Hello everyone,

I found some questionable behaviors in the clang compiler.

I tried to calculate the smallest number in my machine with clang. I did it by 
looping as: 

a = a / 1.73

In g++, after 1358 loops, I found that a = 4.94066E-324, and the value of a 
never changes from loop 1358 till the end 1500 loop.

It is questionable for me that a non zero real number here a = 4.94066E-324 
divided by a non zero and non one real number here 1.73 will keep the same 
value. The phenomenon seems to the qualification of the ground state energy in 
a quantum system.

Is this bug for the clang compiler?

I tested my code with, g++ (Apple LLVM version 10.0.0, clang-1000.10.44.4) on 
Macintosh. I also tried a = a / 1.7, a = a / 1.77. 

All have similar results. A ground state qualification and unchanged value of 

I guess that it is related to the binary system used by the computer 

Here with my codes. 

Best wishes
Tianyou Yi
Postdoc researcher in National Tsing Hua University

Best wishes
Tianyou Yi 

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