klimek added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/WhitespaceManager.cpp:678
     // Indent with tabs only when there's at least one full tab.
-    if (FirstTabWidth + Style.TabWidth <= Spaces) {
+    if (Style.TabWidth <= Spaces) {
       Spaces -= FirstTabWidth;
Why is this not just if (FirstTabWidth <= Spaces) then?

Comment at: unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp:9372
+  FormatStyle::UseTabStyle OldTabStyle = Alignment.UseTab;
+  unsigned OldTabWidth = Alignment.TabWidth;
+  Alignment.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_Always;
Instead of doing the save/restore dance, just put it at the end of a test or 
create a new test (or alternatively create a new style as copy and then change 
the settings on that).

  rC Clang


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