tra added a comment.

I've experimented a bit and I think that we may not need this patch at all.
As far as I can tell, nv_weak is only applicable to __device__ functions. It's 
ignored for __global__ kernels and is apparently forbidden for data.
For __device__ functions nvcc produces .weak attribute in PTX.

Using plain old __attribute__((weak)) does exactly the same. Considering that 
nv_weak is only used inside CUDA SDK headers, substituting weak in place of 
nv_weak will result in correct PTX, which is all we really need. I don't see 
much benefit turning it into full blown attribute just to mimic an internal 
CUDA implementation detail we don't care all that much about.

Now, replacing it in CUDA headers for all CUDA versions we support may be 
tricky. Let me give it a try. I'll send a patch, if I manage to make it work.

  rC Clang

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