ioeric added a comment.

Map/Reduce change looks good to me.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/test/clang-doc/yaml-record.cpp:44
+// CHECK-0: ---
+// CHECK-0-NEXT: USR:             '06B5F6A19BA9F6A832E127C9968282B94619B210'
+// CHECK-0-NEXT: Name:            'C'
> Yes, in most regex worlds, but it doesn't work in FileCheck regex (complains 
> about unbalanced braces).
Forgot this was `FileCheck` ;) Have you tried `[0-9A-Z]{{n}}`? If nothing 
works, I'd probably just  check length of one USR and use `{{.*}}` to match the 
rest of USRs in all tests.

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