BY 
+                                                                 "AND 
\"o\".\"type\" IN (0, 1) "
+                                                               "UNION "
+                                                               "SELECT 
\"o\".\"name\", "
"'SEQUENCE' AS \"type\", "
"false AS \"system\", "
"\"s\".\"name\" AS \"sname\", "
+                                                                          "%d 
AS \"ntype\" "
+                                                               "FROM 
\"sys\".\"sequences\" \"o\", "
"\"sys\".\"schemas\" \"s\" "
+                                                               "WHERE 
\"o\".\"schema_id\" = \"s\".\"id\" "
+                                                                 "%s "
+                                                               ") AS \"all\" "
+                                                               "WHERE 
\"ntype\" & %d > 0 "
+                                                               "ORDER BY 
\"system\", \"name\"",
+                                                               MD_TABLE, 
                                                                (wantsSystem ?
                                                                  "" :
-                                                                 "AND 
\"t\".\"system\" = false"));
+                                                                 "AND 
\"o\".\"system\" = false"),
+                                                               MD_SEQ,
+                                                               nameq,
+                                                               x);
                                                hdl = mapi_query(mid, q);
                                                CHECK_RESULT(mid, hdl, buf, 
-                                               while (fetch_row(hdl) == 4) {
+                                               while (fetch_row(hdl) == 5) {
                                                        name = 
mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 0);
                                                        type = 
mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 1);
-                                                       system = 
mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 2);
                                                        schema = 
mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 3);
-                                                       if (strcmp(system, 
"true") == 0) {
-                                                               system = 
-                                                       } else {
-                                                               system = "";
-                                                       }
"%s%-6s  %s.%s\n",
-                                                                         *type 
== '1' ? "VIEW" : "TABLE",
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