
It looks like the working of C++20 introduced some breaking compatibilities 
with some C++17 accepted patterns. From what I read in 
https://reviews.llvm.org/rL375306 these incompatibilities weren’t really 
intented by the initial C++20 proposal, and thus broken patterns were still 
allowed as an extension, but would warn with -Wambiguous-reversed-operator 
enabled by default. Richard Smith had some hope that the C++20 standard would 
be fixed before being final.

C++20 is not fully finalized yet, but this date is approaching. What’s the 
state of the standard now ? Have the comparison issues been fixed ? If not, 
what do you suggest to users ? Fix the code (when it’s actually possible and 
make sense), or compile with -Wno-ambiguous-reversed-operator ? I am asking 
this question in the particular case of boost date_time: 
https://github.com/boostorg/date_time/issues/132 where I am actually unsure 
this is a good idea to change the existing code.

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