changeset dc292002c703 in /var/www/hg/repositories/MonetDB

merging bugfixes from Feb2010 branch

 MonetDB5/src/modules/kernel/ |  91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (129 lines):

diff -r a49ad6accbaf -r dc292002c703 MonetDB5/src/modules/kernel/
--- a/MonetDB5/src/modules/kernel/      Fri May 07 01:48:39 2010 +0200
+++ b/MonetDB5/src/modules/kernel/      Fri May 07 10:47:17 2010 +0200
@@ -906,6 +906,67 @@
+#if 0
+Disabled partion based sub-order derive as its performance benefits appear
+to be questionable.
+With many (small) groups that need to be sub-grouped, the overhead of
+calling GRPgroup for each (small) group appears to be significant.
+Even with few (large) groups, sub-group each one individually appears to be
+more expensive than a "normal" (apparently also clustered on sorted data)
+holistic derive.
+Here are the results for a scenario that Roberto (& Wouter) reported:
+Input are two tables (termID int, docID int, count double) with the
+following statistics:
+     count(*)  count(distinct termID)  count(distinct docID)
+T1:   5000000                     103                  92317
+T2:   5000000                 1014049                  85306
+Though of equal size, T1 has only 103 termID groups with an average size of
+almost 50000 tuples each, while T2 has 1014049 termID groups with an average
+size of harly 5 tuples each.
+There are 1321544 distinct (termID,docID) combination in T1.
+There are 3251714 distinct (termID,docID) combination in T2.
+The first column (termID) is sorted in both tables.
+Here are the timings (debug build of Feb2010 on 64-bit Fedora 12, 2.40GHz
+Core2 Quad, 8 GB RAM) for the following query (with Tx from {T1,T2}):
+SELECT termID, docID, sum(count) AS count
+GROUP BY termID, docID
+OptPipe   CTderive_ordered()     T1          T2
+default   on                   2.69 sec   69.79 sec
+          off                  2.65 sec    6.15 sec
+nov2009   on                   2.18 sec   27.80 sec
+          off                  1.80 sec    3.42 sec
+I guess, the rough 10x improvement with many (small) groups, and up to 10%
+improvment with few (large) groups indeed makes the general benefits of
+partion based sub-order derive via CTderive_ordered() at least questionable.
+Once we are confident that CTderive_ordered() has no benefits at all in any
+cases, we should remove the code completely.
+Of course, with inputs that exceed main memory size, ordered data allows for
+rather straight forward partitioning into (few) large chunks that fit into
+main memory to perform the derive step of each chunk independintly in
+memory. These chunks can consist of multiple "outer" groups, provided each
+chunk contains only complete outer groups.
+I will prepare the respective code.
 /* partion based sub-order derive */
 CTderive_ordered(BAT *ohisto, BAT *b, BAT **res, BAT **reshisto) 
@@ -943,8 +1004,30 @@
                        BAT *B = BATdescriptor(nbn);
                        BATins(histo, nhisto, FALSE);
                        BATappend(bn, B, FALSE);
-                       BBPreleaseref(nh);
-                       BBPreleaseref(nbn);
+                       /*
+                        * To prevent leaking BATs, we need to release not only
+                        * the physical reference of BATdescriptor() bu also
+                        * the logical reference of BBPkeepref() in GRPgroup().
+                        * However, simply calling BBPreleaselref() in addition
+                        * to BBPreleaseref() does not do the job, possibly
+                        * because they both merely do a plain "--BBP_refs(i);"
+                        * resp.  "--BBP_lrefs(i);" instead of calling
+                        * [BBP]decref() which triggers the free/reclaim of
+                        * BATs once the number of both physical & logical
+                        * references becomes 0.  Only if we call BBPunfix()
+                        * (and hence [BBP]decref(,FALSE)) instead of
+                        * BBPreleaseref() *after* BBPreleaselref(), the BATs
+                        * are indeed freed.  Alternatively, when also calling
+                        * BBPdecref(,TRUE) instead of BBPreleaselref(), either
+                        * order of BBPunfix(i) & BBPdecref(,TRUE) yield the
+                        * desired effect of freeing the BATs.
+                        * It remains open, whether similar situations that
+                        * need similar fixes exist elsewhere in the code base.
+                        */
+                       BBPunfix(nh);
+                       BBPunfix(nbn);
+                       BBPdecref(nh, TRUE);
+                       BBPdecref(nbn, TRUE);
                } else {
                        if (msg != M5OutOfMemory)
@@ -974,6 +1057,7 @@
        *reshisto = histo;
        return 0;
 static int
@@ -986,6 +1070,8 @@
        int ht = (synced && BAThdense(b)) ? TYPE_void : TYPE_oid;
        if (!ct_map->tkey) { /* cannot derive more groups */
+#if 0
+               /* see comment above */
                if (!b->tkey && BATcount(b) > 1 && BATtordered(ct_map)&1 && 
                        BAThordered(ct_histo) &&
                        ATOMtype(b->htype) == TYPE_oid && 
@@ -999,6 +1085,7 @@
                        return ret?GDK_FAIL:GDK_SUCCEED;
                bn = BATnew(ht, TYPE_oid, BATcount(b));
                if (bn == NULL) 
                        return GDK_FAIL;
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