Author: sammccall
Date: Tue Jun  5 02:34:46 2018
New Revision: 333993

[clangd] Rewrite JSON dispatcher loop using C IO (FILE*) instead of 

The EINTR loop around getline was added to fix an issue with mac gdb, but seems
to loop infinitely in rare cases on linux where the parent editor exits (most
reports with VSCode).
I can't work out how to fix this in a portable way with std::istream, but the
C APIs have clearer contracts and LLVM has a RetryAfterSignal function for use
with them which seems battle-tested.

While here, clean up some inconsistency around \n in log messages (now
add it only after JSON payloads), and reduce the scope of the
long-message handling which was only really added to fight fuzzers.

Reviewers: malaperle, ilya-biryukov

Subscribers: klimek, ioeric, jkorous, cfe-commits

Differential Revision:


Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp Tue Jun  5 02:34:46 2018
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ ClangdLSPServer::ClangdLSPServer(JSONOut
       Server(CDB, FSProvider, /*DiagConsumer=*/*this, Opts) {}
-bool ClangdLSPServer::run(std::istream &In, JSONStreamStyle InputStyle) {
+bool ClangdLSPServer::run(std::FILE *In, JSONStreamStyle InputStyle) {
   assert(!IsDone && "Run was called before");
   // Set up JSONRPCDispatcher.

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h Tue Jun  5 02:34:46 2018
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ public:
   /// class constructor. This method must not be executed more than once for
   /// each instance of ClangdLSPServer.
-  /// \return Wether we received a 'shutdown' request before an 'exit' request
-  bool run(std::istream &In,
+  /// \return Whether we received a 'shutdown' request before an 'exit' 
+  bool run(std::FILE *In,
            JSONStreamStyle InputStyle = JSONStreamStyle::Standard);

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/JSONRPCDispatcher.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/JSONRPCDispatcher.cpp (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/JSONRPCDispatcher.cpp Tue Jun  5 02:34:46 
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Chrono.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Errno.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
 #include <istream>
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ void JSONOutput::writeMessage(const json
     Outs << "Content-Length: " << S.size() << "\r\n\r\n" << S;
-  log(llvm::Twine("--> ") + S);
+  log(llvm::Twine("--> ") + S + "\n");
 void JSONOutput::log(const Twine &Message) {
@@ -180,27 +181,43 @@ bool JSONRPCDispatcher::call(const json:
   return true;
-static llvm::Optional<std::string> readStandardMessage(std::istream &In,
+// Tries to read a line up to and including \n.
+// If failing, feof() or ferror() will be set.
+static bool readLine(std::FILE *In, std::string &Out) {
+  static constexpr int BufSize = 1024;
+  size_t Size = 0;
+  Out.clear();
+  for (;;) {
+    Out.resize(Size + BufSize);
+    // Handle EINTR which is sent when a debugger attaches on some platforms.
+    if (!llvm::sys::RetryAfterSignal(nullptr, ::fgets, &Out[Size], BufSize, 
+      return false;
+    clearerr(In);
+    // If the line contained null bytes, anything after it (including \n) will
+    // be ignored. Fortunately this is not a legal header or JSON.
+    size_t Read = std::strlen(&Out[Size]);
+    if (Read > 0 && Out[Size + Read - 1] == '\n') {
+      Out.resize(Size + Read);
+      return true;
+    }
+    Size += Read;
+  }
+// Returns None when:
+//  - ferror() or feof() are set.
+//  - Content-Length is missing or empty (protocol error)
+static llvm::Optional<std::string> readStandardMessage(std::FILE *In,
                                                        JSONOutput &Out) {
   // A Language Server Protocol message starts with a set of HTTP headers,
   // delimited  by \r\n, and terminated by an empty line (\r\n).
   unsigned long long ContentLength = 0;
-  while (In.good()) {
-    std::string Line;
-    std::getline(In, Line);
-    if (!In.good() && errno == EINTR) {
-      In.clear();
-      continue;
-    }
+  std::string Line;
+  while (true) {
+    if (feof(In) || ferror(In) || !readLine(In, Line))
+      return llvm::None;
-    // Mirror '\n' that gets consumed by std::getline, but is not included in
-    // the resulting Line.
-    // Note that '\r' is part of Line, so we don't need to mirror it
-    // separately.
-    if (!In.eof())
-      Out.mirrorInput("\n");
     llvm::StringRef LineRef(Line);
     // We allow comments in headers. Technically this isn't part
@@ -208,19 +225,13 @@ static llvm::Optional<std::string> readS
     if (LineRef.startswith("#"))
-    // Content-Type is a specified header, but does nothing.
-    // Content-Length is a mandatory header. It specifies the length of the
-    // following JSON.
-    // It is unspecified what sequence headers must be supplied in, so we
-    // allow any sequence.
-    // The end of headers is signified by an empty line.
+    // Content-Length is a mandatory header, and the only one we handle.
     if (LineRef.consume_front("Content-Length: ")) {
       if (ContentLength != 0) {
         log("Warning: Duplicate Content-Length header received. "
             "The previous value for this message (" +
-            llvm::Twine(ContentLength) + ") was ignored.\n");
+            llvm::Twine(ContentLength) + ") was ignored.");
       llvm::getAsUnsignedInteger(LineRef.trim(), 0, ContentLength);
     } else if (!LineRef.trim().empty()) {
@@ -233,46 +244,45 @@ static llvm::Optional<std::string> readS
-  // Guard against large messages. This is usually a bug in the client code
-  // and we don't want to crash downstream because of it.
+  // The fuzzer likes crashing us by sending "Content-Length: 9999999999999999"
   if (ContentLength > 1 << 30) { // 1024M
-    In.ignore(ContentLength);
-    log("Skipped overly large message of " + Twine(ContentLength) +
-        " bytes.\n");
+    log("Refusing to read message with long Content-Length: " +
+        Twine(ContentLength) + ". Expect protocol errors.");
+    return llvm::None;
+  }
+  if (ContentLength == 0) {
+    log("Warning: Missing Content-Length header, or zero-length message.");
     return llvm::None;
-  if (ContentLength > 0) {
-    std::string JSON(ContentLength, '\0');
-[0], ContentLength);
-    Out.mirrorInput(StringRef(, In.gcount()));
-    // If the stream is aborted before we read ContentLength bytes, In
-    // will have eofbit and failbit set.
-    if (!In) {
-      log("Input was aborted. Read only " + llvm::Twine(In.gcount()) +
-          " bytes of expected " + llvm::Twine(ContentLength) + ".\n");
+  std::string JSON(ContentLength, '\0');
+  for (size_t Pos = 0, Read; Pos < ContentLength; Pos += Read) {
+    // Handle EINTR which is sent when a debugger attaches on some platforms.
+    Read = llvm::sys::RetryAfterSignal(0u, ::fread, &JSON[Pos], 1,
+                                       ContentLength - Pos, In);
+    Out.mirrorInput(StringRef(&JSON[Pos], Read));
+    if (Read == 0) {
+      log("Input was aborted. Read only " + llvm::Twine(Pos) +
+          " bytes of expected " + llvm::Twine(ContentLength) + ".");
       return llvm::None;
-    return std::move(JSON);
-  } else {
-    log("Warning: Missing Content-Length header, or message has zero "
-        "length.\n");
-    return llvm::None;
+    clearerr(In); // If we're done, the error was transient. If we're not done,
+                  // either it was transient or we'll see it again on retry.
+    Pos += Read;
+  return std::move(JSON);
 // For lit tests we support a simplified syntax:
 // - messages are delimited by '---' on a line by itself
 // - lines starting with # are ignored.
 // This is a testing path, so favor simplicity over performance here.
-static llvm::Optional<std::string> readDelimitedMessage(std::istream &In,
+// When returning None, feof() or ferror() will be set.
+static llvm::Optional<std::string> readDelimitedMessage(std::FILE *In,
                                                         JSONOutput &Out) {
   std::string JSON;
   std::string Line;
-  while (std::getline(In, Line)) {
-    Line.push_back('\n'); // getline() consumed the newline.
+  while (readLine(In, Line)) {
     auto LineRef = llvm::StringRef(Line).trim();
     if (LineRef.startswith("#")) // comment
@@ -284,39 +294,47 @@ static llvm::Optional<std::string> readD
     JSON += Line;
-  if (In.bad()) {
+  if (ferror(In)) {
     log("Input error while reading message!");
     return llvm::None;
-  } else {
+  } else { // Including EOF
         llvm::formatv("Content-Length: {0}\r\n\r\n{1}", JSON.size(), JSON));
     return std::move(JSON);
-void clangd::runLanguageServerLoop(std::istream &In, JSONOutput &Out,
+// The use of C-style std::FILE* IO deserves some explanation.
+// Previously, std::istream was used. When a debugger attached on MacOS, the
+// process received EINTR, the stream went bad, and clangd exited.
+// A retry-on-EINTR loop around reads solved this problem, but caused clangd to
+// sometimes hang rather than exit on other OSes. The interaction between
+// istreams and signals isn't well-specified, so it's hard to get this right.
+// The C APIs seem to be clearer in this respect.
+void clangd::runLanguageServerLoop(std::FILE *In, JSONOutput &Out,
                                    JSONStreamStyle InputStyle,
                                    JSONRPCDispatcher &Dispatcher,
                                    bool &IsDone) {
   auto &ReadMessage =
       (InputStyle == Delimited) ? readDelimitedMessage : readStandardMessage;
-  while (In.good()) {
+  while (!IsDone && !feof(In)) {
+    if (ferror(In)) {
+      log("IO error: " + llvm::sys::StrError());
+      return;
+    }
     if (auto JSON = ReadMessage(In, Out)) {
       if (auto Doc = json::parse(*JSON)) {
         // Log the formatted message.
         log(llvm::formatv(Out.Pretty ? "<-- {0:2}\n" : "<-- {0}\n", *Doc));
         // Finally, execute the action for this JSON message.
         if (!*Doc, Out))
-          log("JSON dispatch failed!\n");
+          log("JSON dispatch failed!");
       } else {
         // Parse error. Log the raw message.
         log(llvm::formatv("<-- {0}\n" , *JSON));
         log(llvm::Twine("JSON parse error: ") +
-            llvm::toString(Doc.takeError()) + "\n");
+            llvm::toString(Doc.takeError()));
-    // If we're done, exit the loop.
-    if (IsDone)
-      break;

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/JSONRPCDispatcher.h
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/JSONRPCDispatcher.h (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/JSONRPCDispatcher.h Tue Jun  5 02:34:46 2018
@@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ enum JSONStreamStyle {
 /// if it is.
 /// Input stream(\p In) must be opened in binary mode to avoid preliminary
 /// replacements of \r\n with \n.
-void runLanguageServerLoop(std::istream &In, JSONOutput &Out,
+/// We use C-style FILE* for reading as std::istream has unclear interaction
+/// with signals, which are sent by debuggers on some OSs.
+void runLanguageServerLoop(std::FILE *In, JSONOutput &Out,
                            JSONStreamStyle InputStyle,
                            JSONRPCDispatcher &Dispatcher, bool &IsDone);

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp Tue Jun  5 02:34:46 2018
@@ -238,5 +238,5 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   // Change stdin to binary to not lose \r\n on windows.
-  return, InputStyle) ? 0 : NoShutdownRequestErrorCode;
+  return, InputStyle) ? 0 : NoShutdownRequestErrorCode;

Modified: clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clangd/too_large.test
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clangd/too_large.test (original)
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clangd/too_large.test Tue Jun  5 02:34:46 2018
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
 Content-Length: 2147483648
-# STDERR: Skipped overly large message
+# STDERR: Refusing to read message

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