Author: sammccall
Date: Thu Jun 14 06:50:30 2018
New Revision: 334712

[clangd] FuzzyMatch: forbid tail-tail matches after a miss: [pat] !~ "panther"

This is a small code change but vastly reduces noise in code completion results.
The intent of allowing this was to let [sc] ~ "strncpy" and [strcpy] ~ "strncpy"
however the benefits for unsegmented names aren't IMO worth the costs.

Test cases should be representative of the changes here.

Reviewers: ilya-biryukov

Subscribers: ioeric, MaskRay, jkorous, cfe-commits

Differential Revision:


Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/FuzzyMatch.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/FuzzyMatch.cpp (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/FuzzyMatch.cpp Thu Jun 14 06:50:30 2018
@@ -261,33 +261,37 @@ void FuzzyMatcher::buildGraph() {
                         ? ScoreInfo{MatchMissScore, Match}
                         : ScoreInfo{MissMissScore, Miss};
-      if (!allowMatch(P, W)) {
-        Score[Match] = {AwfulScore, Miss};
-      } else {
-        auto &PreMatch = Scores[P][W];
-        auto MatchMatchScore = PreMatch[Match].Score + matchBonus(P, W, Match);
-        auto MissMatchScore = PreMatch[Miss].Score + matchBonus(P, W, Miss);
-        Score[Match] = (MatchMatchScore > MissMatchScore)
-                           ? ScoreInfo{MatchMatchScore, Match}
-                           : ScoreInfo{MissMatchScore, Miss};
-      }
+      auto &PreMatch = Scores[P][W];
+      auto MatchMatchScore =
+          allowMatch(P, W, Match)
+              ? PreMatch[Match].Score + matchBonus(P, W, Match)
+              : AwfulScore;
+      auto MissMatchScore = allowMatch(P, W, Miss)
+                                ? PreMatch[Miss].Score + matchBonus(P, W, Miss)
+                                : AwfulScore;
+      Score[Match] = (MatchMatchScore > MissMatchScore)
+                         ? ScoreInfo{MatchMatchScore, Match}
+                         : ScoreInfo{MissMatchScore, Miss};
-bool FuzzyMatcher::allowMatch(int P, int W) const {
+bool FuzzyMatcher::allowMatch(int P, int W, Action Last) const {
   if (LowPat[P] != LowWord[W])
     return false;
-  // We require a "strong" match for the first pattern character only.
-  if (P > 0)
-    return true;
-  // Obvious "strong match" for first char: match against a word head.
-  // We're banning matches outright, so conservatively accept some other cases
-  // where our segmentation might be wrong:
-  //  - allow matching B in ABCDef (but not in NDEBUG)
-  //  - we'd like to accept print in sprintf, but too many false positives
-  return WordRole[W] != Tail ||
-         (Word[W] != LowWord[W] && WordTypeSet & 1 << Lower);
+  // We require a "strong" match:
+  // - for the first pattern character.  [foo] !~ "barefoot"
+  // - after a gap.                      [pat] !~ "patnther"
+  if (Last == Miss) {
+    // We're banning matches outright, so conservatively accept some other 
+    // where our segmentation might be wrong:
+    //  - allow matching B in ABCDef (but not in NDEBUG)
+    //  - we'd like to accept print in sprintf, but too many false positives
+    if (WordRole[W] == Tail &&
+        (Word[W] == LowWord[W] || !(WordTypeSet & 1 << Lower)))
+      return false;
+  }
+  return true;
 int FuzzyMatcher::skipPenalty(int W, Action Last) const {

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/FuzzyMatch.h
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/FuzzyMatch.h (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/FuzzyMatch.h Thu Jun 14 06:50:30 2018
@@ -50,16 +50,18 @@ private:
   constexpr static int MaxPat = 63, MaxWord = 127;
   enum CharRole : unsigned char; // For segmentation.
   enum CharType : unsigned char; // For segmentation.
-  // Action should be an enum, but this causes bitfield problems:
+  // Action describes how a word character was matched to the pattern.
+  // It should be an enum, but this causes bitfield problems:
   //   - for MSVC the enum type must be explicitly unsigned for correctness
   //   - GCC 4.8 complains not all values fit if the type is unsigned
   using Action = bool;
-  constexpr static Action Miss = false, Match = true;
+  constexpr static Action Miss = false; // Word character was skipped.
+  constexpr static Action Match = true; // Matched against a pattern character.
   bool init(llvm::StringRef Word);
   void buildGraph();
   void calculateRoles(const char *Text, CharRole *Out, int &Types, int N);
-  bool allowMatch(int P, int W) const;
+  bool allowMatch(int P, int W, Action Last) const;
   int skipPenalty(int W, Action Last) const;
   int matchBonus(int P, int W, Action Last) const;
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ private:
   int PatN;                 // Length
   char LowPat[MaxPat];      // Pattern in lowercase
   CharRole PatRole[MaxPat]; // Pattern segmentation info
-  int PatTypeSet;           // Bitmask of 1<<CharType
+  int PatTypeSet;           // Bitmask of 1<<CharType for all Pattern 
   float ScoreScale;         // Normalizes scores for the pattern length.
   // Word data is initialized on each call to match(), mostly by init().
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ private:
   int WordN;                  // Length
   char LowWord[MaxWord];      // Word in lowercase
   CharRole WordRole[MaxWord]; // Word segmentation info
-  int WordTypeSet;            // Bitmask of 1<<CharType
+  int WordTypeSet;            // Bitmask of 1<<CharType for all Word characters
   bool WordContainsPattern;   // Simple substring check
   // Cumulative best-match score table.

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/unittests/clangd/CodeCompleteTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/unittests/clangd/CodeCompleteTests.cpp (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/unittests/clangd/CodeCompleteTests.cpp Thu Jun 14 
06:50:30 2018
@@ -193,27 +193,22 @@ int main() { ClassWithMembers().^ }
 TEST(CompletionTest, Filter) {
   std::string Body = R"cpp(
-    #define FooBarMacro
-    int Abracadabra;
-    int Alakazam;
+    #define MotorCar
+    int Car;
     struct S {
       int FooBar;
       int FooBaz;
       int Qux;
-  EXPECT_THAT(completions(Body + "int main() { S().Foba^ }").items,
-              AllOf(Has("FooBar"), Has("FooBaz"), Not(Has("FooBarMacro")),
-                    Not(Has("Qux"))));
-  EXPECT_THAT(completions(Body + "int main() { S().FR^ }").items,
-              AllOf(Has("FooBar"), Not(Has("FooBaz")), Not(Has("Qux"))));
-  EXPECT_THAT(completions(Body + "int main() { aaa^ }").items,
-              AllOf(Has("Abracadabra"), Has("Alakazam")));
+  // Only items matching the fuzzy query are returned.
+  EXPECT_THAT(completions(Body + "int main() { S().Foba^ }").items,
+              AllOf(Has("FooBar"), Has("FooBaz"), Not(Has("Qux"))));
-  EXPECT_THAT(completions(Body + "int main() { _a^ }").items,
-              AllOf(Has("static_cast"), Not(Has("Abracadabra"))));
+  // Macros require  prefix match.
+  EXPECT_THAT(completions(Body + "int main() { C^ }").items,
+              AllOf(Has("Car"), Not(Has("MotorCar"))));
 void TestAfterDotCompletion(clangd::CodeCompleteOptions Opts) {
@@ -461,21 +456,21 @@ TEST(CompletionTest, NoDuplicates) {
 TEST(CompletionTest, ScopedNoIndex) {
   auto Results = completions(
-          namespace fake { int BigBang, Babble, Ball; };
-          int main() { fake::bb^ }
+          namespace fake { int BigBang, Babble, Box; };
+          int main() { fake::ba^ }
-  // BigBang is a better match than Babble. Ball doesn't match at all.
-  EXPECT_THAT(Results.items, ElementsAre(Named("BigBang"), Named("Babble")));
+  // Babble is a better match than BigBang. Box doesn't match at all.
+  EXPECT_THAT(Results.items, ElementsAre(Named("Babble"), Named("BigBang")));
 TEST(CompletionTest, Scoped) {
   auto Results = completions(
-          namespace fake { int Babble, Ball; };
-          int main() { fake::bb^ }
+          namespace fake { int Babble, Box; };
+          int main() { fake::ba^ }
-  EXPECT_THAT(Results.items, ElementsAre(Named("BigBang"), Named("Babble")));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Results.items, ElementsAre(Named("Babble"), Named("BigBang")));
 TEST(CompletionTest, ScopedWithFilter) {

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/unittests/clangd/FuzzyMatchTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/unittests/clangd/FuzzyMatchTests.cpp (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/unittests/clangd/FuzzyMatchTests.cpp Thu Jun 14 
06:50:30 2018
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ TEST(FuzzyMatch, Matches) {
   EXPECT_THAT("", matches("unique_ptr"));
   EXPECT_THAT("u_p", matches("[u]nique[_p]tr"));
   EXPECT_THAT("up", matches("[u]nique_[p]tr"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("uq", matches("[u]ni[q]ue_ptr"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("uq", Not(matches("unique_ptr")));
   EXPECT_THAT("qp", Not(matches("unique_ptr")));
   EXPECT_THAT("log", Not(matches("SVGFEMorphologyElement")));
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ TEST(FuzzyMatch, Matches) {
   EXPECT_THAT("moza", matches("-[moz]-[a]nimation"));
   EXPECT_THAT("ab", matches("[ab]A"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("ccm", matches("[c]a[cm]elCase"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("ccm", Not(matches("cacmelCase")));
   EXPECT_THAT("bti", Not(matches("the_black_knight")));
   EXPECT_THAT("ccm", Not(matches("camelCase")));
   EXPECT_THAT("cmcm", Not(matches("camelCase")));
@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ TEST(FuzzyMatch, Matches) {
   EXPECT_THAT("LLLL", Not(matches("SVisualLoggerLogsList")));
   EXPECT_THAT("TEdit", matches("[T]ext[Edit]"));
   EXPECT_THAT("TEdit", matches("[T]ext[Edit]or"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("TEdit", matches("[Te]xte[dit]"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("TEdit", Not(matches("[T]ext[edit]")));
   EXPECT_THAT("TEdit", matches("[t]ext_[edit]"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("TEditDit", matches("[T]ext[Edit]or[D]ecorat[i]on[T]ype"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("TEditDt", matches("[T]ext[Edit]or[D]ecoration[T]ype"));
   EXPECT_THAT("TEdit", matches("[T]ext[Edit]orDecorationType"));
   EXPECT_THAT("Tedit", matches("[T]ext[Edit]"));
   EXPECT_THAT("ba", Not(matches("?AB?")));
   EXPECT_THAT("bkn", matches("the_[b]lack_[kn]ight"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("bt", matches("the_[b]lack_knigh[t]"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("ccm", matches("[c]amelCase[cm]"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("fdm", matches("[f]in[dM]odel"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("fob", matches("[fo]o[b]ar"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("bt", Not(matches("the_[b]lack_knigh[t]")));
+  EXPECT_THAT("ccm", Not(matches("[c]amelCase[cm]")));
+  EXPECT_THAT("fdm", Not(matches("[f]in[dM]odel")));
+  EXPECT_THAT("fob", Not(matches("[fo]o[b]ar")));
   EXPECT_THAT("fobz", Not(matches("foobar")));
   EXPECT_THAT("foobar", matches("[foobar]"));
   EXPECT_THAT("form", matches("editor.[form]atOnSave"));
@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ TEST(FuzzyMatch, Matches) {
   EXPECT_THAT("gp", matches("[G]it_Git_[P]ull"));
   EXPECT_THAT("is", matches("[I]mport[S]tatement"));
   EXPECT_THAT("is", matches("[is]Valid"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("lowrd", matches("[low]Wo[rd]"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("myvable", matches("[myva]ria[ble]"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("lowrd", Not(matches("[low]Wo[rd]")));
+  EXPECT_THAT("myvable", Not(matches("[myva]ria[ble]")));
   EXPECT_THAT("no", Not(matches("")));
   EXPECT_THAT("no", Not(matches("match")));
   EXPECT_THAT("ob", Not(matches("foobar")));
   EXPECT_THAT("sl", matches("[S]Visual[L]oggerLogsList"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("sllll", matches("[S]Visua[lL]ogger[L]ogs[L]ist"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("Three", matches("H[T]ML[HRE]l[e]ment"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("sllll", matches("[S]Visua[L]ogger[Ll]ama[L]ist"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("THRE", matches("H[T]ML[HRE]lement"));
   EXPECT_THAT("b", Not(matches("NDEBUG")));
   EXPECT_THAT("Three", matches("[Three]"));
   EXPECT_THAT("fo", Not(matches("barfoo")));
@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ TEST(FuzzyMatch, Matches) {
   // These would ideally match, but would need special segmentation rules.
   EXPECT_THAT("printf", Not(matches("s[printf]")));
   EXPECT_THAT("str", Not(matches("o[str]eam")));
+  EXPECT_THAT("strcpy", Not(matches("strncpy")));
+  EXPECT_THAT("std", Not(matches("PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED")));
+  EXPECT_THAT("std", Not(matches("pthread_condattr_setpshared")));
 struct RankMatcher : public testing::MatcherInterface<StringRef> {
@@ -236,12 +239,11 @@ template <typename... T> testing::Matche
 TEST(FuzzyMatch, Ranking) {
-  EXPECT_THAT("eb", ranks("[e]mplace_[b]ack", "[e]m[b]ed"));
               ranks("[cons]ole", "[Cons]ole", "ArrayBuffer[Cons]tructor"));
   EXPECT_THAT("foo", ranks("[foo]", "[Foo]"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("onMess",
-              ranks("[onMess]age", "[onmess]age", 
+  EXPECT_THAT("onMes",
+              ranks("[onMes]sage", "[onmes]sage", "[on]This[M]ega[Es]capes"));
   EXPECT_THAT("CC", ranks("[C]amel[C]ase", "[c]amel[C]ase"));
   EXPECT_THAT("cC", ranks("[c]amel[C]ase", "[C]amel[C]ase"));
   EXPECT_THAT("p", ranks("[p]", "[p]arse", "[p]osix", "[p]afdsa", "[p]ath"));
@@ -259,18 +261,13 @@ TEST(FuzzyMatch, Ranking) {
   EXPECT_THAT("is", ranks("[is]ValidViewletId", "[i]mport [s]tatement"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("title", ranks("window.[title]",
-                             "files.[t]r[i]m[T]rai[l]ingWhit[e]space"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("strcpy", ranks("[strcpy]", "[strcpy]_s", "[str]n[cpy]"));
-  EXPECT_THAT("close", ranks("workbench.quickOpen.[close]OnFocusOut",
-                             "[c]ss.[l]int.imp[o]rt[S]tat[e]ment",
-                             "[c][lo]rDecorator[s].[e]nable"));
+  EXPECT_THAT("strcpy", ranks("[strcpy]", "[strcpy]_s"));
 // Verify some bounds so we know scores fall in the right range.
 // Testing exact scores is fragile, so we prefer Ranking tests.
 TEST(FuzzyMatch, Scoring) {
-  EXPECT_THAT("abs", matches("[a]x[b]y[s]z", 0.f));
+  EXPECT_THAT("abs", matches("[a]w[B]xYz[S]", 0.f));
   EXPECT_THAT("abs", matches("[abs]l", 1.f));
   EXPECT_THAT("abs", matches("[abs]", 2.f));
   EXPECT_THAT("Abs", matches("[abs]", 2.f));

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