Changeset: 434898c64e6c for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Oct2010 branch.

diffs (168 lines):

diff -r b99f578d0c62 -r 434898c64e6c 
--- a/sql/src/test/BugTracker-2009/Tests/reorder.SF-2770608.sql Wed Sep 22 
15:16:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/sql/src/test/BugTracker-2009/Tests/reorder.SF-2770608.sql Wed Sep 22 
17:14:13 2010 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,49 @@
+-- set up a table to test with
+-- (this happens to be sys.types as the time of writing)
+create table t2770608 (
+       "id"         INTEGER,
+       "systemname" VARCHAR(256),
+       "sqlname"    VARCHAR(1024),
+       "digits"     INTEGER,
+       "scale"      INTEGER,
+       "radix"      INTEGER,
+       "eclass"     INTEGER,
+       "schema_id"  INTEGER
+COPY 29 RECORDS INTO t2770608 FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n','"';
+0      "any"   "any"   0       0       0       0       0
+1      "bat"   "table" 0       0       0       1       0
+2      "ptr"   "ptr"   0       0       0       1       0
+3      "bit"   "boolean"       1       0       2       2       0
+4      "str"   "char"  0       0       0       3       0
+5      "str"   "varchar"       0       0       0       4       0
+6      "str"   "clob"  0       0       0       4       0
+7      "bte"   "tinyint"       8       1       2       6       0
+8      "sht"   "smallint"      16      1       2       6       0
+9      "oid"   "oid"   31      0       2       6       0
+10     "int"   "int"   32      1       2       6       0
+11     "lng"   "bigint"        64      1       2       6       0
+12     "wrd"   "wrd"   64      1       2       6       0
+13     "bte"   "decimal"       2       1       10      8       0
+14     "sht"   "decimal"       4       1       10      8       0
+15     "int"   "decimal"       9       1       10      8       0
+16     "lng"   "decimal"       19      1       10      8       0
+17     "flt"   "real"  24      2       2       9       0
+18     "dbl"   "double"        53      2       2       9       0
+19     "int"   "month_interval"        32      0       2       7       0
+20     "lng"   "sec_interval"  19      1       10      7       0
+21     "daytime"       "time"  7       0       0       10      0
+22     "daytime"       "timetz"        7       1       0       10      0
+23     "date"  "date"  0       0       0       11      0
+24     "timestamp"     "timestamp"     7       0       0       12      0
+25     "timestamp"     "timestamptz"   7       1       0       12      0
+26     "sqlblob"       "blob"  0       0       0       5       0
+5125   "url"   "url"   0       0       0       13      2000
+5187   "inet"  "inet"  0       0       0       13      2000
 -- query causes problems in specific pipeline
-select * from types t1, types t2 where =;
+select * from t2770608 t1, t2770608 t2 where =;
+-- clean up
+drop table t2770608;
diff -r b99f578d0c62 -r 434898c64e6c 
--- a/sql/src/test/BugTracker-2009/Tests/reorder.SF-2770608.stable.out  Wed Sep 
22 15:16:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/sql/src/test/BugTracker-2009/Tests/reorder.SF-2770608.stable.out  Wed Sep 
22 17:14:13 2010 +0200
@@ -21,10 +21,40 @@
-# 22:07:50 >  
-# 22:07:50 >  mclient -lsql -umonetdb -Pmonetdb --host=alf --port=31814 
-# 22:07:50 >  
+# 16:10:39 >  
+# 16:10:39 >  mclient -lsql -ftest -i -e --host=ottar --port=36062 
+# 16:10:39 >  
+#create table t2770608 (
+#      "id"         INTEGER,
+#      "systemname" VARCHAR(256),
+#      "sqlname"    VARCHAR(1024),
+#      "digits"     INTEGER,
+#      "scale"      INTEGER,
+#      "radix"      INTEGER,
+#      "eclass"     INTEGER,
+#      "schema_id"  INTEGER
+#COPY 29 RECORDS INTO t2770608 FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n','"';
+#0     "any"   "any"   0       0       0       0       0
+#1     "bat"   "table" 0       0       0       1       0
+#2     "ptr"   "ptr"   0       0       0       1       0
+#3     "bit"   "boolean"       1       0       2       2       0
+#4     "str"   "char"  0       0       0       3       0
+#5     "str"   "varchar"       0       0       0       4       0
+#6     "str"   "clob"  0       0       0       4       0
+#7     "bte"   "tinyint"       8       1       2       6       0
+#8     "sht"   "smallint"      16      1       2       6       0
+#9     "oid"   "oid"   31      0       2       6       0
+#10    "int"   "int"   32      1       2       6       0
+#11    "lng"   "bigint"        64      1       2       6       0
+#12    "wrd"   "wrd"   64      1       2       6       0
+#13    "bte"   "decimal"       2       1       10      8       0
+#14    "sht"   "decimal"       4       1       10      8       0
+#15    "int"   "decimal"       9       1       10      8       0
+#16    "l
+[ 29   ]
+#select * from t2770608 t1, t2770608 t2 where =;
 % sys.t1,      sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t2, 
sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2 # table_name
 % id,  systemname,     sqlname,        digits, scale,  radix,  eclass, 
schema_id,      id,     systemname,     sqlname,        digits, scale,  radix,  
eclass, schema_id # name
 % int, varchar,        varchar,        int,    int,    int,    int,    int,    
int,    varchar,        varchar,        int,    int,    int,    int,    int # 
diff -r b99f578d0c62 -r 434898c64e6c 
--- a/sql/src/test/BugTracker-2009/Tests/reorder.SF-2770608.stable.out.32bit    
Wed Sep 22 15:16:09 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-stdout of test 'reorder.SF-2770608` in directory 'src/test/BugTracker-2009` 
-# 22:07:50 >  
-# 22:07:50 >   mserver5 
"--config=/ufs/niels/scratch/rc/Linux-x86_64/etc/monetdb5.conf" --debug=10 
--set gdk_nr_threads=0 --set 
 --set "gdk_dbfarm=/ufs/niels/scratch/rc/Linux-x86_64/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm"    
--set mapi_open=true --set xrpc_open=true --set mapi_port=31814 --set 
xrpc_port=47766 --set monet_prompt= --trace  
"--dbname=mTests_src_test_BugTracker-2009" --set mal_listing=0 "--dbinit= 
include sql;" ; echo ; echo Over..
-# 22:07:50 >  
-# MonetDB server v5.14.0, based on kernel v1.32.0
-# Serving database 'mTests_src_test_BugTracker-2009', using 4 threads
-# Compiled for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically 
-# Copyright (c) 1993-July 2008 CWI.
-# Copyright (c) August 2008-2009 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved
-# Visit for further information
-# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://
-# MonetDB/SQL module v2.32.0 loaded
-#function user.main():void;
-#    clients.quit();
-#end main;
-# 22:07:50 >  
-# 22:07:50 >  mclient -lsql -umonetdb -Pmonetdb --host=alf --port=31814 
-# 22:07:50 >  
-% sys.t1,      sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.t2, 
sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2, sys.t2 # table_name
-% id,  systemname,     sqlname,        digits, scale,  radix,  eclass, 
schema_id,      id,     systemname,     sqlname,        digits, scale,  radix,  
eclass, schema_id # name
-% int, varchar,        varchar,        int,    int,    int,    int,    int,    
int,    varchar,        varchar,        int,    int,    int,    int,    int # 
-% 2,   9,      14,     2,      1,      2,      2,      1,      2,      9,      
14,     2,      1,      2,      2,      1 # length
-[ 0,   "any",  "any",  0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      0,      "any",  
"any",  0,      0,      0,      0,      0       ]
-[ 1,   "bat",  "table",        0,      0,      0,      1,      0,      1,      
"bat",  "table",        0,      0,      0,      1,      0       ]
-[ 2,   "ptr",  "ptr",  0,      0,      0,      1,      0,      2,      "ptr",  
"ptr",  0,      0,      0,      1,      0       ]
-[ 3,   "bit",  "boolean",      1,      0,      2,      2,      0,      3,      
"bit",  "boolean",      1,      0,      2,      2,      0       ]
-[ 4,   "str",  "char", 0,      0,      0,      3,      0,      4,      "str",  
"char", 0,      0,      0,      3,      0       ]
-[ 5,   "str",  "varchar",      0,      0,      0,      4,      0,      5,      
"str",  "varchar",      0,      0,      0,      4,      0       ]
-[ 6,   "str",  "clob", 0,      0,      0,      4,      0,      6,      "str",  
"clob", 0,      0,      0,      4,      0       ]
-[ 7,   "bte",  "tinyint",      8,      1,      2,      6,      0,      7,      
"bte",  "tinyint",      8,      1,      2,      6,      0       ]
-[ 8,   "sht",  "smallint",     16,     1,      2,      6,      0,      8,      
"sht",  "smallint",     16,     1,      2,      6,      0       ]
-[ 9,   "oid",  "oid",  31,     0,      2,      6,      0,      9,      "oid",  
"oid",  31,     0,      2,      6,      0       ]
-[ 10,  "int",  "int",  32,     1,      2,      6,      0,      10,     "int",  
"int",  32,     1,      2,      6,      0       ]
-[ 11,  "wrd",  "wrd",  32,     1,      2,      6,      0,      11,     "wrd",  
"wrd",  32,     1,      2,      6,      0       ]
-[ 12,  "lng",  "bigint",       64,     1,      2,      6,      0,      12,     
"lng",  "bigint",       64,     1,      2,      6,      0       ]
-[ 13,  "bte",  "decimal",      2,      1,      10,     8,      0,      13,     
"bte",  "decimal",      2,      1,      10,     8,      0       ]
-[ 14,  "sht",  "decimal",      4,      1,      10,     8,      0,      14,     
"sht",  "decimal",      4,      1,      10,     8,      0       ]
-[ 15,  "int",  "decimal",      9,      1,      10,     8,      0,      15,     
"int",  "decimal",      9,      1,      10,     8,      0       ]
-[ 16,  "lng",  "decimal",      19,     1,      10,     8,      0,      16,     
"lng",  "decimal",      19,     1,      10,     8,      0       ]
-[ 17,  "flt",  "real", 24,     2,      2,      9,      0,      17,     "flt",  
"real", 24,     2,      2,      9,      0       ]
-[ 18,  "dbl",  "double",       53,     2,      2,      9,      0,      18,     
"dbl",  "double",       53,     2,      2,      9,      0       ]
-[ 19,  "int",  "month_interval",       32,     0,      2,      7,      0,      
19,     "int",  "month_interval",       32,     0,      2,      7,      0       
-[ 20,  "lng",  "sec_interval", 19,     1,      10,     7,      0,      20,     
"lng",  "sec_interval", 19,     1,      10,     7,      0       ]
-[ 21,  "daytime",      "time", 7,      0,      0,      10,     0,      21,     
"daytime",      "time", 7,      0,      0,      10,     0       ]
-[ 22,  "daytime",      "timetz",       7,      1,      0,      10,     0,      
22,     "daytime",      "timetz",       7,      1,      0,      10,     0       
-[ 23,  "date", "date", 0,      0,      0,      11,     0,      23,     "date", 
"date", 0,      0,      0,      11,     0       ]
-[ 24,  "timestamp",    "timestamp",    7,      0,      0,      12,     0,      
24,     "timestamp",    "timestamp",    7,      0,      0,      12,     0       
-[ 25,  "timestamp",    "timestamptz",  7,      1,      0,      12,     0,      
25,     "timestamp",    "timestamptz",  7,      1,      0,      12,     0       
-[ 26,  "sqlblob",      "blob", 0,      0,      0,      5,      0,      26,     
"sqlblob",      "blob", 0,      0,      0,      5,      0       ]
-# 09:28:31 >  
-# 09:28:31 >  Done.
-# 09:28:31 >  
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