Changeset: 9eb9dec5f7b3 for MonetDB
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Tool to compare the results of two different Mtest runs.

This tool compares the "times.lst" files in the two given
directories and reports all tests whose results differ.  If the
standard output differs, differences in the error output are not
reported.  The tool is meant to find tests whose results differ, not
to list all differences.

Optionally, significant (more than 10%) slow down of succeeding
tests can also be reported.  (If tests fail, the speed is useless
and thus not reported.)  Note that comparing times is only useful if
the tests were run under comparable circumstances (optimization,
machine load, etc).

diffs (94 lines):

diff -r ff8b1b418aa3 -r 9eb9dec5f7b3 testing/src/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/src/   Thu Jun 10 14:02:07 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Tool to compare the results of two different Mtest runs.
+# This tool compares the "times.lst" files in the two given
+# directories and reports all tests whose results differ.  If the
+# standard output differs, differences in the error output are not
+# reported.  The tool is meant to find tests whose results differ, not
+# to list all differences.
+# Optionally, significant (more than 10%) slow down of succeeding
+# tests can also be reported.  (If tests fail, the speed is useless
+# and thus not reported.)  Note that comparing times is only useful if
+# the tests were run under comparable circumstances (optimization,
+# machine load, etc).
+import os
+def cmptests(dir1, dir2, timing = True):
+    lst1 = os.path.join(dir1, 'times.lst')
+    lst2 = os.path.join(dir2, 'times.lst')
+    res1 = {}
+    for line in open(lst1):
+        line = line.strip().split('\t')
+        if res1.has_key(line[0]):
+            print >> sys.stderr, '%s: duplicate key %s' % (lst1, line[0])
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if len(line) != 4:
+            continue
+        if line[0][-2:] == '/:':
+            continue
+        res1[line[0]] = tuple(line[1:])
+    slowdown = []
+    for line in open(lst2):
+        line = line.strip().split('\t')
+        if len(line) != 4:
+            continue
+        if line[0][-2:] == '/:':
+            continue
+        if not res1.has_key(line[0]):
+            print 'New test in %s: %s' % (lst2, line[0])
+            continue
+        tm1, out1, err1 = res1[line[0]]
+        tm2, out2, err2 = tuple(line[1:])
+        if out1 != out2:
+            print '%s output differs: %s %s' % (line[0], out1, out2)
+        elif err1 != err2:
+            print '%s errout differs: %s %s' % (line[0], err1, err2)
+        if timing and out1 == 'F_OK' and out2 == 'F_OK' and err1 == 'F_OK' and 
err2 == 'F_OK':
+            ftm1 = float(tm1)
+            ftm2 = float(tm2)
+            if ftm1 < ftm2:
+                if ftm2 - ftm1 > 0.1 * ftm1 or ftm2 - ftm1 > 0.1 * ftm2:
+                    slowdown.append((line[0], tm1, tm2))
+        del res1[line[0]]
+    if res1:
+        print '\nRemoved tests in %s:' % lst1
+        for tst in res1:
+            print tst
+    if slowdown:
+        print '\nSignificant slowdown in tests:'
+        for tst, tm1, tm2 in slowdown:
+            print '%s %s %s' % (tst, tm1, tm2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import getopt, sys
+    timing = False
+    def usage(ext):
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'Usage: %s [-t] dir1 dir2' % sys.argv[0]
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'Compare test outputs in dir1 and dir2.'
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'If -t option given, report significant slow 
+        sys.exit(ext)
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ht')
+    except getopt.GetoptError:
+        usage(1)
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o == '-h':
+            usage(0)
+        elif o == '-t':
+            timing = True
+    if len(args) != 2:
+        usage(1)
+    cmptests(args[0], args[1], timing)
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